Someone recommend me a rig

Dec 23, 2003
Hello. I want to build myself a new gaming PC. I do not want to buy the parts separately. I'm looking for a barebones bundle. It needs to play the newest games for a few years after with minimal upgrades. Also need the system to play movies, and also I will be running a home recording studio off it as well. I don't need an OS and I don't need a monitor since this will be hooked up directly to a LCD TV. No need for speakers or keyboard or mouse (Everything bluetooth wireless).

You do know that those barebones tend to have crappy PSUs, case, or even RAM? And that you'll end up buying a bunch of separate parts anyway to replace those parts? So in other words, you're going to have to buy all the parts separately if you want a good build.

Also please answer the stickied "ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS FIRST!" so that we can help you better.
Barebones crap sucks donkey balls. Post the answers to the questions and then we can help you out much better. Otherwise just buy an OEM system like a Dell and upgrade the GPU and RAM and go for it.
Ugh I had a feeling this would happen. Ask for help, and have to answer a barrage of questions on top of this.

Really? If I had all the answers to those questions, I wouldn't be asking for someone to help me.

Forget it. I'll do this on my own.

It's like car racing.

How fast do you want to go, and how much money you got?

4 cores at high clock does more than enough for the game CPU stuff.

It's the card that has the muscle.

AMD is going to be more Bang-4-Buck for gaming.

Get a fast clockspeed chip (4 cores min), 4GB of DDR3-1600 (few games need more).
An SSD for executables/OS, then a HDD for data storage.
Go for the $400-$500 range GPU (AMD), this has always been the bang for the buck card.
A strong steel case. Not all cheap cases are crap, but finding a cheap (or even expensive) case that isn't thin crap is hard. Rosewill (newegg) has some cheap yet strong cases for servers, so I imagine that they have desktop ones too.

You want USB3.0 support, SATA 6gb support, and at least 2 PCIe 16x 3.0 expansion slots in the mobo.

Why? So it can be upgraded when it becomes obsolete. And it will.

And they are right. Those "Combo Of The Weak" deals have crap that isn't selling well due to poor quality. They dump it in a bundle so you think you're getting a deal, but they are really throwing away stuff that they can't sell. Seriously.

Tell me how much $ you want to spend, and I will aim you.
Really? If I had all the answers to those questions, I wouldn't be asking for someone to help me..
Did you bother to read any of those questions? Also the answer of "I don't know" is acceptable to some of those questions.

Do you seriously believe that people can give you help when you have given them virtually nothing to go on? It's asking for food recommendations but you won't say if you are allergic to anything, how far you're willing to drive, how much you're willing to spend, what kind of food you like, etc.
Ugh I had a feeling this would happen. Ask for help, and have to answer a barrage of questions on top of this.

Really? If I had all the answers to those questions, I wouldn't be asking for someone to help me.

Forget it. I'll do this on my own.

Dude, you've been here for more than nine years and you still act like this? Wow.

Everyone is ready to help you, but you haven't provided enough information. Even if people were to suggest barebones systems instead of individual parts some of those questions still need to be answered in order to suggest the best options for you.

You haven't even said how much you can spend.
I bought about 3 "barebones deal of the weak" systems before I gave up. The CPU is OK, the RAM is OK, the mobo is obsolete, the case is crap, and the PSU will last less than a year without high loads. It will blow up instantly if you use it at 100% rated power.

I grenade discount "700w" PSU's with 525w in less than 10 minutes.

And remember, your stability is tied into both EMF (electromagnetic forces caused by humans) and solar radiation. A cheap ass flimsy case is not only hard to build with, it is also less stable. In general, for a solid muscle computer, you want a case that weighs 20lb or more. And a PSU that is modular, and 80 Silver rated or better.
Ugh I had a feeling this would happen. Ask for help, and have to answer a barrage of questions on top of this.

Really? If I had all the answers to those questions, I wouldn't be asking for someone to help me.

Forget it. I'll do this on my own.


I tell ya what. I'll give it a shot and I'll put a limit of $1500 on the build since that will get you a decent system . I'm shooting in the dark here, but will take my best shot.
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$350 - Shuttle Barebones System with Case, MB, PSU

$18 - Samsung DVD Burner

$110 - Seagate 2TB Hard Drive

$375 - EVGA GTX 670 Video Card

$60 - Crucial 2x4gb DDR3 1600 RAM

$215 - Intel i5-3570 cpu

$115 - Samsung 830 128gb SSD

Total = $1243 plus shipping/tax

I can't vouch for the PSU quality in this build. Regardless you will have to install the cpu/ram/video card/drives.

You can look at the case here:
Not sure how someone can expect us to help them when they wont help us help themselves.