Sunin's Return


[H]ard|DCer of the Month - August 2008
Dec 27, 2005
Glad to have you back my friend.

Looks like your folding room is a large room, which is awesome.

I look forward to seeing the finished layout ... please take more pics.

I acutally like the larger (2mb) files. It allows us to see a lot of detail.!
Lookin' awesome already, and everything's still in parts. Look forward to lots of pics once you're up and running.
Welcome back man. Get settled in there. I know I hate moving so maybe setting your farm up will be a relaxing way to spend some evenings. I know it would be for me.

So everyone is starting to refer to themselves in the third person now? :D

Welcome back, the farm is looking good.
Did you attach a midi you those .jpegs?

I heard angels as they loaded.

Good to have you back Sunin. :D

That's a nice "farm" you're setting up. Talk about "powa' " :eek:

I hope everything is "trouble free" ;)

Folding and WCGing for a CURE

Welcome back, glad you got home safely with your precious farm :)

Welcome back. Glad to see you and the boxen survived the move.

Is it just me or do some of those boxen appear to be smiling at their new home? I could've sworn I saw one grinning.

Be sure and spread them puppies out. They've got lots of room to breathe now...;)

Thanks for the pictures and glad you got there with the farm intact. :)

Good to know you survived the eleventeen zillion trips up and down the elevator getting out the condo.
Welcome back.

Hmmmm... there must be some problem. I thought I had my speakers turned on. But I did not hear any angels singing.

You sure have lots of room in your folding area. Please post some more pics as your project continues.

Did the electrician install your new circuits yet?
Welcome back dude! Awesome farm you got there brewing!! :)

Wow, that is a lot of room compared to the closet! Hopefully it will be a lot easier keeping those boxen cool now.
Good luck getting it all set up again!!

Glad your back man... and congrats on a successful move.

Beers and tamales... Fold On!!

Hmmmm... there must be some problem. I thought I had my speakers turned on. But I did not hear any angels singing.

You sure have lots of room in your folding area. Please post some more pics as your project continues.

Did the electrician install your new circuits yet?

Not yet. I may get the name of the electrician that built the house and see if he wants to earn some quick easy money. Honestly just been too busy between getting situated and what not to get the electrical part done yet. Soon though! I want it up before Thanksgiving!

Welcome back. I hope Iowa is treating you nice.

Hey Sunin --- How is your new job at Dunder Mifflin working out?

Do they still have an opening as a Human Resources Representative?
free paper for folders? lol

hope you got a lot of GPU's in there :p

yes... im bitter lol
You know what? I. hate. you. :) but very nice set up..

Oh yea i don't have my FAH sig because its bookmarked (in ext HDD) since im reformatting vista on my other pc :D now with a p5q pro!! so pcie 2.0 so hopefully i can get some more ppd :D hehe.
Well after dragging my feet for a long while I finally got an electrician to come by and give me a quote... 7 outlets @ 20amp = $600...

I'm too cheap for that, so...

I revert to DIY! Total Cost under $100! $500 saved = electricity for probably 2 months!


are the outlets going in existing walls? those boxes are for putting in before drywall... if you want to mount outlets in existing walls they have boxes that have little wings so they grab onto the drywall instead of hammering nails into the studs
do it yourself, huh?

always cheaper than hiring the professional.

Good luck and god bless! ;)
Well after dragging my feet for a long while I finally got an electrician to come by and give me a quote... 7 outlets @ 20amp = $600...

I'm too cheap for that, so...

I revert to DIY! Total Cost under $100! $500 saved = electricity for probably 2 months!


Sweet, gotta love DIY. I gotta upgrade here one of these days, but...i have been shuffling
the feet. Moved into an old house recently with the old screw in fuses, blehhh, but slowly
I am assembling the pieces replace with modern equipment. Good Luck :D

are the outlets going in existing walls? those boxes are for putting in before drywall... if you want to mount outlets in existing walls they have boxes that have little wings so they grab onto the drywall instead of hammering nails into the studs

Non-drywalled atm. Actually no walls atm, I plan on framing it out this spring.
