Starcraft 2 Beta

Sounds about right, 5-0 puts you into platinum and forces you to play to get into diamond

Before the reset I'd played my way up to rank 1 in Platinum and sat there for probably 20 games; I just couldn't quite crack into Diamond. How many points do you need to get in? I was just shy of 400.
Before the reset I'd played my way up to rank 1 in Platinum and sat there for probably 20 games; I just couldn't quite crack into Diamond. How many points do you need to get in? I was just shy of 400.

I'm not quite sure, they "revamped" the ladder system a few days before phase 1 ends. Fail, :p.
Before the reset I'd played my way up to rank 1 in Platinum and sat there for probably 20 games; I just couldn't quite crack into Diamond. How many points do you need to get in? I was just shy of 400.

Looks like lack of Diamond is a bug...

Bnet 2.0 is such a piece of shit. Things like this though really make you wonder if Blizzard is actually doing any quality in house testing of these patches which is why we do see such crazy nerfs at times...
Looks like lack of Diamond is a bug...

Bnet 2.0 is such a piece of shit. Things like this though really make you wonder if Blizzard is actually doing any quality in house testing of these patches which is why we do see such crazy nerfs at times...

I'm surprised by Bnet's lack of polish, but I don't feel like it's terrible. It needs channels for sure, but outside of that I'm totally happy with it. I'm probably in the minority here though :). Also, I think their balance so far is pretty good. SC1 took so long to balance that I didn't expect to hit this level of balance for a couple of years.
-Incorrect. The majority (probably all) of professional tournaments in SC1 were held at LANs

I never said professional. I just said tournaments. Casual tournaments far outnumber professional (competitive) tournaments. (casual meaning the prizes may be a video card, a couple games or just bragging rights as opposed to thousands of bucks) Obviously professional tournaments aren't concerned with players traveling as the prizes justify the cost. Who knows, maybe Blizz will release a tournament host B.Net client that can be hosted locally at officially sanctioned SC2 tournaments. Might be a good compromise.

-Incorrect. In order to play on multiple realms people will need to buy multiple copies of the game and lock it to each region.

If this is true, I apologize. I do know that many players (myself included) have utilized BattlePing to play in another regions servers (for matches, or if your regions servers are down). Of course this is just the Beta, so it could change after launch.

-Incorrect. Price in Korea is lower.

I was just speculating (also, joking). I didn't do any research on the matter. I do know that it is also a bit more expensive in germany than it is in the US (5-10 bucks more from what I'm told). Different prices in different countries.

-Correct. But the difference here is blizzard has willingly chosen not to include all these features: it's not something 'left out'. That's a bigger issue than just not having it available. These are conscious choices.

Well of course they are conscious decisions. Any time you have a new product that doesn't include all the features the previous product did, you made a conscious decision somewhere to not include those features for whatever reason. All I was saying was that SC2 gameplay is just fine. It's B.Net 2.0 that is lacking. Thus, saying the game is bad isn't fair. The game's ONLINE SERVICE is bad (or, well, not as good as it could be). ;)
I'm surprised by Bnet's lack of polish, but I don't feel like it's terrible. It needs channels for sure, but outside of that I'm totally happy with it. I'm probably in the minority here though :). Also, I think their balance so far is pretty good. SC1 took so long to balance that I didn't expect to hit this level of balance for a couple of years. 2.0 looks nice, and has some nice features (friend system is ok, party chat is ok too, the profiles are much improved, I like the idea of leagues if not the implementation, achievements, awards, challenges etc). It just isn't as functional as 1.0. It's much less fluid and user friendly. Like many people have said, it's like trying to herd chicken to organize large team games (even when everyone is on each other's friend list) and even worse organizing tournaments without relying on methods outside of (which is pretty much necessary at this point).

Passworded games will be missed too, as it was much easier to set up a clan match or tourny game by setting a password given to the opponents in the chat channel rather than having to specifically invite each person to to a private game... and god forbid they aren't on your friends list. Plus since there aren't any unique identifiers anymore, you can't just add someone to your friends list by knowing their user name. You need their hidden e-mail addy (real-id) or to be looking directly at their profile already in order to add them.

But yes. For the casual gamer who just wants to jump on occasionally and hit "Find Match" or join a random custom game, it works just fine... but anyone who enjoyed the social aspect of 1.0 or is a competitive player will be disappointed (as leagues are separated into 100 person divisions with no global ranking or any way to tell how you stack up against the rest of the people in your league).

They are all problems that can be fixed or compromised, and I have faith that they will be (word has it that unique identifiers may be coming back, and chat channels may be added sometime after launch). Time will tell though.

As for the balance, they have been working on this game for about a decade ;) I would hope the balance and game play would be more polished than it's predecessor was at launch. 2.0 looks nice, and has some nice features (friend system is ok, party chat is ok too, the profiles are much improved, I like the idea of leagues if not the implementation, achievements, awards, challenges etc). It just isn't as functional as 1.0. It's much less fluid and user friendly. Like many people have said, it's like trying to herd chicken to organize large team games (even when everyone is on each other's friend list) and even worse organizing tournaments without relying on methods outside of (which is pretty much necessary at this point).

Passworded games will be missed too, as it was much easier to set up a clan match or tourny game by setting a password given to the opponents in the chat channel rather than having to specifically invite each person to to a private game... and god forbid they aren't on your friends list. Plus since there aren't any unique identifiers anymore, you can't just add someone to your friends list by knowing their user name. You need their hidden e-mail addy (real-id) or to be looking directly at their profile already in order to add them.

But yes. For the casual gamer who just wants to jump on occasionally and hit "Find Match" or join a random custom game, it works just fine... but anyone who enjoyed the social aspect of 1.0 or is a competitive player will be disappointed (as leagues are separated into 100 person divisions with no global ranking or any way to tell how you stack up against the rest of the people in your league).

They are all problems that can be fixed or compromised, and I have faith that they will be (word has it that unique identifiers may be coming back, and chat channels may be added sometime after launch). Time will tell though.

As for the balance, they have been working on this game for about a decade ;) I would hope the balance and game play would be more polished than it's predecessor was at launch.

My friends and I play the game quite a bit (I've easily played over 150 games since I got the beta key early last month) and we haven't had any real problems getting team games up and going. We typically play 2v2 or 3v3 and it's been a breeze to find those games as we all just join a party and hit 'find match'. As far as comparing your SC2 abilities to your friends in a different league, just host a few 1v1 matches and see who wins :).

I'm in agreement that there is room for improvement though. I'm excited to see what they do with Bnet over the next 6 to 12 months.
EDIT: Hate the Hellion nerf. That was unnecessary. The tank nerf will have to be used and tested to see how badly that hurts Mech play. I don't know if it'll hinder TvP or TvT too much but it'll certainly even up TvZ pretty good. They should have lowered cost of gas for tanks along with the nerf though. Thor nerf may make Mutalisks more viable but I'll just throw down a third turret now instead of two to help the Thor. Reaper Nitro is HUGE. I forsee tons of reaper harass and cheese builds now.

On the contrary... 60 damage or 50 damage doesn't matter to zerg. Banelings and zerglings are still 1 shot, hydralisks are still 2 shot, and roaches are still 3 shot.

The biggest difference would be stalkers since now they get 4 shot which is huge. The reason tanks are so ridiculous right now is that they do full damage to everything... so classic counters like zealots are no good anymore.
As far as comparing your SC2 abilities to your friends in a different league, just host a few 1v1 matches and see who wins :).

Um.. Duh? He was talking about everyone overall, there's many divisions in each league, but there's no way to know which is better than others in the same league.

I'm a random player, but terran is my strongest followed closely by protoss. I do like that stalkers last a bit longer now. I think it's going to help protoss out a lot against siege turtlers, there just isn't a good air unit to snipe the tanks when there are thors to blast the phoenix outta the sky. Blink rushing stalkers to the tanks should be able to clear them out better now, at least to do enough damage where your other units will actually be able to survive for the rest of the push.
I really dislike the reaper as a unit and think they should just go ahead and remove it. There's no reason for terran to need reapers and hellions. At the same time, the reaper literally serves one purpose: to kill the mineral line. No other unit is like that. Zerglings, hellions, and your typical air harass unit do other things than harass the mineral line.

Literally, the only thing a reaper is made to do is cheese. It was a terrible idea and concept. They are terrible normal army units since they have such low hp and high gas cost with terrible mineral:gas ratio as well as a long build time. At least with hellions they're the mineral sink to compliment your mech army...
Sorry, this might have already come up in this thread but I didn't feel like browsing 99 pages :)
I wanted to know if anyone found a good youtube channel with english commentary on korean sc2 games. There used to be this guy called 'klazartsc' that I listened to but he quit. Searching does yield some results, but so far they've been 'meh'.

I'm hoping players like boxer, flash, jaedong, bisu come back for sc2!
My friends and I play the game quite a bit (I've easily played over 150 games since I got the beta key early last month) and we haven't had any real problems getting team games up and going. We typically play 2v2 or 3v3 and it's been a breeze to find those games as we all just join a party and hit 'find match'. As far as comparing your SC2 abilities to your friends in a different league, just host a few 1v1 matches and see who wins :).

That's not the problem at all....

The problem is 1) coordinating a clan, 2) making games within a clan, 3) making games with another clan, 4) organizing a full tournament, 5) creating games within that tournament, etc...

It has nothing to do with finding 2v2 league games.

And the issue isn't comparing yourself to friends in different leagues, it's comparing yourself to EVERYONE in different leagues. Go ahead and host a few 1v1 matches with every single one of the millions of players in different divisions, I'll wait.
does anyone know any good zerg late game strategies? my economy, early build is good but around mid game i dont know what to do except mass mutas/that kind of thing and i end up having 1000+ unused minerals.
You can get roaches/hydras. Roaches with burrow is pretty good against terran BIO if they dont have a raven at the ready. You can tunnel claw all the way to their army and unburrow right on top while your hydras pick the rest off. Infestors are good also against BIO terran army. For mech, you can go muta's, lings / roaches. Roaches to take out some thors if they have no scan/raven. Or you can just doom drop them if they are heavy tanks.
This was a great patch, I was really beginning to feel bad for Zerg. Though roaches were massively nerf, their upgrades and burrowing ability make them an amazingly unique unit that is very powerful. With their abilities back in full force it makes them a very unique and microable unit. Also the Ultralisk buff is a very interesting idea for a fix, I like that they start fast so that they can possibly catch marauders.

I don't think the mech nerf changes too much, hellions will still be good and they were a little too good with the range increase. Tanks pre-upgrade still kill all Zerg units in the same amount of hits. I find it interesting that they won't 3 shot skill a zealot any more, but that's kind of a moot point; that scenario will never occur. Terran mech was a bit over powered, and I'm still not sold on how cheap the stim upgrade is. We'll see how it plays out, but this is the first positive patch in some time, since patch 11 really.

One thing that I think is positive is that it seems that the protoss nerfs seem to be over, they were all just, but they're certainly well balanced at this current state. The only match-up that might still be a problem is Terran and Zerg other than that I think they've done a fantastic job with the balancing. The glaring and predominant issue is 2.0. Hopefully, some surprising features are ready for launch day, but I doubt it.
does anyone know any good zerg late game strategies? my economy, early build is good but around mid game i dont know what to do except mass mutas/that kind of thing and i end up having 1000+ unused minerals.

If you mass mutas you have to compliment them with zerglings. There's no reason to always just mass mutas since there are plenty of hard counters against that. If mutas are working and your opponent isn't countering, then go ahead. In general the staple is just roach + hydras... but they get torn up if left unattended / unsupported by things like infestors, banelings or a general know how of what destroys them (tanks, storm, collosus, bad positioning, etc.) Know how to deal with the hard counters and you can make just about anything you want with zerg since you don't need to make specific production buildings, just the tech.
My staple is usually zerglings + hydras. More damage since hydras stay a little back and zerglings get closer, plus the enemy usually fires on the lings, not on the more expensive hydras.
One thing that I think is positive is that it seems that the protoss nerfs seem to be over, they were all just, but they're certainly well balanced at this current state.

Feedback is still overpowered. My BCs, thors and Banshees are getting owned by it. It needs a cooldown like Psi Storm. Being able to 1 shot Banshees in quick sucession is overpowered.
This patch was justified, terran mech being toned down so nobody can even QQ about Terran if they lose. If you lose to Terran mech and blame it on "OP Terrans", you're just bad. I mean, really bad. Feedback is fine the way it is, its way more micro intensive than EMP ever will be.

Everything is more balanced out now, Terran is fine. Protoss is fine. Zerg is mostly fine other than Ultralisk. Protoss nerfs were all justified as well. I played protoss during launch of SC2 and I already knew or felt that they were OP, now they are at the point where they should be.

IMO, instead of QQ'ing about PvT, ZvT etc, just learn to play the game and adapt.
Has anyone tryed playing SC2 on two computers behind the same router? My brother and I have the problem where we cant play at the same time because SC1 can only use 1 port on the router.
Has anyone tryed playing SC2 on two computers behind the same router? My brother and I have the problem where we cant play at the same time because SC1 can only use 1 port on the router.

All I can tell you is that it is possible. My two brothers and I are able to all able play at the same time; we just installed and played with no configuration needed.

Sorry I cant suggest any reasons to fix it except possibly opening ports for each computer (which Im guessing you tried already).
All I can tell you is that it is possible. My two brothers and I are able to all able play at the same time; we just installed and played with no configuration needed.

Sorry I cant suggest any reasons to fix it except possibly opening ports for each computer (which Im guessing you tried already).

Yes I tried that, its weird we can join a game together but it just lags so much
Has anyone tryed playing SC2 on two computers behind the same router? My brother and I have the problem where we cant play at the same time because SC1 can only use 1 port on the router.

I've had 4 people play at the same time behind my router at home.
Playing this on Geforce 210 and its actually extremely fast lol.

Steady 60FPS on lowest settings.
I got placed into gold even though i suck ass at this game. It's really frustrating to get owned every round and have no idea what you did wrong.
I got placed into gold even though i suck ass at this game. It's really frustrating to get owned every round and have no idea what you did wrong.

My advice is to just toss every placement round, and work your way up from bronze.
someone make me feel better and post that I'm not the only person who has not gotton into beta :p
I am enjoying chilling out in the bronze league and just proxy cannoning. It's just hilarious when it works.
This patch was justified, terran mech being toned down so nobody can even QQ about Terran if they lose. If you lose to Terran mech and blame it on "OP Terrans", you're just bad. I mean, really bad. Feedback is fine the way it is, its way more micro intensive than EMP ever will be.

Everything is more balanced out now, Terran is fine. Protoss is fine. Zerg is mostly fine other than Ultralisk. Protoss nerfs were all justified as well. I played protoss during launch of SC2 and I already knew or felt that they were OP, now they are at the point where they should be.

IMO, instead of QQ'ing about PvT, ZvT etc, just learn to play the game and adapt.

Yeah we're on the same page, but for the most part that typically reigns true.

I think something needs to be done with Carriers, battlecruisers can be made so quickly now and they don't need to build interceptors to be viable, they're just beastly. The ultralisk does still need some help, but I'd say the roach is back with all of it's abilities being buffed. That and removing an upgrade from ultralisk and roach is hugely helpful.
Sadly, I think this is the last day of the beta, and I'm out of time to play due to school. I placed 5-0 for the first time maybe ever, and now it's getting shut down. I thought that was pretty funny, but it also shows that I've progressed so overall I'm completely satisfied with my experience. Anyway, I'll see you guys for Phase 2 and the release.
Sadly, I think this is the last day of the beta, and I'm out of time to play due to school. I placed 5-0 for the first time maybe ever, and now it's getting shut down. I thought that was pretty funny, but it also shows that I've progressed so overall I'm completely satisfied with my experience. Anyway, I'll see you guys for Phase 2 and the release.

Yeah definitely, I think you me and kencheeto probably gotten way better than when beta started :p.
sadly between work and bnet being moody I haven't laddered at all since patch 12/13. Spent a little time with popular ums maps (nexus wars ftw) but I crash out 4/5 times :\

Hopefully I'll see all you guys for Phase 2, and hopefully I won't have to track down your emails to get you all on my friends list :p