Spore out on Friday!

I recommend getting some T3 planets up with rare spices (pink, purple, green, blue) and make sure to put a spice holder there. I swing by every so often and pick up a stack of 30 spice for free. I can sell that stack for 1-2 mill if I'm lucky, but usually more like 500k-1mil. Still, the money is REALLY easy to get once you have a few planets with 3 colonies making good spice for you.

my advice was for people who couldn't setup planets because of the overwhelming attacks. sure, you can set them up later for even bigger bucks, but you dont need them right away if you want to avoid the hassle of terraforming, blah blah.

after I cleared away all the hostile guys who were nearby and got some good terraforming upgrade tools, I built up some colonies and made even more money, in the way you suggested
After nutralizing all hostile factions, built up alliances, and upgraded my ship, the space stage is really fun,

It's slow at first because of money, trade, and constant attacks, but once you advance further into it, it really picks up, it turned out really easy.

For some reason, though it is repetive, I still find the game addictive. I do love exploring and terra-forming rare spice planets.

The attacks have lessened. If there's a pirate raid or spice thieves, I don;t even bothering visting those planets. They don't destory or take over my planet.

Also, I no longer help out my allies when they call for help (eco-disaster or attacks). They can fend for themselves.If I lose favor, I just shoot 'em with my happy ray or give them 100k sprore bucks.

The only time I visit my OWN planet is when under attack from a neighboring factions or an eco-disaster.

If I find that I'm tired of trading, I'll find a new race faction to obliterate.

The game, as simple as it is, is really fun and addicting.
despite all its flaws, its *very* addicting. I haven't stayed up till 3am in ages LOL
I think too many people thought the early phases of the game would have more meat than they do. This game really is all about the space stage.

Don't get me wrong, more meat in the early stages would have been nice, but lets be realistic :).
i wish i would have spent more time in the early stages, my creature looks weird and talks like an annoying human sim. lol.
I have a hard time understanding how the same person can like all stages of this game. Specifically the big divide between the cutesy mini-games in 1-4 or the micro management aggravation of stage 5.

The first 4 stage are cutsey dumbed down shallow games.
1: Cell: run around eating stuff until you fill the bar, then next stage.
2: Creature: Run around and either kill or dance/sing for the other muppets. Basically fill the bar again and next stage:
3: Tribal: RTS ultralight. You have one village where you can place maybe six buildings on. Other villages, Kill them or play music for them. Once you kill or serenade all 5 tribes you are done.
4: Civilization: RTS light. From this stage on your much vaunted creature customizations are completely pointless (err more pointless?). You now keep the cities you conquer (oooh) and now you can place about 8 whole buildings (ahhhh!) in each. You now have three way to conquerz: Economic/Religious/kill em. When you have all the cities. Next stage.

These stages are incredibly shallow and cutsey. I kept being reminded of muppets and they sing and dance around, it seemed like something the pre-teen (pre-school?) set might enjoy.

I suppose you can replay them, but it will have no real impact on anything. Your creature customizations are superficial other than choosing to be Herb/Carn/Omn -ivore. The fact that creature design is a superficial exercise means the "downloadable content" is completely pointless and will just give you different looking creatures. Everyone gets the same amount of points to spend on every play through and thus the creatures effectiveness in each role will be pretty much identical. Downloads of other creatures will have zero effect on playthrough. You will just have different looking carn/herbs...

IMO there doesn't seem to be any point to these stages other than to give the game it's vaunted scope of Cell to Galactic Empire. Once you pass them once, you never have to repeat them and you can go straight to space.

5: Space seems to be the point here. But here the game changes sharply from shallow cutesyness, to micro management hell. It becomes a 4x space game, perhaps all that really has any serious gamer value here. But Does this stage really compare to a decent 4x space game like Galactic Civ 2 or Sins of the Solar empire. Do 4 stages of Dr Seus add anything to a 4X game? I haven't finished space yet, I only have a couple of planets a trade route or 2 and 1 ally yet, I can barely move from my homeworld to explore because the pirate attack it. Or my allies enemies attack him and he needs help .... overall I am very unimpressed so far.

Oh and the DRM is not to stop the pirates, it is to kill resale, so when you realize you bought a steaming pile, you are stuck with it. EAs next battle is the great second hand game scourge.

Want 4X space, get GalCivII for a third the price and DRM free.
I know this is an old, old thread. But, I didn't feel the need to start a new one for this. However, I did want to bring this game back to the limelight, if only for a moment.

I was just gifted a copy of Spore from some friends I play cards with.

I'm addicted. Let's just get that out of the way. I find myself unable to quit for the day and end up spending twice the time playing as I should. I am just amazed at the scale, really. Its wild.

Sure, its not perfect, and I expect Maxis and EA to make a load of money selling "expansion" packs, and I bet there will soon be shelves of them right next to the multiple shelves of SIMS expansion packs. Its not perfect, but its got saleability for sure.

I'm right in the thick of the Space stage: I've got 14 or 15 colonized star systems, although I don't have enough T2 and T3 planets to consider myself out of the money problems just yet. I have several allies, thank goodness, and they keep many of the wars from starting. Terraforming was a pain, until I figured out that I shouldn't buy the 1-use tools but should go straight for the permanent tools. That has made it a ton of fun to find a planet and play Evolutionary Accelerator.

Its funny, I'm reminded of Dune (the book), Star Trek (the original movies), and Civilization (the game) all at the same time. Its obviously nothing new, but its all the good parts rolled into one.

Plus, the vehicle/space ship creator tickles my engineering / race car fancy just enough to keep me tinkering.

I don't know much about DRM and such, and frankly I'm not that concerned right now. I'm enjoying it and I'll probably keep enjoying it for some time to come.
I agree totally -- it just gets old rather quickly. Theres not much replayability for the game after you do the space stage once. I'm looking forward to expansions, hoping they add some good stuff.
Yeah I totally forgot about this game a few days after release, and it seems everyone else did, too.
For all the excitement that was behind Spore, it's clear the game was a major failure. I don't use the word "disappointment" since I feel "failure" better describes the situation.