Staying up for Half-Life 2?

Staying up for Half-Life 2?

  • Hell YEAH Half-Life 2 PWNES Halo 2

    Votes: 253 50.5%
  • Nope I am sleeping tonight beacause I have school/work

    Votes: 232 46.3%
  • Halo 2 PWNES HL-2 and Consoles RULE!!!

    Votes: 16 3.2%

  • Total voters
Me if I get a call from EB saying they'll have my copy at midnight.
As I understand it the game won't be unlocked until 12:00 PST. Since I'm on the east coast I think I'll gladly wait until Tuesday to play.
Gets released at 2 AM here. I've already taken tomorrow off work and have notified my boss that I may not be in until noon on Wednesday as well :)
How about a simple "yes" or "no" on the poll. Why bring Halo 2 into this?
I'll be stayin up for sure! Warming the espresso machine up already.
It's 3AM for me, and that's just not fair, if only I was still in school. But nooooo, boss says I have to be in at normal times regardless of what game comes out.

Does anyone know or heard if HL: Source will be out the same time? I'd love to play through it again first.
Awww Yaaaaa
I took today and tomorrow off, today to get everything done that
I will avoid tomorrow!
my plan...

hl2 at 3am...

november 15: school till 1PM. CS Source till 9PM. Bed till 2:50AM. HL2 3AM. Class at 8AM finish at 9am. hl2 all day!!!111
Not staying up. gonna leave Steam on and go to bed. Gonna wake up like it is Christmas morning. :D
Awww Yaaaaa
I took today and tomorrow off, today to get everything done that
I will avoid tomorrow
I figure I'll go to bed nice and early, finish my homework etc. and be in bed by about 8:30PM, then wake up at 3-4AM and play HL2 until I have to go to school for the rest of the day. All of this, of course, provided that Steam is functional and the unlocking goes flawlessly.
I will most likely go to bed at 10 get up at midnight and crack open HL2 for a peek inside. but come tuesday after work I am locking myself away for the evening. :D
Assuming the Steam Servers don't collapse under the combined load of all of us registering and downloading any possible updates... Then Hell yea!

I didn't waste several gigs of my Hard Drive and let some little app run in the background 24/7 for the last month to not play it the second it is available :)
Theres no point in staying up, the Steam version won't get activated until 8:AM GMT on Tuesday morning, whata way to tease people :D
I'll be playing HL-2 at 12:00 tonight hopefully! If not, I'll just look at my G-Man box and cry myself to sleep.
IceWind said:
Theres no point in staying up, the Steam version won't get activated until 8:AM GMT on Tuesday morning, whata way to tease people
Hooray for being GMT-7 :p
IceWind said:
Theres no point in staying up, the Steam version won't get activated until 8:AM GMT on Tuesday morning, whata way to tease people :D

EEEEK...I am in CST, guess I will just have to play it tuesday after work! Hell, we have waited this long... :p
IceWind said:
Theres no point in staying up, the Steam version won't get activated until 8:AM GMT on Tuesday morning, whata way to tease people :D

He's Just joking people.
Sleeping, and won't get to it probably until Wednesday or Thursday. Work and the woman I love.
Being in the UK has one advantage at least - it'll unlock at 8am GMT time so it'll be ready when I wake up :)
I'll at least stay up to fine tune my BOXX for it. Should be intresting to see how it does. I'm getting 89fps on DOOM]I[ . Ill post how I do on HL2. So i'll be sleepin until then.... :D
Warriorprophet said:
Uh no his calculations are correct, GMT = greenwich mean time, I'm CSt, which is -6, so i get it a 2am, or Midnight PST.


Lol, what?? I meant General MOUNTAIN time. So 8AM my time, 7AM for Pacific people, 9Am for Central people, and 10Am for Eastern people is when we get it activated for Steam.
Bane said:
How about a simple "yes" or "no" on the poll. Why bring Halo 2 into this?
HALO2 is a trechnical wonder in and of itself...has nothing to do with HL2...??!!
I work retail hell (Media Play) and we have a midnight madness tonight for the new releases of Tuesday. So I'll be @work until at least 1AM. I'll also buy the game, return to my apartment, install it, write a term paper, play HL2 @3AM, then go to sleep @4AM. I have class @11:30AM in the morning.

Damn you retail hell and damn you college!
I'll wait until thursday, when i'll probably get a copy and i don't have any looming tests. I also want to get Metroid Prime 2, which i doubt they'll sell tonight at midnight.
Dosnt get here till 2, but i will be going to class very late tomorow, if i even go at all :)
I'll go to sleep early :)
Since here it'll be 8am when HL2 activates, I'll go to bed early, and get up really early, so I can play a while b4 going to school! :D
Oh wait, I only have to be there @ 11am, so i'll have 3 hours to play :D
IceWind said:
Lol, what?? I meant General MOUNTAIN time. So 8AM my time, 7AM for Pacific people, 9Am for Central people, and 10Am for Eastern people is when we get it activated for Steam.

No such thing as General MOUNTAIN Time. I think you want MOUNTAIN STANDARD TIME or MST. GMT IS Greenwich Mean Time. See here.

You get it when it hits 12midnight in Washington State, were Valve is located. Thus you can figure out your time difference from there. Me....I am in CST(Minnesota), and will get it at 2am my time, thus I will be sleeping.

I wont be buying HL 2 at all. This steam authentication crap really pisses me off. I refuse to have my game call home and check to see if I can play. And valve is stupid if they think they can blame the "not turning on the servers" crap on Vivendi.
I think I am going to go to sleep at 10 or 11pm then wake up at 3am. Activate HL2 and play the first level - or if there are no levels then maybe play for a half hour. Then back to sleep by 3:30 to wake up an hour and half later and go to work. :p
Hey Tiny. I know nothing of time zones but i'm nearly 90% sure I HAVE heard of a Mountain Time zone in the rockies. Denver uses this time I believe as well. If I am wrong and just a retard please me know.
undyingshadow said:
I wont be buying HL 2 at all. This steam authentication crap really pisses me off. I refuse to have my game call home and check to see if I can play. And valve is stupid if they think they can blame the "not turning on the servers" crap on Vivendi.

Why should we not believe them when they say they can't because of contracts they are under? Do they have to run every thing by you first? So you don't ever want to play HL2, just because it takes a minture...maybe two, to activate it? You know once you activate it you don't have to even let STEAM access the internet any more right? Have you every inputed a cdkey from the back of a jewel case to install a game? Doing the same thing.

Vildayyan2003 said:
Hey Tiny. I know nothing of time zones but i'm nearly 90% sure I HAVE heard of a Mountain Time zone in the rockies. Denver uses this time I believe as well. If I am wrong and just a retard please me know.

You are correct, kind is called MST(mountain standard time). Unless you are refering to it in the global since and then it would be Mountain Time. But I don't think he was refering to it in the global sence and thus the confusion. But it is MST, people just shorten it to Mountain Time. Like here it is CST(cetral standard time), and everyone shortens it to Central Time.

But it is all symantics and I guess I am being a prude. Sorry. ;)
Not staying up for it. I would have to play it with no sound to not wake the parents. I AM taking off school and work tomorrow tho, and spending all today geting a perfect overclock on everything to ensure I will be set.