So America's Army on UE3 is coming to Steam, huh?

what the heck, mine is still unreleased, I'm in the US too. i typically don't have problems with steam. someone really must have f'ed up to screw up a steam release. pretty pathetic, even for a free game.
what the heck, mine is still unreleased, I'm in the US too. i typically don't have problems with steam. someone really must have f'ed up to screw up a steam release. pretty pathetic, even for a free game.

There's a fix on the steam forums I believe if you haven't been able to unlock the game yet. Not sure about that though. Either way you aren't missing out on anything. I've been able to play the game since yesterday at 4pm and the training missions won't complete and the multiplayer is too laggy to do anything. Like 3000 ping type of lag.

Hope they fix their auth servers soon.
The problem you all are having right now is not with either of these two people: Steam, AA Devs.

The problem is the 3rd party vendor Pragmatic Solutions. They run the auth servers.

coo tid-bit, actually didnt know that. /shakes fist @ Pragmatic
You would think with knowing the number that preloaded, Steam could have estimated demand for the game and been in communication with 'Pragmatic Solutions'. I guess that would be too much to ask.
I can't even install the game, period. I click on "install game" and nothing happens. :(
Turns out it's not just my computer; of the three friends I have that have installed it, all three experience frequent lockups and crashes as early in as the rifle training. I don't think it has much to do with accessing the servers.
Turns out it's not just my computer; of the three friends I have that have installed it, all three experience frequent lockups and crashes as early in as the rifle training. I don't think it has much to do with accessing the servers.

Might be, but AA2 had the exact same issues when they released new patches. Not only would there be terrible server lag, but the game itself would completely freeze for like 20 seconds frequently as well as crash, all due to their auth servers not being able to handle the load.
Turns out it's not just my computer; of the three friends I have that have installed it, all three experience frequent lockups and crashes as early in as the rifle training. I don't think it has much to do with accessing the servers.

They are working on a patch for this already. I believe the patch is finished, waiting to be deployed.
Removed apparent lag caused by other players entering or leaving a server

Improved start of round spawn issues

Resolved problem with training results not saving

Improved communication with Authentication server

Eliminated freezing up when moving from one training mission to another

Cleared up hesitation during training missions

Significantly reduce number of authentication transactions between player and Authentication server

Solved achievements save and display problems

Improved Login communication with Authentication server

Improved player statistics tracking for better accuracy

Improved overall performance

Patch notes today. According to forums it hasn't improved much.
Patch notes today. According to forums it hasn't improved much.

It's been out for around 10minutes as of this post. It hasn't had enough time to propagate. Will need at least an hour to see the improvements.

Now able to complete all trainings.
Just tried that, it completed but still stuck on Download starting. I tried changing download servers but didn't do anything.
They already did....they gave most of them the boot one day after the game came out.

As far as the problems, a lot of thoem weren't the developers fault rather it's the Auth servers (done by a different company). That's why you can't have stats saved, login to games, etc.
It is mostly the Auth servers and they are managed by a different company but it is still the responsibilty of the AA staff to make sure the auth server company has the capacity to handle the release. AA/Steam knew how many people preloaded and should have had some estimate to how many people would be trying to play this when it was released. If the auth server company couldn't handle it the game should have been delayed.
It is mostly the Auth servers and they are managed by a different company but it is still the responsibilty of the AA staff to make sure the auth server company has the capacity to handle the release. AA/Steam knew how many people preloaded and should have had some estimate to how many people would be trying to play this when it was released. If the auth server company couldn't handle it the game should have been delayed.

The AA staff could do NOTHING. Its a 3rd party contract, period. Pragmatic does there own thing and that's end of discussion. Pragmatic said they could do it, they were wrong. Again.
Of course AA had contact with Pragmatic, you don't get a company to run your authorization servers and not discuss these things with them when you have a major release. AA and Pragmatic screwed this up.
ok. 2 or 3 days ago I went through training.
But the servers were still down and I did the marksman training about 6 times and it still said locked.

Are the server back up? I really don't want to do the training again and not get credit for it.
I just want to get in a server and play again :)
No, still just as broken. Actually its worse for me than before the patch. They announced that a new patch would be coming as soon as possible. :rolleyes:
Same thing happens with them everytime.

I can not get passed the BRM b/c it wont save my 39's and 40's. Oh well I knew it was gonna suck just like 1 and 2.
Aside from the auth issues, can anyone else believe how bad this game is? After playing more multiplayer today, there are so many bugs, it's amazing it passed the beta.

Also, I can't tell if it's my card not rendering the game properly, but the weapon effects look awful even with everything on high. They sound so muffled and quiet, hardly any muzzle flash at all, bullets often don't show decals and will rarely kick up dust\debris.
+1 to O.P. D/L now

I used to game out on AA2 allot, but the missions were fun when I was younger. Now I just wanna go online and smash faces, but I could use the mouse/keyboard practice of a few missions first.
I, like many of you, tried to play the game the day it was released... that was like having sex with a cactus. Very bad.

The patch released a few days ago... well, I can join a server now. But I can't see my HUD. The sound effects are...weird. Bullet fire sounds like muffled firecrackers. And the game runs incredibly bad for me. I get 25-30 FPS. I'm running my brother's 8800 Ultra.. I know I don't have the strongest processor in the world (e4300), but every other UE3 game runs flawlessly.

I think I'm going to go download the old AA and play it. :eek:
Well I had problems the other day the auth servers were laggy so my training wasnt saving and playing online wasn't possible.

I did all the training today and played online and actually had a lot of fun, it's nice to see a "PC" game for once and not soem consoloised piece of crap. Apart from the known bugs my only real complaint is that registry of bullets seems a little off, if somoene is sprinting across a field and you take several well timed shots at them they never seem to fall, i've full auto in somoenes back once before and he turned and shot me! This was at about 5ft.

Other than that its a fun game, it gets your heart racing sprinting down a field of hay bales sliding between cover, and then to reach the house and it essentially turns into whta feels like SWAT 4 where flashbangs and careful movement between cover is actually helpful.

Overall quite good, a lot to finish since loads of the game is missing (training and weapons) but hopefuly they'll get that out soon.
I think the game to beat Frontlines Fuel To War's horrible botched buggy release has arrived in the form of this America's Army 3.

Total crap fest... I have tried to play online about a dozen times at different occasions and managed to successfully connect and spawn and get killed on just one occasion.
I, like many of you, tried to play the game the day it was released... that was like having sex with a cactus. Very bad.

The patch released a few days ago... well, I can join a server now. But I can't see my HUD. The sound effects are...weird. Bullet fire sounds like muffled firecrackers. And the game runs incredibly bad for me. I get 25-30 FPS. I'm running my brother's 8800 Ultra.. I know I don't have the strongest processor in the world (e4300), but every other UE3 game runs flawlessly.

I think I'm going to go download the old AA and play it. :eek:

Ok good, I'm glad it's not just me and the ridiculous rifle sounds.

I did all the training today and played online and actually had a lot of fun, it's nice to see a "PC" game for once and not soem consoloised piece of crap. Apart from the known bugs my only real complaint is that registry of bullets seems a little off, if somoene is sprinting across a field and you take several well timed shots at them they never seem to fall, i've full auto in somoenes back once before and he turned and shot me! This was at about 5ft.

In my few hours of play time, I'd say 1\3 targets will somehow survive inexplicably when they are definitely being hit by bullets. Like you said, sometimes it is even a full auto, 20 shots, and it won't hit them.
I havent had alot of collision detection issues. I've had issues with joining servers and not being able to log in sometimes. In due time it will be fixed.
Whenever I click on a training mission or try to go into a server it just sits there and freezes up.
Whenever I click on a training mission or try to go into a server it just sits there and freezes up.

have you updated to the "newest" patch? Its really pretty nice, I just played multiplayer for the first time and its not half bad, the collision detection on rounds needs to be bumped up, but for the most part its ok.
Yeah I just re downloaded it, I found that fix where you delete that fmap file and i can join multiplayer games, but I never successfully played a round yet.