Sony 828G P4 560 3.6GHz $200.00 Hot Deal!? or Typo?

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Limp Gawd
Jun 11, 2004
Take a look at this. It seems like there must be a typo somewhere:

A buddy here in the office just jumped on it. I may do the same after a little feedback.
yeah, that's a typo ok..

1 GB of RAM and a 400 GB hdd... I do not think so.

jumped on it anyway.. doubt that i will get anything though.

Man I am sooooo tempted to jump on this. This has got to be a typo...right? Please tell me this is a typo.
SO what can they do if we order one before they fix it. DO they have to sell it for that price?
Setan said:
SO what can they do if we order one before they fix it. DO they have to sell it for that price?

no no no. doubt they're in the mood to go out of business loosing $1800 dollars per sale.
So what happens then? Will I be able to cancel when they find out? Or will they charge the full amount to my credit card?
pigpen said:
no no no. doubt they're in the mood to go out of business loosing $1800 dollars per sale.

But what if the retards ship it before realizing? Can they sue us?
Setan said:
Well, it's time to find out. I just bought it.

Good luck. I would too...however I just bought the SC420 for like $240 and an e193FP for $300. I think I have ripped retailers off enough over the last week.

But man, this is just soooo damn tempting.

Holy shit, this is an MCE box as well....fuck it, I'm buying it too. And I'm gonna use my card with a $300 limit. I'd like to see the fuckers try to charge me more!!!!
I'll post an update when I find out if they shipped it. Two of us here in the office bought one.
Guys, price errors happen all the time and there is no requirement that they sell it to you for the wrong price. All of us who've been around these deal forums for awhile have seen these come and go, and many of us have tried to cash in on them. Very rarely, a few people get the deal before the merchant wises up, but in the vast majority of these "extreme" pricing errors, nothing is ever shipped and the order is cancelled by the merchant automatically. Sometimes they do give out discounts or coupon codes for your inconvenience though.
joecool234 said:
But what if the retards ship it before realizing? Can they sue us?
no, because it is not YOUR mistake. what are they going to say "you paid the advertised price, you tried to debfraud us!"
There is probably a one in a million chance that anyone would ever get their machine, but just to make the odds better for us:

1: No one call Frys
2: No one email Frys
3: Don't order 2 or more
4: Don't go tell the whole world

Good luck, your going to need it.
OK, just bought mine. I am telling no one. And the mods should delete this thread...NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just ordered one as well.

DO NOT spread the word. If they only get a few orders, they MAY just ship the ones already ordered....

So if they arent going to do it, how long will it take them to cancel the order?

It says "available for special order"
Does this mean they dont have them and we are going to have to wait forever to get our $2000 machines for $200?? :rolleyes: :p
yeah, if the original poster could remove the link & details it may increase our chances of getting the deal.
I just ordered mine to. That would be awesome if this post could be deleted to increase the chances of getting this deal. Would be the best deal i've ever gotten. Hopefully it works. Thanks for posting!!

Just died. I barely slipped through, I think. Not sure if I'll get it though. :(
I've just edited the original post. Took out the details.

The other guy here just checked his order status and it got canceled. Mine is still in progress. But it doesn't look good.

Tis a shame...
yeah the system isnt listed anymore, my order isnt cancelled yet though. Says "in process"
Well the guy here got an email from Outpost saying there are billing discrepencies in the order, nothing about their price being wrong. So maybe he just entered his info wrong, but I doubt it.
Setan said:
Well the guy here got an email from Outpost saying there are billing discrepencies in the order, nothing about their price being wrong. So maybe he just entered his info wrong, but I doubt it.
What time did he order it?
His order time was 10:14AM Eastern. Mine was 10:29AM and hasn't been canceled yet.
Outpost should at least have the courtesy to ACKNOWLEDGE my order, even if they don't honor it.

I have yet to get 1 email about it, and I can't track it since my order number is invalid. :mad:
workingnonstop said:
Outpost should at least have the courtesy to ACKNOWLEDGE my order, even if they don't honor it.

I have yet to get 1 email about it, and I can't track it since my order number is invalid. :mad:

My order hasnt been cancelled yet either :D

It was placed at 10:42am.....
I went ultra cheap, ground shipping If this comes I will have paid $229.87 total :rawk:

So.. How much can I sell this thing for new unopened? $1200? $1500???

I may actually keep it, sell the X600 PCIe, buy the best pcie card I can get my hands on and keep this thing... I will obviously have to make the 400 gig drive the storage drive and use my raptor for the system drive though. I will also toss my 2 250 gig IDE drives in it for a nice even ALMOST terrabyte of storage total :cool:
Bah, cancelled. Well, it was fun while it lasted. Good way to kick off a Friday.
Yea, mine was cancelled too at 11:30. Same message about billing discrepancies. Is anyone else still in luck?
the funny part of this all is that you guys were greedy enough to want to close this thread, and take the link down in order to better your odds of actually recieving this.Greed will get you no where people, and im more than pleased to see it didnt help you here. Have a nice day ;)
ClayDogg84 said:
the funny part of this all is that you guys were greedy enough to want to close this thread, and take the link down in order to better your odds of actually recieving this.Greed will get you no where people, and im more than pleased to see it didnt help you here. Have a nice day ;)
not everyone said to do that
ClayDogg84 said:
Greed will get you no where people

So you'd rather that no one get's a deal than the first few? We both know that had they politely requested that everyone else keep their heads down, it would have fallen on deaf ears.

Besides, we both know that greed gets you EVERYWHERE, whether you morally agree with the idea or not. I'm not a greedy person, but I see the logic in it.

As for the deal itself...

I'd like to see some laws put into effect to govern online retailers when it comes to pricing discrepencies. If this had happened in a store, the company would be SOL and a few people would have a nice new Viao. At the same time, however, such laws could ultimately result in companies just packing up and moving to another nation to avoid the penalties. That, and you have to consider the vast differences between a digital storefront and an physical storefront... It's not like 1000 people could simultaneously grab a mis-priced item seconds after being put on the shelf, which is exactly what these forums is intended to allow for digital storefronts...

I need to stop talking. Back to work.
actually some stores will question a price that seems too low. I purchased an open box speaker at a 50% reduction and the cashier called the manager over to approve it. either way, if you get it, good for you. If not, move on. I hate to see these threads turn into "we should sue" or "there needs to be a law to make them honor it". almost all websites have disclaimers that say the prices are subject to change. Plus, everyone makes mistakes. what if you were selling your car and autotrader left a 0 off. would you honor the price? Why should Frye's have to pay for a mistake made by the web dev guys?
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