Star Wars TOR for first MMORPG?


Feb 15, 2011
Hi, I have been a PC gamer for a long time but have never played a MMO. That being said, I am extremely interested in Bioware's upcoming MMO, SW:TOR. Mostly because the Mass Effect games are so awesome... I really love Sci-Fi games with story and Bioware nailed it. I'm not much of a Star Wars guy and I haven't played the KOTOR titles... but if this new MMO will be like a never ending Mass Effect-style game, then I'd love it!

A couple questions I have...
Will this game have a first-person perspective? Will it have a "feel" like Mass Effect, except in a Star Wars universe? How do I become a Star Wars nerd besides watching the movies and playing KOTOR games? Does anyone recommend a MMORPG like this for a first-timer? Who else will be playing this game?

I guess I just would like to know what I should expect from a MMORPG, having never played one...
I think they are counting on getting customers from Bioware’s singleplayer base and Star Wars fans in general. It should be very casual and 1st time MMO has to be to get a large player base. Not to say it won’t have depth, but it will have to be very approachable.

This MMO will be more like a single player game than any other, but it's an MMO to be sure. Should be a great 1st MMO, you should have a blast. I can't wait for it personally.
Edit: I'm allowed to say I'm in the testing program but not anything more really. has a good right up on the game that is pretty much correct to me. (They were able to talk about their preview)
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I dunno, I think you might be projecting your love of Mass Effect onto a game which will in the end not completely meet your expectations.

As for your questions, this video might help to clarify some of them such as perspective and feel. To me it seems pretty much like WoW with some sci-fi thrown in.

Becoming a Star Wars nerd...well, all you can do is watch the movies. If you like it then great, if not...why force it. Some people like Star Wars, some like Star Trek, some like both, some like none.

At this point I don't think anyone can clearly recommend this MMO or not, no one (or not many) has the experience with it. To me it doesn't look to be too inventive as compared to the standard fare of MMOs though, but ya never know.

In the end, you might not even like MMO's, so in the interim you might go try WoW, or Rift. Since there aren't really any main-stream sci-fi MMOs that come to mind, short of Anarchy Online, or EVE....which well....we won't go into that here.
Hi, I have been a PC gamer for a long time but have never played a MMO. That being said, I am extremely interested in Bioware's upcoming MMO, SW:TOR. Mostly because the Mass Effect games are so awesome... I really love Sci-Fi games with story and Bioware nailed it. I'm not much of a Star Wars guy and I haven't played the KOTOR titles... but if this new MMO will be like a never ending Mass Effect-style game, then I'd love it!

A couple questions I have...
Will this game have a first-person perspective? Will it have a "feel" like Mass Effect, except in a Star Wars universe? How do I become a Star Wars nerd besides watching the movies and playing KOTOR games? Does anyone recommend a MMORPG like this for a first-timer? Who else will be playing this game?

I guess I just would like to know what I should expect from a MMORPG, having never played one...

I think people certainly hoped it was going to be like a MMO-Mass Effect, however some of the information from the early previews coming out now make it sound downright boring and soulless.
If you are a Stars Wars fan and this is your first ever MMO, you may enjoy it. After reading that preview from bitgamer I don't think I will bother. Too bad, I was kind of hoping this would be something special. Well, there is still Guild Wars 2.... and maybe The Secret World?
This games gonna be for WoWquestcraft people who also have a star wars fixation. Everey gameplay video I've seen leads me to believe it will be another mmo clone skinned with stars wars.
What exactly about SW:TOR makes it a "WoW clone"?
What exactly about SW:TOR makes it a "WoW clone"?

You'd have try it to really know. ;) Being a wow clone isn't bad as long as stuff is done correctly. (If it was done correctly is a different matter, I think the bit-tech preview is accurate in its preview).
Every game that comes out after World of Warcraft is always classified as a "WoW Clone". Just on the grounds that is has a caster bar, uses quests, and requires you to login? Heck let's take it back further, Wow is a Everquest clone, Everquest is a M59 clone, M59 is a Genocide clone(MMO Mud).

SWTOR is just a project where they took people's love for the KOTOR and tried to form it into a MMO. Yes there are going to be similar features just like every FPS has weapons and guns.
A couple questions I have...
Will this game have a first-person perspective? Will it have a "feel" like Mass Effect, except in a Star Wars universe? How do I become a Star Wars nerd besides watching the movies and playing KOTOR games? Does anyone recommend a MMORPG like this for a first-timer? Who else will be playing this game?

I guess I just would like to know what I should expect from a MMORPG, having never played one...

It's pretty easy to code in a first person perspective so I think it's safe to assume that it will have one. I don't think you need to be a Star Wars nerd to enjoy the game... As long as you know the basics of the story, you can just play it as a regular sci fi game.

As for what to expect... they will probably have a public beta for the game at some point before release. It should last a month or two and you should be able to get a key pretty easily since lots of gaming websites around the internet have key giveaways for these kinds of things. That will let you play the game for free and you can check out what it's all about :)
What exactly about SW:TOR makes it a "WoW clone"?


Edit: I'm allowed to say I'm in the testing program but not anything more really. has a good right up on the game that is pretty much correct to me. (They were able to talk about their preview)

Choose from generic uninteresting class that EVERYONE else is playing. Grind through bullshit quests that EVERYONE else is grinding through and then well honestly I never survive these factory line mmo's long enough to find out if theres anything after grinding. Somehow I doubt it.

oddly the 2 things most people want are completely ignored by developers because I guess it's too hard to balance or something.

Actual action instead of point and click (Phantasy star Online, Ragnarok Online etc)
getting rid of this generic class bullshit and just giving people a point system to give them more options(SWG(prejump)

Put those together and I'm generally optimistic, but something taking place in the old republic isn't enough to sell me on another clone.
Edit: I'm allowed to say I'm in the testing program but not anything more really. has a good right up on the game that is pretty much correct to me. (They were able to talk about their preview)

That's the first real negative preview I've read. Considering it's the only negative preview I've seen to date, I'll take it with a grain of salt.
Regardless, I'm still purchasing this game. I'll decide for myself whether I like it or not.
You'd have try it to really know. ;) Being a wow clone isn't bad as long as stuff is done correctly. (If it was done correctly is a different matter, I think the bit-tech preview is accurate in its preview).
They only talk about doing quests and up to a certain level. That should be the status quo for most MMO's. They didn't really tell me anything I didn't know or could infer already.
The Bit-tech preview does seem to give some credibility to the rant by the disgruntled ex-employee a few months back. Interesting....interesting indeed.
you like bioware games and haven't played KOTOR? play that first before you bother getting into a MMO :p
Honestly, at this point, after all the work that's gone into this title, I can't see myself not buying this - the fact that this is Bioware's first MMO almost makes this a mandatory purchase for me, possibly just to find out what worked and what didn't.

What am I expecting out of this?

Certainly not Mass Effect online. This game, rather, should feel like a massive version of KOTOR without a pause feature. I'll put down $49.99 for this, just to experience it. I didn't subscribe to LOTRO or Age Of Conan, meaning no gaming company has ever gotten my credit card number. If Bioware ends up getting my credit card number, and I end up subscribing, then that will be a first for me.

Also, we still don't have a release date yet, so the game is still being made. Kind of sad when a website writes a preview as though it's a review - as though they were playing the final code. Nope. They weren't.
That bit tech preview is so lacking in so many areas. You think this mmo is gonna re do all things that have made MMO's what they are for the last 15 years? Then you are sorely misinformed. They aren't setting out to re make the wheel, just make a dam good one in the sw universe. I'm ok with that.
That bit tech preview is so lacking in so many areas. You think this mmo is gonna re do all things that have made MMO's what they are for the last 15 years? Then you are sorely misinformed. They aren't setting out to re make the wheel, just make a dam good one in the sw universe. I'm ok with that.

A lot of people don't want another WoW in a different universe. Rehashing the same concepts is causing a lot of new MMOs to fail.
A lot of people don't want another WoW in a different universe. Rehashing the same concepts is causing a lot of new MMOs to fail.

Well then I suggest all those people invest 150+mil and 5-6 years of quality talented coders and go make a new ground breaking revolutionary game. I'm not even kidding, go ahead and do it. There is no way anyone is gonna commit those types of dollars and time to an unknown thing so get that out of your head. It's not smart business in this market as it stands. Maybe in 5 -10 years if/when things economicially change but not for now.
Well then I suggest all those people invest 150+mil and 5-6 years of quality talented coders and go make a new ground breaking revolutionary game. I'm not even kidding, go ahead and do it. There is no way anyone is gonna commit those types of dollars and time to an unknown thing so get that out of your head. It's not smart business in this market as it stands. Maybe in 5 -10 years if/when things economicially change but not for now.

There's no point in making excuses for an unsuccessful business model. If doing it right isn't an option that doesn't mean that it makes sense to keep doing it wrong.
Well then I suggest all those people invest 150+mil and 5-6 years of quality talented coders and go make a new ground breaking revolutionary game. I'm not even kidding, go ahead and do it. There is no way anyone is gonna commit those types of dollars and time to an unknown thing so get that out of your head. It's not smart business in this market as it stands. Maybe in 5 -10 years if/when things economicially change but not for now.

One of the most well known things in the MMO market is that if you copy too much, you fail. It doesn't matter how much money you spend on development, people have shown they are not terribly interested in games that are too similar to others.
One of the most well known things in the MMO market is that if you copy too much, you fail. It doesn't matter how much money you spend on development, people have shown they are not terribly interested in games that are too similar to others.

What people have shown (ala WoW) is that a very accessible, eay to pick up and play, light hearted, fun, treadmill of a game is what's successfull. You can thank Blizzard for that. I'm not saying I'm happy about it but those are the facts. So that's what we will get for the forseeable future. I'm not wrong sadly, I promise you. You only change things in business when you are forced too and in this case they aren't forced too. Many new MMO's are failing yes but they aren't failing for just the being stale without innovting as you say. They are failing for alot of reasons but mostly because they just arent capturing anything at all. They are stale and bland. You see alot of devs try to emulate wow yet none do it with any succcess. They try to copy it but fail and they aren't doing anything different as well. Those 2 things alone account for most failures. not to mention releasing way too early. Trying to capture 0 day sales when they know the game won't have any staying power past the first 90 days. Buggy unfinished products are a large part as well.

There's more to it than this but I don't feel like typing anymore lol. You get the idea.;)
A lot of people don't want another WoW in a different universe. Rehashing the same concepts is causing a lot of new MMOs to fail.

Exactly, the next ground breaking MMO will not come from anyone but Blizzard themselves. There are two reasons for this. Obviously one, Blizzard is probably the most innovative and talented studio around. And two, no publisher is going to fund a massively expensive project that does not have a successful financial precedent.
The games gonna be fun and will be a nice MMO if you like MMO's, period. For star wars fans, sci fans and bioware fans we will all enjoy it. For anyone looking for the next best greatest new innovative thing? Look elsewhere. Oh and let me know when you find it since I'll come along for that ride too but I'm not holding my breath. Till then I can't wait for TOR to come out. In fact I will be pre ordering the limited edition and pay that silly ass price for the swag. :) Something I never do anymore as I don't believe in buying special editions these days but this one and BF3 will be my exceptions.
That's the first real negative preview I've read. Considering it's the only negative preview I've seen to date, I'll take it with a grain of salt.
Regardless, I'm still purchasing this game. I'll decide for myself whether I like it or not.

Agree ill be purchasing myself.
People tend to forget that in many way Wow was an everquest clone. I highly doubt you will see much in the way of massive core gameplay mechanic changes come, even after wow has gone. What you will see is refinements and addtions. More ways to level voice acting, consequences of quests and so forth. The only game I can think of that has gone on to be a massive change in gameplay is EVE.

Everything I have seen of it paints it in a very positive light. I enjoyed the time I spent playing it at pax and I will be purchasing it personally along with 40 friends/friends of friends.

The game will not be more like kotor then mass effect, there is not much of the 3rd person shooter element in TOR. Go play KOTOR and see if you like it. There are also a number of gameplay videos online to watch and see if it fits your style.
I 100% am excited about this game. The Star wars galaxy was and still is a huge fail in my mind. This looks different enough to make me wanna buy it when it comes out.
I have played just about every single mmo including Rift. I finally came to the realization that I cannot play them anymore. Not because the games are bad, but the community. People are morons, it's no problem in an FPS because you can just join another server real quick or shoot them. But in mmos you have to put up with their bullshit, it feels like they are protected and can do what they want with no repercussions. I can also see myself have a personality change when I play mmos, I just can't do them anymore.
SWG was fun as hell the first 3 years it was out. Yes it was missing a ton of features that by today's standards we would be screaming bloody murder about. That said it was an open sandbox in the sw universe and we had a ball.
SWG was fun as hell the first 3 years it was out. Yes it was missing a ton of features that by today's standards we would be screaming bloody murder about. That said it was an open sandbox in the sw universe and we had a ball.

I don't think anything can compare to the original swg. Crafting system was legit, and you could really be a mixture of all your favorite classes.
I don't think anything can compare to the original swg. Crafting system was legit, and you could really be a mixture of all your favorite classes.

The whole thing was fun and having a pre CU Jedi was just icing on the cake. I'm sorry but having such an alpha class when very few at that point had one was alot of fun. Yes it was OP as shit but none the less it was fun. ;)
The whole thing was fun and having a pre CU Jedi was just icing on the cake. I'm sorry but having such an alpha class when very few at that point had one was alot of fun. Yes it was OP as shit but none the less it was fun. ;)

I loved being a combat medic, that was some op stuff, poison someone before they can even shoot you and then just run as they die. And being able to heal a group of allies from 64m (I think that was max range) away was awesome.
Fyi. Bioware you know isn't writing this game. Bioware Austin, TX is. They are a very new group made by EA.
Posted via Mobile Device
Fyi. Bioware you know isn't writing this game. Bioware Austin, TX is. They are a very new group made by EA.
Posted via Mobile Device

This isn't news dude. We know. It's been common knowledge for years already.
So sick and tired of generic EQ style clones (Even wow is).

It's the same game over and over and over. Making generic quests that aren't interesting so you can find that next "uber" item to lv up and kill bigger baddies to rinse and repeat ove rand over gets old fast.

The SW:TOR first set out saying it would be something new and fresh. Then we saw the combat, and they started changing their tune.

Then they say shit like "if we have to choose, mmo/game or something that feels Star wars? we go star wars everytime." What a LOAD of bullshit that is.

Give me a proper SW with a good real time combat system over this any day.
Give me a proper SW with a good real time combat system over this any day.

Real time isn't really compatible with RPG's. You have to remember, that your CHARACTER is performing the action, not you. So it's the characters abilities, skills, and equipment that determine what happens when you click an action button.