SSDNow V Series 40 GB SSD $83.96 FS

its a piece of cake. on my amd board, i had to uninstall the nvidia storage drivers to get the intel software to recognize the drive. that was my only snag.

hmmm, what board you using?
yup they are 110 now, I missed it!! oh well, my bank account thanks me!
Except trim isn't supported in raid, and if you're running an AMD southbridge, raid is a complete joke.

performance degradation for SSDs in raid isn't apparent as it is in a single drive. If you have 4 of these running in tandem, TRIM is quite the after thought
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And hopefully in a month or two we will get new drivers that will enable trim with raid :)
yup looks like the intel one didn't get as low as the kingston...$75.56 each... sorry for rubbing it in other peoples faces ;)
BTW, I emailed amazon about the price drops after I ordered and they refunded me the difference. Pricematching is against their policy, though, AFAIK. Great customer service!
I used method 3, no problems

HDAT2 caused me problems, but were fixed by not plugging in the SATA cable until DOS was loaded...crazy, but worked. Otherwise it would not load the program.
I was tempted to get one for myself to run it in RAID on my desktop, alongside the X25-V that's currently on my netbook. I would shift the 80GB X25-M that I've got on the desktop over to the netbook... But ehh, too much hassle, if TRIM was already supported under RAID I would've been all over it but I decided I'll just wait 'till it is (or 'till prices on SSD drop again at the end of the year). I did convince my cousin into getting one for his netbook tho, heh... He had actually decided not to jump on a SSD just yet but at $75 it was too much of a deal not to try it.

I hope we see some deals like this on the 80GB X25-M drives when the new drives come out at the end of the year... Adding a second one would be a nice little capacity/performance upgrade for me and I doubt prices on 25nm drives will drop so low that they'll cost half what the current drives do...
so just curious here... what's the windows 7 score with a single kingston drive and score of them in raid 0
well, all 3 are the same really, but I went with 3 because it was recommended and it was the easiest.

o.. i only read the guide briefly. just noticed there were 3 ways of doing it on the list
[H]'er;1035541545 said:
HDAT2 caused me problems, but were fixed by not plugging in the SATA cable until DOS was loaded...crazy, but worked. Otherwise it would not load the program.
Did you try /d=10 as suggested in the thread? Another option is Linux and hdparm, there's directions for that too.
so just curious here... what's the windows 7 score with a single kingston drive and score of them in raid 0
7.6 non-RAID, I don't know what RAID 0 would do but it only goes up to 7.9. WEI is kind of pointless anyway...
well, all 3 are the same really, but I went with 3 because it was recommended and it was the easiest.
Assuming you're talking about the flashing part, I went with 1 because USB drives are rewritable :cool:

Don't forget that to get full functionality you have to not only flash the drive but reset the DCO.
yea... mine just shipped today. that took awhile.. sure it's worth the wait :D
ugh says it'll take 2 weeks for it to get to my house... with the shipping carrier being USPS... depression...

though when I do get it instant satisfaction.