Suggest an Android phone


Supreme [H]ardness
Aug 21, 2007
I have an upgrade available on 12/16/11. I want to start planning now. I'm looking for a smart phone. Previous 2 smart phones were Droid 1 and Droid 2. I've had a ton of problems with both of them (several replacements) so Motorola isn't my first pick (but I guess they're not out of the question). The Pre 3 looks good but the OS doesn't have the excellent app selection that Android does.

What I do:

1) Music - Pandora 9 hours a day at work
2)Email - Gmail and work exchange email
3)Web browsing
4) Games to pass the time - 5 minutes here or there.
5) GPS
6) Camera - This will be my main camera. I don't take a lot of pictures though. The 5mp on my Droid2 is sufficient

What's important to me (no order):

-Reliability - The Droid 1 and 2 have been lacking in this department. I don't want to go through it again.
-Speed - As I said, I use Pandora all day at work. I want something that won't struggle if I have multiple apps open.
-Aftermarket support/Strong community - Rooting, etc.
-Battery Life
-Antennae/Strong signal

Knowing that December will be my time to upgrade what will my best bet be? Is there a device out now or is there one on the way? I would be open to waiting a month or so after December if it's truly worth it.

Note: It must be verizon
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Good that you are in no hurry. Wait for the Galaxy S2 and lucky for you VZW will be releasing it last probably (September).
Also maybe Droid Bionic.

Not sure if you were interested in non-VZW phones. Either way Galaxy S2.

It does seem to have some software issue with the widgets that cause battery drain. But that's a software problem and only some people are complaining about it. I think it might be fixed in the next android update by samsung.
Way too early to start planning for a phone upgrade right now, lol. No one even knows what's coming out past the Bionic and Function (Verizons GS2). The Bionic should be out in the next few weeks since it's already passed the FCC and has its own splash page on Verizons site. By the time December comes around, these phones will probably already be superseded by something else. A new flagship Android phone comes out every few months now.
I would keep my eye on the Galaxy S II for sure, but there will probably be Kal-El based phones available or announced by December.
If you don't want to bother with Motorola anymore, there will be plenty of HTC choices on VZW by December, I'm sure.
It looks like you have verizon but I didnt see you say that. If you can, I highly recommend getting the nexus s.
Sorry, I should have specified I do have Verizon and will be keeping them.

Thanks for the suggestions thus far.
incredible 2, amazing battery life, same specs as the thunderbolt, more ram than the charge, but only 3g (no 4g). for streaming 4g is unneeded. Without the 4g you get a way slimmer quality build and better battery life. Who can argue about that? Plus HTC knows how to make good phones.
You're on Verizon.
4g- samsung droid charge
3G- incredible 2
Upcoming - samsung galaxy s2
You're on Verizon.
4g- samsung droid charge
3G- incredible 2
Upcoming - samsung galaxy s2

This guy is spot on. If you didn't hate Moto so much, I'd recommend the Droid 3 too. I'm still using my original Droid and absolutely cannot wait to upgrade to something, lol. I've been eligible since January, but haven't seen anything that's outstanding yet. The Function/GS2 will be best phone of the year, but the Bionic shouldn't be too far off either. I just hope it has an unlocked bootloader (which I doubt.. maybe unlocked after launch eventually though).
This is my opinion as I have the phone but the Droid Charge is amazing. However I highly recommend a root and a nice ROM. My phone is blazing fast, zero lag. The stock Charge is ok, but I got it for the screen, because I knew I would root it. My battery can last a 24hr period on one charge.
Most people with a D3 seem to be extremely happy about it. I was tempted to get rid of my thunderbolt and try out a phone with an actual keyboard but I think I'll miss 4G speeds too much to get the D3. Looks like i'll just be waiting for the next 4g device with a qwerty. Anyhow, if you don't have 4G your area, you should think about giving Motorola another chance.
Sensation isn't available for Verizon.

If there was a 4G LTE Sensation variant, I'd buy that over the other options personally.

I have a Droid Charge at the moment and just haven't been too impressed. I liked my "old" Inspire 4G on AT&T. After rooting it and running a custom kernel to OC, it ran like a champ. The Droid charge just feels slow in comparison even with a custom ROM/Kernel. LTE on the other hand is amazing.
Was going to suggest the sensation as well, but since you're stuck with verizon, just wait on the droid 3.
i donno your date is way beyond the release date of most of the good ones

i would keep my eye on htc's offering and motorola you will want one with an open boot loader and htc has stated its boot loaders as of august the first 2 to be unlocked will be the sensation and then the evo 3d but any htc phone after that should be unlocked from the start... Motorola atrix 4g will supposedly be unlocked after it gets gingerbread but chances are motorola wont be softening it stance on the boot loaders any time soon...
3G - Droid X2
4G - Droid Charge

I have a Charge arriving today. I'm seriously considering returning it for a Droid X2. I prefer a workhorse with excellent call quality over glamour & glitz.
Nexus-Prime 4.0

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Seriously the early buzz on the next Nexus, is that Google is truly aiming for an iPhone6 killer, and best smartphone ever made, it will be a super powerhouse of a device. The highest resolution smartphone to date, the fastest dual core to date, highest RAM amount to date, LTE radio, and the first phone running Android 4.0, "Ice Cream" the biggest update to the OS in the history of Android, supposed to have MAJOR changes and revisions to the UI. Buzz is that Verizon and ATT is on board this time to launch.

Release date expected Oct/Nov.
Nexus-Prime 4.0

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Seriously the early buzz on the next Nexus, is that Google is truly aiming for an iPhone6 killer, and best smartphone ever made, it will be a super powerhouse of a device. The highest resolution smartphone to date, the fastest dual core to date, highest RAM amount to date, LTE radio, and the first phone running Android 4.0, "Ice Cream" the biggest update to the OS in the history of Android, supposed to have MAJOR changes and revisions to the UI. Buzz is that Verizon and ATT is on board this time to launch.

Release date expected Oct/Nov.

Ugh. Until the iPhone 5 releases. We'd be lucky to see an ICS phone before Xmas.
Ugh. Until the iPhone 5 releases. We'd be lucky to see an ICS phone before Xmas.

I agree, typically the Nexus brand is released in December, but buzz is that Google wants it out earlier and a direct competitor to the iPhone5.

The administrator at Android Central said he heard it will be out in October supposedly;
Nexus-Prime 4.0

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Seriously the early buzz on the next Nexus, is that Google is truly aiming for an iPhone6 killer, and best smartphone ever made, it will be a super powerhouse of a device. The highest resolution smartphone to date, the fastest dual core to date, highest RAM amount to date, LTE radio, and the first phone running Android 4.0, "Ice Cream" the biggest update to the OS in the history of Android, supposed to have MAJOR changes and revisions to the UI. Buzz is that Verizon and ATT is on board this time to launch.

Release date expected Oct/Nov.
So far those are nothing but unsubstantiated rumors though. It's hard to recommend something when nobody knows anything about the phone. I agree that it's worth waiting to at least hear what happens with this phone before jumping into another purchase. Since T-mobile decided to collectively fuck Vibrant owners by publicly announcing that they aren't going to upgrade the year old Vibrant any further I'm waiting for info on the new Nexus to drop on another carrier. If it lives up to the rumors and has a Samoled screen and removable storage I will make the jump to whatever carrier it lands on.

If I were to recommend a phone based on what we know is coming out now I'd choose the Galaxy SII.
Look, there is a simple answer. It is the best answer so far. Ask the forum 2 weeks or at most a month before you want to upgrade. Clairvoyance is not real.
Since your upgrade isn't until Dec, I would wait for the next gen Nexus. If you were to buy now then get the SGS2 or wait until it comes out for your carrier.
Op here,

Seems like most of you were recommending the Samsung Galaxy S2. Doesn't appear to be coming out for verizon (please prove me wrong) so what's the next best bet?
Verizon will be releasing the Droid Prime soon. This should be the phone to get.