Sony Interactive Entertainment acquires Nixxes Software


Extremely [H]
Jan 28, 2014
Sony has announced its acquisition of Dutch developer Nixxes Software. Nixxes is known for their PC Windows ports of several Square Enix titles including the Tomb Raider reboot series. The press release mentions creating "unique content," although Nixxes founder Jurjen Katsman has said back in 2011 that he sees the developer as a "technical service" with no desire to create their own projects in house. It would seem that Sony may very well be interested in releasing more SIE titles on the PC platform in the future.

As of this posting, the Nixxes website seems to be down from the influx of traffic to their website with the announcement of the acquisition. A statement from Nixxes about the acquisition is otherwise available there.
Yar, exciting stuff if this acquisition *is* to shore up their PC ports. I might get a Last of Us 2 for PC after all!
I'm hoping this is the case. You can also play TLOU2 on the PS5 at 60fps with the latest patch. It makes a great game even better!
Should be good. Nixxes did a good job with Deus Ex, even if the performance could have been better.

Definitely points to Sony wanting to port more PS titles to PC. Still have to play Horizon one of these days.
This is definitely good news. The more PC ports, the better. Plus, they generally seem to be a good developer. SotTR is the only title they've handled that has even given me any issues, and I 1/2 blame Nvidia for that.
Here is to hoping Sony fully intends on going all in on porting games to PC regularly.

Also interesting that Square Enix owned it. FF7 Remake is still yet to come to PC. I know Sony had exclusivity rights for it, but interesting that Square would go for it when they had a more or less dedicated porting studio. I assume the chances of it coming to PC are even higher now.
Here is to hoping Sony fully intends on going all in on porting games to PC regularly.

Also interesting that Square Enix owned it. FF7 Remake is still yet to come to PC. I know Sony had exclusivity rights for it, but interesting that Square would go for it when they had a more or less dedicated porting studio. I assume the chances of it coming to PC are even higher now.
Squeenix never owned Nixxes. They have always been an independent private company up to this point.
Good news. I am glad I have a PS5 to complement my PC in any event.
Good news, although I wouldn't get your hopes up for Sony to release PC versions of most exclusives or even to release ports in a timely fashion. Sony's more likely to see the PC as a way to scoop up extra revenue after PS5 sales wind down. In other words, get ready for a Horizon: Forbidden West release on PC... in 2023.
Good news, although I wouldn't get your hopes up for Sony to release PC versions of most exclusives or even to release ports in a timely fashion. Sony's more likely to see the PC as a way to scoop up extra revenue after PS5 sales wind down. In other words, get ready for a Horizon: Forbidden West release on PC... in 2023.

Yar, most likely. I can't see Sony wanting to weaken their Playstation platform releases with same day releases as their PC ports. My bet is they'll release the PC version the following holiday season as a 'Definitive Edition' or 'GOTY' alongside a re-release of the PS5 edition with all of the definitive content added to it. That way they'll keep their Playstation platform strong (and still the premier place to play their games) but still enjoy the added PC sales.

Omg cnt wait!! Maybe it'll even be free on epic!

Maybe we'll get Abby and Elle Fortnite skins!
They've been watching other Japanese studios cash in on porting back catalogues and new products to PC (eg Yakuza) and want in on that action. The new stuff I imagine would have a 2+ year delay.