Strange problem.. Random complete system lockups.


Limp Gawd
Apr 27, 2005
Ever since I added in my first SSD (Intel 80GB 2nd series drive) and added in 480GTX SLi I have had random freezes that only happen when I click on a button or go to play youtube videos.. The system freezes never happen in gaming. I've played games for hours at a time without ever having a freeze up..

The freeze ups are hard and won't even respond to CTRL-ALT-DEL.. They are not bluescreens, it's just everything that's on the screen is there and I can not do anything, but it never bluescreens.. I've searched google some and I've seen some people talking about how SSD's in some configurations have given them random hard lockups of their system too but I'm having a tough time figuring out what I should do..

I've run prime95 for several hours and have 0 problems there either so it's not a load issue.. Some other weird issue is up..

I have also made sure my BIOS is upgraded to the latest and formatted clean and installed Win7 64-bit fresh and still get the issue... I have never done anything with the SSD firmware however...

My config:

Intel i920 OC'ed to 3.6ghz
6GB Memory
2x EVGA 480GTX SLi
HD1: Intel X25 80GB SSD (rev2)
HD2: Raptor 300GB
HD3: Raptor 150GB
HD4: WD 500GB Storage
Silverstone 1000w PSU

Any thoughts?
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If you have a spare drive, install the OS on that spare drive and see if the lockups occur then. That should quickly rule out the SSD.
Yeah , I suppose I could do that.. The problem is though is sometimes the freezes may stop for days and days..

I wonder if it has something to do with my drive setup and having AHCI enabled or something... I've seen lots of people having issues with AHCI and freezes/lockups.. Hmmm