Starcraft 2 Beta Friend Invites

lol money always talk's

Well, to be fair like 20 people have asked me for my extra key...I mean, who do you give it to out of 20 people you don't know. It's either pick someone at random, or outright sell it.
i dont even ask if i am ment to get it i will if not oo well life goes on. but i understand. so who wants to give me there extra key :p just kidding
*puppy dog eyes*

Anyone else as lame as me watching live streams and going over strategies in your head? :p

Damn...I don't think I've ever gotten so many puppy dog eyes in my life. Wait, isn't that a little gay? :p

I'll take Paypal but no Playpal. :D
My friend has lowered to $60 firm, PM if interested. Just need to be paypal verified.
Damn...I don't think I've ever gotten so many puppy dog eyes in my life. Wait, isn't that a little gay? :p

I'll take Paypal but no Playpal. :D

I has no monies. :( I am at huge disadvantage with all the other people looking for keys right now.
if someone wants to give me a beta key for free awesome and your awesome. but to pay for one is other story, i just cant find my self paying for a beta key but maybe its just me
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if someone wants to give me a beta key for free awesome and your awesome. but to pay for one is other story, i just cant find my self paying for a beta key but maybe its just me

Trust me I understand, I've just had so many people ask me for it I can't just pick one out of the blue.
I feel slighted by blizz. My account has 2 wow accounts, and a key for every other blizzard game... I didn't get picked :( Oh well, I'll just be a noob when it actually releases.

decisions...decisions.....starcraft 2 beta key or a brand new full game....starcraft 2 beta key or a brand new full game.....i, myself, am having a near impossible time deciding which of the two paths i should take ;) really, i am :D
why not give it for free? why sell the beta key? you got it for free and it is a beta after all
decisions...decisions.....starcraft 2 beta key or a brand new full game....starcraft 2 beta key or a brand new full game.....i, myself, am having a near impossible time deciding which of the two paths i should take ;) really, i am :D

Heh, it really is up to the person. I know many people who would do one thing like (buy a key) or do the other (get the game instead). It's how much you think playing something is worth.

Some people can justify paying $60 for a 10 hour game while someone can't, etc.

On another note, I was able to talk down my friend to a much more "reasonable" price compared to ebay. $50 which is probably half the price of what you'll be getting it for off Ebay.
Heh, it really is up to the person. I know many people who would do one thing like (buy a key) or do the other (get the game instead). It's how much you think playing something is worth.

Some people can justify paying $60 for a 10 hour game while someone can't, etc.

On another note, I was able to talk down my friend to a much more "reasonable" price compared to ebay. $50 which is probably half the price of what you'll be getting it for off Ebay.

yeah, i was thinking about forking over the money and getting a key, but i just cant justify paying that much for a beta, when ill be buying the full game for the same price in coming months.

i guess ill just hold it out and hope someone either gives me a key (out of the kindness of their heart, which i would love :D), or....i know its crazy...blizzard send me one :)
decisions...decisions.....starcraft 2 beta key or a brand new full game....starcraft 2 beta key or a brand new full game.....i, myself, am having a near impossible time deciding which of the two paths i should take ;) really, i am :D

SC2, I know i will enjoy teh game, I still play Iccup every now and then, and Dota too!

I got BF2, already stopped, DragonAge stopped

Starcraft playing on and off since 1998 or was it 1999?
SC2, I know i will enjoy teh game, I still play Iccup every now and then, and Dota too!

I got BF2, already stopped, DragonAge stopped

Starcraft playing on and off since 1998 or was it 1999?

i can see how the beta key can be worth that much for some people, as they feel they'll get their worth out of it, but for me, theres too many other games coming out in coming months for me to spend that much on a key. though i do wish i could, the waiting is killing me :p
if anyone with a key decides to follow the above rules, id love to oblige you and your contextual agreement :)
ok i would like a free key but i know after this will rune my chances of getting one. but i follow the rules, so here goes

Information on the overall beta test agreement can be found here:

Beta keys can never be bought, sold, or traded. Any attempts to do so will result in a permanent ban from the forums, and removal of any current StarCraft II beta access.


7. Responsibilities of Beta Tester

(i) sell, rent, lease, lend, license the Game or any New Materials to others, grant a security interest in, or transfer reproductions of, the Game and/or the Account to other parties in any way not expressly authorized herein, or let any third person use the Game and/or the Account;

Heh, probably.
now if people was giving them for free i would not mind. but when they are selling them for cash its a differnt story. it would be fair but charging someone for a beta key is a little uncalled for.

Yeah, I'd say that definitely ruins your chances of getting one. Reason is, you cannot prove that anyone has sold a beta key for cash unless you bought one yourself, which would then mean you also broke the rules, so...yeah...I'd have left that one alone.
if someone is looking a co-player i will do it i will be online anytime they want. i am a pro player :D been playing sc1 forever Protoss FTW :D Tantrix you looking for a co-player i will be your best bud on sc2 :D