Stunted Performance on GTX1080

Be [H]. :D. RAM OCing isn't that hard - most RAM will even OC without the need to juice it. Lots of good guides out there. Looks scary, but it's not.
No difference with the 3d settings. Gonna go find a good guide on RAM overclocking because that seems to be the main differentiation now.
Take your time, it takes a while to lock in a solid/stable system OC. As to memory OC'ing, MemTest86 is your friend. Lots of other great testing tools and guides out there.
Before you know it, you be installing a water loop in your rig... :D
What AA modes were you using with Rise of the Tomb Raider? My numbers match up exactly with Anandtech's when I run no AA on my 1070 and a stock 6600k at 1080P. I really doubt your CPU is dropping your framerates by nearly half because of 1600mhz ram speed. Either the GPU or cpu is throttling, or your settings don't match up.
Oh and Supercharged_Z06 yeah the stock cooler blows (hehe) apparently. I'll invest in a beefier one tomorrow.

Wait, do I understand it here that you're running the stock cooler and overclocking a 3770k? I think I found your problem, genius. tth STOCK COOLER is INADEQUATE for an i7 AT STOCK, let-alone overclocked with the voltage raised. Hell, you might not be hitting STOCK speed if you have the voltage cranked?

Rise of the Tomb raider is a terribly-optimized dual-threaded game, so yes it would produce lower FPS than your average web review, (which uses an overclocked Haswell or later processor somewhere in the 4.5-5GHz range). See here where you actually get the best performance with a dual-core:


So what have we learned today? Oh yeah, terrible fucking console ports can highlight the weaknesses in the rest of your system.

Fix your fucking cooler problem. Buy a cheap EVO, and stop your issues just like that.

With this, you can actually SET IT AT 4.5, and GET 4.5.
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On Very High preset w/ FXAA I'm getting:

Mt. Peak: 144.26 - min: 91.62 - max: 197.63

Syria: 106.33 - min: 36.98 - max: 132.63

Geothermal Valley: 95.05 - min: 67.38 - max: 136.15

Overall: 115.71
freerangeninja Anandtech's bench is a pretty useful tool for doing some comparisons, and here's a link showing performance on a stock 3770k vs 6700k:

Takeaway is that as far as gaming performance with a dedicated GPU goes, at least when using a 980, you won't see much of a difference between the two. A 1080 might show a little difference but I'm not sure where the CPU/GPU limitation comes into play. Ivy is definitely still viable for a gaming system. So you're on the right path here with trying different system tweaks. I definitely think temperature throttling is part of your problem.

I don't have anything significant to add for further troubleshooting, just to echo replacing your heatsink. The CM 212 EVO is a fantastic cooler and isn't very expensive (~$30 USD). If it won't fit in your system the Cryorig H7 is a little shorter; I've been using one for a while now as the 212 evo wouldn't fit into my case (Corsair Carbide 88R) but the H7 fit with a little room to spare. If you can keep temps down you'll get a much more reliable max clock speed out of your CPU, and that can make a big difference.

Good luck! And keep us posted, this thread is, IMO, a fantastic example of how relatively minor tweaks (re-applying thermal paste, etc) can make a big difference in overall performance.
OP, can you get us a screenshot of the SPD tab in CPU-Z? Let's figure out what your memory SHOULD be running at before we get too crazy.
Yeah and I'd be more open to the CPU bottlenecking if it was maxing out when playing but its not. I think that RAM figure is at an idle state, I'll overlay those and re-run the benchmark with some screenies.

You can't tell if your CPU is maxing out by looking at chart. The only way that would be accurate is if a games has perfect scaling through the 4 physical cores and 4 virutal cores an i7 has which virtually no game does. A game can use a mere 18% of your CPU and still be CPU limited, because that essentially equates to one core being fully loaded. It very much looks like a CPU bottleneck to me
For Doom are you running with the Vulkan or Open GL version? I know I got a pretty healthy jump on a 980ti @ 4k switching from Open GL to Vulkan, but the benches are in open gl from the article you linked ;)

Maybe something to check is if your card is doing Pcie 3.0 x16 when getting a load, but gpuz / systems idle it down so probably why you are getting the x16 (1.1) in your screenshot. Also are you running the latest bios for that Asus board (1903 i think)

might be worth a shot ;)