Still haven't pulled a QMD


Jun 18, 2004
My lappy, a 2.4 P4, still hasn't pulled a QMD yet. Its pulled some 600 pointers but I haven't seen a QMD yet. Is the advmethods flag the same as the big units flag? I still don't really understand the whole flag concept, like where to put them and stuff when running a service. I'd also like to put the forceasm flag in too but I'm not quite sure how even though I've been folding for a couple months now. Can someone help me out?
While in the config on the client, you have an option to do bigpackets WU's. You have to have that selected in order to get the big WU's. As you have gotten 600 pointers, then you have that enabled.

The -advmethods flag is something separate. That has to be set by command line. The -forceasm flag also has to be started via command line.

One other thing about getting QMDs is that you have to have at least 512 meg of RAM.

If you are using the text only client and you have it installed as a service, it's easy to add the -forceasm and -advmethods flags. The way I do it is to start up regedit and search for " -svcstart ". That will bring you to the exact key that you have to modify to add the flags. Just double click on the key and add -advmethods -forceasm . After that, just go into the services panel, stop the folding service and restart it. The new flags will then be used. The alternative is to reboot the machine to get the new flags into effect. I find stopping and starting the service easier and quicker.

But that key already has advmethods.exe on there. Is that right? Thats why I asked if the big WU and QMD flag was the same. it had -advmethods.exe -svcstart on it already.
Imitation said:
But that key already has advmethods.exe on there. Is that right? Thats why I asked if the big WU and QMD flag was the same. it had -advmethods.exe -svcstart on it already.

that should be -advmethods not -advmethods.exe, the -scvstart looks ok though.

this is what mine looks like, I pull 100% QMDs as long as the servers have them available
C:\Program Files\Folding@Home\FAH502-Console.exe -svcstart -advmethods -local

The [H]orde needs You!
Imitation said:
My lappy, a 2.4 P4, still hasn't pulled a QMD yet. Its pulled some 600 pointers but I haven't seen a QMD yet. Is the advmethods flag the same as the big units flag? I still don't really understand the whole flag concept, like where to put them and stuff when running a service. I'd also like to put the forceasm flag in too but I'm not quite sure how even though I've been folding for a couple months now. Can someone help me out?

The easier way to add flags w/o going intp regedit is:

Control panel-> adminisrative tools-> services-> F@H service -> Properties

Add flags in "Path to executables"

add "-advmethods -forceasm" without the quotes.
Imitation said:
My lappy, a 2.4 P4, still hasn't pulled a QMD yet. Its pulled some 600 pointers but I haven't seen a QMD yet. Is the advmethods flag the same as the big units flag? I still don't really understand the whole flag concept, like where to put them and stuff when running a service. I'd also like to put the forceasm flag in too but I'm not quite sure how even though I've been folding for a couple months now. Can someone help me out?

This is a tool I use and it works great. pkfst.exe
Good luck!

The flag should be "-advmethods", not "-advmethods.exe". Fix that and you should be well on your way to QMDs.
Well we'll see if stanford hands me a QMD tomorrow, this 600 pointer should finish up in the morning around 10 or so. *Crosses fingers*