So let's cut the BS. What is the best mobo for OCing a Q6600?

Budget ?
Date of purchase ?

none of the above and all of the above... I dont care. I want to know the be all, end all, for overclocking a Q6600.

Think about it this way. If you had no budget and wanted the best mobo (overclocking, features, etc...) which would you choose and why? and if you really need a SLI.
I like that one motherboard ... you know the one with some slots, chips and capacitors. Overclocks like a beast!
Thats pretty funny, IMO its the person using the motherboard more than any one particular brand and probally 90% of all issues reported, the root cause of the problem is one in the same.

I want to know the be all, end all, for overclocking a Q6600.

Good luck with that. Please let us know when you figure it out.
SLI: DFI Lanparty UT NF680i LT SLI-T2R
CF: X38 board
Singlecard: Any P35 or X38 board will do.
Since i dont like to pay for alucrap heatsink then ASUS and aspecially their ROG-card is not an option, Maximus Formula looks afull with its alusinks on the heatpipe.
Fine then. If all of you guys are going to be like that.

Of those of you that overclock your Q6600, assuming you had no budget and you didnt need sli, which mobo would you choose and why?
SLI: DFI Lanparty UT NF680i LT SLI-T2R
CF: X38 board
Singlecard: Any P35 or X38 board will do.
Since i dont like to pay for alucrap heatsink then ASUS and aspecially their ROG-card is not an option, Maximus Formula looks afull with its alusinks on the heatpipe.

I love these type of threads.

"Hey all, I have nothing to do today, so why don't you all engage in pages of opinion and argument so I can get off on the drama of it all, all while not contributing..."

Gotcha :)
No budget and no SLI? As of right now I'd grab the ASUS Blitz Formula. That's been one of the best boards I've ever tested. Overclocks very well and is extremely stable. It has a great layout and is already to go for water cooling if you are into that sort of thing.
I love these type of threads.

"Hey all, I have nothing to do today, so why don't you all engage in pages of opinion and argument so I can get off on the drama of it all, all while not contributing..."

Gotcha :)

nobody likes you.

What exactly did you do to contribute to the thread? How is what you did any different than what you described?

I didnt create this thread to get people argueing. I created it to get opinions. Nobody ever said this was to be a factual thread. Im contributing because I dont know the answer. I haven't used any of the mobos so im not going to say one is better than another.

To the rest:
Thanks for taking the time to offer constructive discussion. Dan_D's reply is a perfect example of what I like to see in a thread like this.

No budget and no SLI? As of right now I'd grab the ASUS Blitz Formula. That's been one of the best boards I've ever tested. Overclocks very well and is extremely stable. It has a great layout and is already to go for water cooling if you are into that sort of thing.

Does it work well on air? or is this one of those time where if you are not water cooling then you should go with ....?
Top 3 LGA 775 overclockers (without using redundant chipsets):

3) DFI lanparty UT ICFX 3200 T2R/G took the people who reviewed it as well as the people who read the reviews for a ride. Anand got one with a beta bios, which allowed for a maximum FSB of 511. You wanna know what their highest OC at 7X multiplier was? 3.577GHz (511 X 7). gdamn. Too add to that, you get a truly un-syncronized memory controller. The Memory frequency does not have to be any single or double figure ratio to the FSB. The north bridge on this sucker is truly remarkable.

2)Probibly DFI lanparty UT 680i T2R, failing that the referance 680i board (biostar, EVGA, ECS, BFG, and many more). This things a power monster, probibly the highest power consuming chipset out there today. With a 5cm fan on the northbridge, it still manages temperatures or ~80c (ball park figure). Bearing that in mind, I managed 503 X 7 on this thing, on air. Many report 520, or even 530 FSB.

1) DFI lanparty UT P35 T2R. I have yet to see this board in action but not only does it look totally bad ass (UV FYI), but its id wager itl OC like a banshee.

edit: I think this image speaks for itself:

IM drooling O.O

***granted they get the bios right. Anyone one of those boards will be hauled down by a poor bios, and features which pretend to give you control but infact hinder overclockabillity.
Fine then. If all of you guys are going to be like that.

Of those of you that overclock your Q6600, assuming you had no budget and you didnt need sli, which mobo would you choose and why?

The one in my sig. Got the CPU stable at 3.6 with temps ~40C running at full load. 29-30c idle.
happy with my ip35-pro, Would love to get a good mobo to sli 8800s but I haven't heard of any good board for that. Ive heard 680i and core 2 quads don't play nicely, unless if they have come out with another of the 60 option revisions it seems like they have. Mike
The one in my sig. Got the CPU stable at 3.6 with temps ~40C running at full load. 29-30c idle.

what kind of cooling arrangement do you have?

BTW, I am likng my $100 Abit IP35, Q6600 @ 3.4, and 4 x 1 GB Ballsitix, Raid 0 setup. You don't have to spend a ton to have great performance like some people/manufacturers would lead you to believe.......
agreed, if only this mobo supported sli and not just crossfire. Im at 3.2ghz right now, goal is 3.5ghz here really soon I'm thinking.
agreed, if only this mobo supported sli and not just crossfire. Im at 3.2ghz right now, goal is 3.5ghz here really soon I'm thinking.

You may need voltage. My Q6600 G0 727A needs:

3.2 GHz...1.360v
3.4 GHz...1.440v
3.5 GHz...1.500v

Just the way it is for this cpu. I settled on 3.4 because the cpu and PWM temps are just under the limit I like. <60C for cpu, <65C for PWM.

1000 Mz over stock is just fine by me :p
3) DFI lanparty UT ICFX 3200 T2R/G took the people who reviewed it as well as the people who read the reviews for a ride. Anand got one with a beta bios, which allowed for a maximum FSB of 511. You wanna know what their highest OC at 7X multiplier was? 3.577GHz (511 X 7). gdamn. Too add to that, you get a truly un-syncronized memory controller. The Memory frequency does not have to be any single or double figure ratio to the FSB. The north bridge on this sucker is truly remarkable.
unfortunately RD600 performance isn't remarkable which just proves that fsb isn't the only thing - same as with many P35 boards that will do over 550fsb but performance actually declines as latencies were eased to allow for the high fsbs ...

If high fsb is your thing though I've already seen a screenie of an X38 doing 6x 630+ fsb :eek:
yep ive got volt set to 1.4275 for 3.2ghz, keeping it there and seeing what max clock on on that volt is. I have bad vdroop, but ever since I enabled EIST and C1E I've been having no problems.
unfortunately RD600 performance isn't remarkable which just proves that fsb isn't the only thing - same as with many P35 boards that will do over 550fsb but performance actually declines as latencies were eased to allow for the high fsbs ...

If high fsb is your thing though I've already seen a screenie of an X38 doing 6x 630+ fsb :eek:

@ the bold part: this suprised you? increasing latency figures lowers the stress on the columns of the chips on the ram, making its workload easier. Obviously you can get less on the bus between the ram and the north bridge, but time and time again higher memory bus frequencies have proven to be saturated by ram running at very loose latencies such as cas 6 or even cas 7.

the only 570+FSBs ive seen (aside from my pic) have been 6X and the only 600+ FSBs ive seen have been running some pretty crazy cooling. The picture I showed you was running 7X multiplier. What impact that multiplier has on the north bridge I dont know, but the performance impact does exist.

as regarding the DFI ICFX 3200 board: I like the truly a-syncronous memory controller because it means you can cheap out on the ram and still achieve excellent overclocks. The lowest I believe 680i goes is 1:2 (ex 266MHz DDR (133MHz SDR) on a 1066MHz QDR, (266MHz SDR) FSB). zomg E6550 @ 4Ghz coupled with DDR2 533!

and since P35 will likly be built on the same general memory controller design (unlike 975X and P965), I suspect X38 wont overclock much higher the P35.

What I am suprised at is Asus and its excessive additions to the ROG line.
@ the bold part: this suprised you?
absolutely not but a lot of people get carried away in the contest for high fsbs & apparently don't realise the consequences.
Mind you that has been going on since at least S939 days so it's not anything new.
absolutely not but a lot of people get carried away in the contest for high fsbs & apparently don't realise the consequences.
Mind you that has been going on since at least S939 days so it's not anything new.

yeah well i mean an extra cpu speed is porportionally way more important for performance then ram timings. Id say something along the lines of a boost of 50Mhz cpu speed is worth maybe 1 cas latency.
No budget and no SLI? As of right now I'd grab the ASUS Blitz Formula. That's been one of the best boards I've ever tested. Overclocks very well and is extremely stable. It has a great layout and is already to go for water cooling if you are into that sort of thing.

There is a Blitz Formula for sale on ebay right now :D
Does it work well on air? or is this one of those time where if you are not water cooling then you should go with ....?

Indeed it does work very well on air cooling. It's not even that water cooling it allows alot better overclocking, but it does help manage the heat. Most of what you can get on water you can get on air with the Blitz Formula.
Just like the title says. Tell me which mobo you think wins and why.


Asus P5K-Deluxe WiFi

Had a summer job this year in a local computer store,of all the Q6600's we sold that I built up,17 out about 22 systems used the Asus P5K-Deluxe WiFi-AP.The rest used
eithier Abit IP 35 Pro's(4) and a few Gigabyte's(DQ6's,etc).

None of the Asus based systems have come back with 'issues' of any kind.Most were overclocked (requested by customer) One of the Abit mobo's came back dead,all
of the Gigabytes were fine as far as I know.
I wanted to revive this thread because of the release of all of the X38s.

Again, what is the best mobo and why?

SIDEBAR: Would you go for an X38 or stick with the P35 if you were buying right now? Is the X38 worth the additional $$$?
My list:

ASUS Blitz Formula -546.9MHz FSB
ASUS Maximus Formula -534.0MHz FSB
EVGA 680i SLI -522.5MHz FSB
ASUS Striker Extreme -509.9MHz FSB
ASUS P5K Deluxe WiFi/AP -505.0MHz FSB
EVGA 680i LT -500.0MHz FSB
ASUS P5B -500.0MHz FSB
MSI P35 Platinum -491.8MHz FSB

Everyone's results are different, but here is what we got on all these boards at the [H].
Abit IN9 32X MAX, might not be the highest OC'er but it's not that bad. I have my Q6700 at 3.33GHz. Totally stable, I'm going to push it higher when my Thermalright HR-05's come. I should hit 3.6 - 3.7 GHz.
My p35-ds3r ran perfectly fine at 3.6ghz as did my evga 680i (until it died). This abit fatality 650i on the otherhand is a giant piece of shit. I just hope my rma comes through from evga in time to return it.
Yes, but is it actually available anywhere?

There is a big stack of them everytime I walk into my local Fry's. Oddly, there is usually one marked SE and the rest aren't, yet they all seem to have the nipples.
One of these years I shall have a local Fry's. :(

They don't have them listed online, but I'll see if I can pester them to ship me one anyway. Failing that, I can always save $100 by going with one of the others on your list. :D

Mostly I'm tired of fighting with my DFI Dark, it keeps having all sorts of fun cold boot issues (which they claim are there by design...) and mysterious crashing. :p

What is this "nipples" thing?
They don't have them listed online, but I'll see if I can pester them to ship me one anyway.

Got nothing. For anyone that wants to call ahead to theirs before trying to get one:

Call local Fry's, ask for "Components Department"
Refer to part number 5366348
The best OC board I've had with my B3 Q6600 was the P5K Deluxe which could run at a max 508fsb. I had it running 485x7 due to cpu limit but it did so 24/7 with all board settings(except cpu and ram) on Auto!! My Maximus has been a disappointment limiting me to 425x8 for the same 3.4GHz cpu clock. I think heat is the major problem with the maximus and it far exceeds that of the P35:(
So, P5K Deluxe is the best OC'er I've had on any platform..ever:)
I think heat is the major problem with the maximus and it far exceeds that of the P35:(

We have ways to make that not be a problem, bwahaha.


Okay, so I'd probably slap an MCW30 on the northbridge instead. Might not even put a fan on the southbridge, who knows! But I've already got everything except the MCW30 sitting around spare. :eek:
We have ways to make that not be a problem, bwahaha.

Okay, so I'd probably slap an MCW30 on the northbridge instead. Might not even put a fan on the southbridge, who knows! But I've already got everything except the MCW30 sitting around spare. :eek:

Looking good. I'll be curious as to what your results end up being.