Strategy games are so boring. How do you fans stand it?

I like strategy games but I'm so bad at them, I get a lot of the core concepts in war, suppression, flanking, unit balance, good economy, and even some of the basic strats to turtle or not and stuff like that, but I can never win many of the battles.

The biggest issue I have is that battles are usually long and complicated and I find it next to impossible to understand what decision or group of decisions where bad ones, which makes improving my own skills at the game very hard, added with long round time it requires a lot of time and effort to play and improve and honestly I get frustrated and bored.

Thats why I like fast paced FPS games, jump in to a game of gungame on CS and you can feel yourself improving literally every game (every 5 minutes) so that feedback is rewarding. I also dislike the long build up to a fast demise which RTS games usually lead to.
I think the main reason people to like strategy games and classic adventures games is that they could put some thinking in the gaming experience. Not everyone wants to do it so it's really a personal preference. Probably these group of people are different in real life too.
I havn't played too many RTS games as they never really appealed to me for some of the reasons listed in this thread...I also have this preconceived notion that it's boring like the OP stated...then again I also felt the same way about role playing games up until a few years back and now it's one of my favorite genre' if the right RTS game comes along which gets excellent reviews and is easily accessible then I'm all in

once upon a time I never thought I would ever enjoy games like the Witcher, Skyrim, Mass Effect etc but I love them
Love 'em. I dont know if I can explain why. I should say, I love a LOT of 'em, but not all. I couldnt get into Sins of a Solar Empire. Didnt like SC2.

My favorites have been

-C&C: Red Alert 2, which I still play every once in a while.

-Supreme Commander. I cant play that one anymore since no matter what I do it crashes. It bothers me a ton that I cant play it on my current rig but it's still one of the best of all time.

- Anno 1404 (is this an RTS? RTS/Building mabye). My most recent addiction

As far as why, well, Im not totally sure. Same reason I'm not sure why I didnt like Bioshock, or finish Crysis. /shrug
Strategy games are boring I agree. That's why I went back to the original Red Alert 1 where you have to trigger everything manually in order to get the adrenalin rush. It's the same feel as playing Quake 3. I swear it made me have more fun in Windows too, where I try to get shit done as quick as possible. Now I know what "macro skills" mean.

Now join me.....
No, of course I know that different people have different preferences.

I guess what I'm looking for in this thread is an answer to WHY strategy fans like the genre.

Shogun 2 is flat out amazing BECAUSE its slow and different. If you want every game to play like Call of Duty ... then well ...

I'm not totally opposed to turn-based strategy, but in general I can't call myself a fan of the genre. I tried playing AI Wars and after about a half hour I wanted to kill myself. Not a big fan of the Total War games, either. I guess I'm not a fan of games where you have to micro manage a lot. I play games for fun and micro management feels more like a chore than fun.

I do like RTS, though (but not SC2 really). I got the impression the OP was referring to 4X / TBS games.
Love strategy games in general, but never thought much of the total war games. Just too...I dont know...cumbersome?
One of the first games I ever played was the first Command & Conquer. I never really like strategy games but recently I've been getting back into them. I tend to go from genre to genre to mix things up. Went from all FPS, to Skyrim, and currently playing RTS games.

My friends all played Starcraft and the Age of Empires games when I was growing up. I never really got into them at the time, but I just recently bought Age of Empires III. I've been playing Company of Heroes like crazy the past few weeks. Last Sunday I literally spent all day playing a single level in CoH. :)

I like building up my base and army and sending them out to explore every inch of the map. RTS games without the base building portion don't really interest me much. And I'm not a big fan of turn-based strategy, although looking at the screenshots of Jagged Alliance makes me want to buy it.

Never got into Starcraft or the Red Alert games. I guess I like more of the somewhat realistic units type games, like C&C, C&C: Generals, CoH, etc.