SSD Failing and Migration


Limp Gawd
Dec 18, 2006
Got a Samsung 870 Evo that is starting to show bad sectors. Going up a little daily.

1. Can I tell what data might be on those sectors so I am not wondering what might be effected?
2. Samsung should give me a replacement. Can I use Acronis to transfer the image from the old to the new drive, or would it cause issues where the bad sectors are involved.

Got a Samsung 870 Evo that is starting to show bad sectors. Going up a little daily.

1. Can I tell what data might be on those sectors so I am not wondering what might be effected?

Maaaybe, you can often figure out the sector number, and then if you have the right tools, go from a sector number to find out the file or directory that's got trouble. But I'm not sure how to do that with filesystems people actually use. I'm assuming these are unreadable sectors; if they're reallocated sectors, I don't think you can get those numbers unless you have some very specific tools and knowledge.

2. Samsung should give me a replacement. Can I use Acronis to transfer the image from the old to the new drive, or would it cause issues where the bad sectors are involved.

It's worth a try, but Acronis might not succeed at taking an image if some sectors are unreadable. You might try ddrescue if Acronis doesn't work, and you're comfortable with a bit of Linux. Regardless, if the wrong part of the filesystem is unreadable, you're in for a bad time, but if you're using it, it's probably not in a terrible place. I'd work on getting an image sooner than later, especially if it's still getting worse.

PS congrats on having an ssd failure other than drive disappeared from the bus and never came back; that's 99% of ssd failures from my experience.
I happened to have StableBit Scanner installed. It actually let me check for effected files, and didnt come up with anything, so hopefully I am good.
Tried to make an image last night, but failed. Will try to make another image, this time sector by sector. From what I read, it may mark them as bad in the new drive, but i can just run chkdsk /r to fix that designation.
Worst case, I just copy over the data. MS Store games might complain, requiring me to download them again, but no biggie.
This is not the OS drive, mostly games and media, but i have moved over my personal user folders to it.
In Canada, last time I needed Samsung warranty, i had to deal with some 3rd party for the exchange. Worked fine, just took a little longer. This drive, I had bought the drive from Best Buy in Nov 2021. Samsung support issued me a ticket number and said Best Buy will handle the exchange. Walked in, they gave me a gift card for the full amount. I then got the exact same drive again which was on sale. Surprisingly, even with the deal, it only dropped $30 in 2 1/2 years. Was hoping to get a 4TB instead of the 2TB at the same price. Nope...the 4TB was another 150 to 200. Can't complain...the warranty exchange was smooth.