Some kid tries to scam people out of Steam accounts. Gets owned...

Just saw trhe myspace as well, definately some ROFLCOPTER action there. But on a more serious note, what fucked up parenting did this kid have, he's playing this is a girlfriend, when it isn't. WOW low self-esteam there. I should feel bad, but the kid will need to grow up and learn responsibility.
Tyklfe said:
Hey pagoon, you're a noobie and you may not know how things work around here, so lets give you the benefit of the doubt.

We don't behave like asshats around here, and if you want to, we'd appriciate it if you took it somewhere else.

Otherwise, welcome to the forums!

I'm far from new here. But thanks for taking notice.

At any rate, thanks for trolling my post. I feel so special that you picked out my post out of so many others to highlight and comment. You sir, are a superstar.

A kid was trying to pull some asshattery on the net which is pretty much on par from what I did when I was 13, but it was more on bbs's and real life. In fact, most people in the teenage years try to pull crazy schemes to see what they can get away with. It's called growing up. But alas, the scamee tried to get back at the scammer by making him look like a fool, and failed. Some people are good at it, some are not. I simply stated that his comeback was not funny.

So in summary, the moral of the story is stop trying to look like some holier than thou e-thug trying to bring down my opinion about a subject.

pagoon said:
I'm far from new here. But thanks for taking notice.

At any rate, thanks for trolling my post. I feel so special that you picked out my post out of so many others to highlight and comment. You sir, are a superstar.

A kid was trying to pull some asshattery on the net which is pretty much on par from what I did when I was 13, but it was more on bbs's and real life. In fact, most people in the teenage years try to pull crazy schemes to see what they can get away with. It's called growing up. But alas, the scamee tried to get back at the scammer by making him look like a fool, and failed. Some people are good at it, some are not. I simply stated that his comeback was not funny.

So in summary, the moral of the story is stop trying to look like some holier than thou e-thug trying to bring down my opinion about a subject.


You're still a party-pooper. So there!
pagoon said:
I'm far from new here. But thanks for taking notice.

At any rate, thanks for trolling my post. I feel so special that you picked out my post out of so many others to highlight and comment. You sir, are a superstar.

A kid was trying to pull some asshattery on the net which is pretty much on par from what I did when I was 13, but it was more on bbs's and real life. In fact, most people in the teenage years try to pull crazy schemes to see what they can get away with. It's called growing up. But alas, the scamee tried to get back at the scammer by making him look like a fool, and failed. Some people are good at it, some are not. I simply stated that his comeback was not funny.

So in summary, the moral of the story is stop trying to look like some holier than thou e-thug trying to bring down my opinion about a subject.


Ouch , already chompin' n' roastin' ass , eh ? Good for you ! * Hands you a cookie and dances merily on the surface of the sun while giggling like a gay black child with red hair , white freckles , and blue eyes all the while crapping a golden luprechaun baring orange four leaf clovers and yes , I know I have typed a lot in this post but you know what ? I don't care so ;p *
pagoon said:
I'm far from new here. But thanks for taking notice.

At any rate, thanks for trolling my post. I feel so special that you picked out my post out of so many others to highlight and comment. You sir, are a superstar.

A kid was trying to pull some asshattery on the net which is pretty much on par from what I did when I was 13, but it was more on bbs's and real life. In fact, most people in the teenage years try to pull crazy schemes to see what they can get away with. It's called growing up. But alas, the scamee tried to get back at the scammer by making him look like a fool, and failed. Some people are good at it, some are not. I simply stated that his comeback was not funny.

So in summary, the moral of the story is stop trying to look like some holier than thou e-thug trying to bring down my opinion about a subject.


The worse I ever did was when I was 12 and managed to install a trojan horse on some guy's computer. It was in my Quake 2 days. The guy had been annoying me for long, and so me and my friend managed to disable all of his games (although a simple reinstall would have sufficed to fix them, but he didn't know how to backup his custom content). It was sweet revenge... I also managed to infect a guy with a virus he tried to infect me with... By sending it back to him and pretending it was something else.

But I never ever tried to steal from people, or put up such lame lies. Still, I can understand that he probably *did* have some inadequate parenting... But I think he deserves to be laughed at. Hopefully, he will learn his lesson from this, and it would be best. If his scam succeeded, he would probably have kept going. He could have tried to scam people for hardware, for example, if he hasn't already. Fortunately for us, the 12 year old speak kind of totally gives it away.
someone should "hack" his myspace account and put in big red letters


that would be really funny. or just create an AIM bot to send SMACKTARD to him once a day from a different account.

funny thread
Hollow4 said:
someone should "hack" his myspace account and put in big red letters


that would be really funny. or just create an AIM bot to send SMACKTARD to him once a day from a different account.

funny thread

just create a my space account, ask to be his friend, and if he accepts, you can post whatever the hell you want. no hacking is involved ;)
[17:44] Raines8416: want to be my friend?
[17:44] SuperEr Ninja: dont be sarcastuic with me
[17:45] Raines8416: im serious
[17:45] Raines8416: i want a haxor to be my friend
[17:45] SuperEr Ninja: you abviously dont know who i am..
[17:45] Raines8416: so you can hax the people i dont like
[17:45] Raines8416: abviously i dont
[17:45] Raines8416: and obviously you dont know how to spell
[17:46] Raines8416: and im leaving. i have to meet someone for dinner. feel free to hax my steam or my megahurtz while im gone
Best part right there :)

Oh, and it wouldn't be a proper thread without someone crapping in it. :p