Start folding the [H]ard way

I don't know how to monitor the temps yet.

Those fans aren't quiet, but I'm used to fan noise by now. I would love to buy some of the noctua G34 coolers but they would be significantly more expensive than the investment I put into these.

I would like to relocate the rig to a quieter place connected by wifi. Once I figure out how to monitor the temps I might even move it to the garage, although subjecting the mobo in particular to 100F ambient might not be smart.


A quick and easy guide to lm-sensors:

I don't know what Xorg or Bash is, so I might have to do some research before I attempt to tackle that step.
Sorry - I was speaking in gobbledeegook. I just mean that if you run Ubuntu from a terminal screen without using the GUI, you might be able reclaim a meaningful amount of extra cycles.

To do that you first switch to a Terminal screen with Ctrl-Alt-F1 and login with your username and password.

Then do:

sudo service gdm stop
This should stop GNOME (the default display manager), which in turn should shutdown the X GUI. Then you can launch the client with...

From whatever directory you have installed it into.

It sounds harder than it is. Once you get used to the Terminal screen, you begin to forget Ubuntu even has a GUI.
I don't know how to monitor the temps yet.

Those fans aren't quiet, but I'm used to fan noise by now. I would love to buy some of the noctua G34 coolers but they would be significantly more expensive than the investment I put into these.

I would like to relocate the rig to a quieter place connected by wifi. Once I figure out how to monitor the temps I might even move it to the garage, although subjecting the mobo in particular to 100F ambient might not be smart.

Use the IPMI that board comes with. I just got all of mine working this evening. Once you understand the concept (which I did not at all), it is extremely slick. I can walk you through how to do it.
yeah use IPMI, i setup both my rigs yesterday. works great.

now i just monitor them remotely from my laptop.
My problem is that I actually want Linux to do something productive. Apparently, Linux is best left to do nothing but folding in a closet somewhere. Linux hated the fact that I have 8 hard drives and 14 partitions. Linux also hated the fact that I wanted to run Windows in a VM. And despite the fact that they will tell everybody they should run Linux, when a novice like me runs into problems the Linux community is not very helpful. But don't get me started…..So, I moved all my hard drives to my SR2 and it will be handling file server and general productivity duties while running Windows, despite the near 50% PPD hit.

If you would like, I will set up a system with all the hdds I have (there are quite a few since I sold my SR-2s) and try to mirror what you are trying to do to get it all to work. Linux usually drives my half insane trying to some things that are pretty simple to do in Windows (wireless NICs come to mind), but I have yet to come accross anything that I could not do. I question the need of a VM, but I was actually going to set one up anyway on one of my 4ps to see what WHS is all about and ultimately to figure out how to do all of it in Linux.

The main thing is that Linux is not, nor never will be, as easy to set up as Windows. Most every install I have ever done requires at least some googling of how to do various things, and I have dozens of bookmarks saved since I never rmember things from one install to the next. If you are not willing to take the time to figure stuff out and learn along the way, then you should definately just use Windows.
musky, you're awesome. but don't do anything for my benefit that you wouldn't do otherwise. As you might be able to tell, I'm a bit burned out on Linux right now. You nailed my biggest problem, and that is that my time is precious right now, so I don't have time to tinker around and figure stuff out on my own. I just need stuff to work, or else I need to be able to get good answers to my questions quickly and easily, and neither of those things seem to be happening.

I could do without WHS in a VM too, as long as I found a system that would serve my many media files and keep those files as well as the computers on my network backed up.
jebo, whats your issue running a file server in linux? Admitidly you have more drives than me, i do have 5x2TB drives with 5 seperate partitions, and 1x1TB with a single partition .... and its been running fine as a file server......
jebo, whats your issue running a file server in linux? Admitidly you have more drives than me, i do have 5x2TB drives with 5 seperate partitions, and 1x1TB with a single partition .... and its been running fine as a file server......
I think my problem was I tried to bring a mix of NTFS partitioned drives from my previous Windows install. Ubuntu didn't even realize one of the partitions existed. I could not find or mount it using various methods. It also said one of my drives was in "SFS" format and it would not mount it at all. I almost formatted it but I'm glad I didn't because once I got it back into windows I realized it has 1TB worth of movies on it.

There's also something screwed up with network sharing permissions. I share a folder on the network and tell it to allow everyone full access. But, when I try to navigate to the folder on a Windows PC it prompts for a password. I can't even use my ubuntu username, I have to give it the root user and root password.
What am I looking at here? This is from lm-sensors

Adapter: PCI adapter
temp1:       +77.5C  (high = +70.0C)                  
Adapter: PCI adapter
temp1:       +77.5C  (high = +70.0C)                  
Adapter: PCI adapter
temp1:       +87.9C  (high = +70.0C)                  
Adapter: PCI adapter
temp1:       +87.5C  (high = +70.0C)                  
Adapter: PCI adapter
temp1:       +80.4C  (high = +70.0C)                  
Adapter: PCI adapter
temp1:       +76.6C  (high = +70.0C)                  
Adapter: PCI adapter
temp1:       +74.9C  (high = +70.0C)                  
Adapter: PCI adapter
temp1:       +71.6C  (high = +70.0C)                  
As far as leftover TIM... I do that on Heatsinks prevents oxidation... and on chips prevents them from shifting during shipping...
I think my problem was I tried to bring a mix of NTFS partitioned drives from my previous Windows install. Ubuntu didn't even realize one of the partitions existed. I could not find or mount it using various methods. It also said one of my drives was in "SFS" format and it would not mount it at all. I almost formatted it but I'm glad I didn't because once I got it back into windows I realized it has 1TB worth of movies on it.

There's also something screwed up with network sharing permissions. I share a folder on the network and tell it to allow everyone full access. But, when I try to navigate to the folder on a Windows PC it prompts for a password. I can't even use my ubuntu username, I have to give it the root user and root password.

Since I kinda like these kind of projects, I'll work on how to do it. No idea how you ended up with a drive formatted SFS, but I'll try to duplicate that as well. I'll get with you in irc some time for specific requirements, jebo., then try to figure out a test system of some sort.
Since I kinda like these kind of projects, I'll work on how to do it. No idea how you ended up with a drive formatted SFS, but I'll try to duplicate that as well. I'll get with you in irc some time for specific requirements, jebo., then try to figure out a test system of some sort.
Thanks musky.

The drive isn't actually formatted SFS. It's actually NTFS.
Thanks musky.

The drive isn't actually formatted SFS. It's actually NTFS.

You'll have to show me how you got Ubuntu to see it as SFS. I have mounted NTFS drives several times without issue.
You'll have to show me how you got Ubuntu to see it as SFS. I have mounted NTFS drives several times without issue.
fdisk listed it as SFS

yeah I had several other NTFS drives in the same system mounted fine. This Hitachi 2TB was the only one. Like I said though, I'm in windows now and I see it just fine.
You'll have to show me how you got Ubuntu to see it as SFS. I have mounted NTFS drives several times without issue.

I believe if the disk is setup as a dynamic disk rather than basic disk, Linux shows it as SFS. You may be able to mount it with:

mount -t ntfs /dev/sdX /mnt/mountpoint

About using wifi, I always had problems with connections dropping on my boxen, so I recently switched to powerline networking (using the cheap TRENDnet kit from Amazon). I have some computers in my dining room :rolleyes: and the powerline seems to work much better than wifi and it's more elegant than running 50' of cable across the floor. It's more expensive than a cheap wifi adapter (or a long cable), but I like it, especially combined with a cheap 5-port switch to allow for multiple remote computers.
those are some nice points you dropped today. u will be in top 10 in no time if you continue like that