Sony 828G P4 560 3.6GHz $200.00 Hot Deal!? or Typo?

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Thank you for your order with It has become
necessary to cancel your order due to discrepancies in the
information provided to us in either the bill-to or the ship-to
portion of your order.

Under the circumstances, we recommend that you contact our sales
or customer service department by e-mail ([email protected])
to have a sales person assist you in placing the order.

Your order number is Jxxxxxxxx00.

We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you in advance for
your assistance with this necessary procedure.

my BILLING information was fine, THEIR pricing information was wrong!
SilenceEchoed said:
I'd like to see some laws put into effect to govern online retailers when it comes to pricing discrepencies. If this had happened in a store, the company would be SOL and a few people would have a nice new Viao.
Nope, that's a myth propagated by a lot of ignorant people. Consumer protection laws vary state-by-state, but in general stores are not required to honor pricing mistakes if they make a good faith attempt to notify the public once the mistake is discovered. A good faith effort would include things like immediately pulling the stock off the shelf and fixing the price, and posting a visible sign with a price correction if it was advertised in the media (sale flyer, etc.). But no law requires a retailer to get bent over the barrel because some hungover $5.15/hr stockboy or an overworked web developer mispriced something.

The laws are there to protect consumers from intentional bait & switch scams and such, not to punish vendors for honest mistakes. That said, many B&M retailers -- assuming the price discrepancy is fairly small, unlike this one -- will honor the bad price to the first customer to bring it to their attention, just to maintain good customer relations. This has happened to me before a few times, but as the manager was approving the sale, he had somebody immediately fixing the price. He didn't have to do it, but he did because it was worth the $5 or $10 discrepancy to keep a customer happy. But do you ever think you'll see one do it with a $2000 discrepancy? Whether B&M or online, I'll wager that would NEVER happen.
I wasn't gonna have one yesterday, and I won't have one today.

Move on, people... we tried. :D
I could care less whether or not I got the system. Hell, I was afraid my debit card was going to reject the charge, so I ordered it and sped to the bank to deposit all my checks. But you know what? It's goddamn unprofessional not to even acknowledge an order. :mad:
I came home today to find a Outpost box delievered. Opened it up and the computer is in there with the recipt and $200 charge to my card.

I did get a cancelation letter from them, but I ordered it early yesterday with next day shipping. This would be a fantastic deal if I can keep it. Do I have to send it back since they cancelled the order? Or am I going to have to pay the rest?
The Mangler said:
I came home today to find a Outpost box delievered. Opened it up and the computer is in there with the recipt and $200 charge to my card.

I did get a cancelation letter from them, but I ordered it early yesterday with next day shipping. This would be a fantastic deal if I can keep it. Do I have to send it back since they cancelled the order? Or am I going to have to pay the rest?
good question, call a lawyer maybe? keep us posted.
If I were you, I'd just hold it for a bit. Dont open it. Wait to see if you get an email asking for it back. If it was just canceled, it doesn't mean anything unless they actually are recalling it. You paid for a product, had it shipped to you, they canceled it, but you got charged and got it anyway. Anyway I look at it, it is yours, but to be on the safe side, wait a few before opening it or selling it. Call them and say "Hi, I made an order and got a message saying it was canceled, but I recieved the item anyway and my credit card was charged for it." See what they say without any more specific info ;)
And I bet more than one of you will go to resllerratings and bitch because you didn't get this deal. That's the sad part. You're so greedy, you expect people to bend over backwards to accomadate you when they make a mistake, but yet, if it was your company that made the mistake, I bet you wouldn't budge a milimeter.
The Mangler said:
I came home today to find a Outpost box delievered. Opened it up and the computer is in there with the recipt and $200 charge to my card.

I did get a cancelation letter from them, but I ordered it early yesterday with next day shipping. This would be a fantastic deal if I can keep it. Do I have to send it back since they cancelled the order? Or am I going to have to pay the rest?
Disclaimer: I'm not a lawyer, so don't consider this legal advice...

If they shipped it already and you've received it, then typically no -- that cannot make you give it back and they cannot charge you full price. Consider yourself extremely fortunate. Still, I'd just sit on it for a week and see what happens. Somebody there will not be too happy if they find out even one -- much less a few or several -- of these shipped out.

Which brings me to a request: do you have a digicam? If so, can you snap some shots of the box, PC, and invoice? I'm just curious -- many times we have people claim they got these pricing mistakes just to stir up the crowd. It's gotten to the point that it's hard to believe when someone scores this big. Posting a couple pics would boost your credibility while making us all kick ourselves that we didn't get in on it sooner. :)
ClayDogg84 said:
the funny part of this all is that you guys were greedy enough to want to close this thread, and take the link down in order to better your odds of actually recieving this.Greed will get you no where people, and im more than pleased to see it didnt help you here. Have a nice day ;)

Yep. I read this 10mins ago and was screaming "Link! Link!" I was so ticked when I realized I was screwed so ya'all could get a better shot at it, that I was ready to call em up and rat you out. Luckily one of you let it slip what shop it was from. Your orders were cancelled so it saved me the time. I wouldnt be suprised if someone called all the popular shops mentioned in Hot Deals to rat ya out either. I myself had that in mind as Plan B. Whip out the phone and hit all the popular shops u guys mention here (New Egg, TD, Frys/Outpost, etc).
The guy didnt order or get anything. Hes just pulling your chain and trying to anger you because you got jack. The post was made Friday at 10:20am. His post was Friday at 6:47pm. 8hrs later. Nothing can be shipped in 8hrs. In order to continue ticking you off, he can claim he ordered it Thursday, but store isnt going to leave a pricing mistake up for more than a day. The post was made at 10:20am and the mistake was fixed in under an hour with people getting emails.
no crap lol, anyone that believes this guy got his computer is well, hell they just dont make a word to describe that level of stupidity.
garry26 said:
Yep. I read this 10mins ago and was screaming "Link! Link!" I was so ticked when I realized I was screwed so ya'all could get a better shot at it, that I was ready to call em up and rat you out. Luckily one of you let it slip what shop it was from. Your orders were cancelled so it saved me the time. I wouldnt be suprised if someone called all the popular shops mentioned in Hot Deals to rat ya out either. I myself had that in mind as Plan B. Whip out the phone and hit all the popular shops u guys mention here (New Egg, TD, Frys/Outpost, etc).

Party Pooper

# 1 guy should have kept is mouth closed UNTIL he received his PC! :)
garry26 said:
Yep. I read this 10mins ago and was screaming "Link! Link!" I was so ticked when I realized I was screwed so ya'all could get a better shot at it, that I was ready to call em up and rat you out. Luckily one of you let it slip what shop it was from. Your orders were cancelled so it saved me the time. I wouldnt be suprised if someone called all the popular shops mentioned in Hot Deals to rat ya out either. I myself had that in mind as Plan B. Whip out the phone and hit all the popular shops u guys mention here (New Egg, TD, Frys/Outpost, etc).

I bet you have lots of friends...dick.
$1 saved is a $1 made. I wouldve save $1900. I prefer to be a dick with $1900 than a twat with $0. Which is what I would be if I just sit there and let myself get screwed. Sorry, but if you think most ppl are gonna sit there and do nothing while they get screwed, then youre on some really good "stuff." Many people think this way. They just dont post it. Thats all.

Anyhoo, theres nothing to be angry about because no one got the deal. So no one got shafted out of anything :)
garry26 said:
....I was so ticked when I realized I was screwed so ya'all could get a better shot at it, that I was ready to call em up and rat you out. Luckily one of you let it slip what shop it was from. Your orders were cancelled so it saved me the time. I wouldnt be suprised if someone called all the popular shops mentioned in Hot Deals to rat ya out either. I myself had that in mind as Plan B. Whip out the phone and hit all the popular shops u guys mention here (New Egg, TD, Frys/Outpost, etc).

Would you cockblock your best friend just because you weren't going to get any?
garry26 said:
$1 saved is a $1 made. I wouldve save $1900. I prefer to be a dick with $1900 than a twat with $0. Which is what I would be if I just sit there and let myself get screwed. Sorry, but if you think most ppl are gonna sit there and do nothing while they get screwed, then youre on some really good "stuff." Many people think this way. They just dont post it. Thats all.

Anyhoo, theres nothing to be angry about because no one got the deal. So no one got shafted out of anything :)
please find your way to toms or something.
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