

Bad Trader
Jun 15, 2004
ok, I wasn't sure exactly were to post this so if it is wrong, move it. anywayz, I finally got Yabb up and running on my computer. The only problem I have is with SMTP, yeah simple my ass. I am running XP PRO, I went through the IIS thing and set it up but I don't know what the address is, nor the format it is supposed to be in. In the Yabb config file it says,

$smtp_server = ""; # Address of your SMTP-Server

Any help would be greatly appriciated, Thanks!!
Sounds like they want the address of the mail server that will be handeling mail for your site. Are you providing mail support or you ISP?
should've specified, I am hosting the site from my house, using Apache. I was planning on using the smtp built into XP PRO, but If you guys know of anything better (Or simplier :p) let me know. Thx!
As far as I know, XP Pro doesn't have any SMTP functionality. You're going to have to find a third-party solution (or use Server 2000 or 2003) for hosting SMTP locally (which isn't the greatest idea in the first place). Just Google for Windows SMTP.
BobSutan said:
Mercury email server is the simplest SMTP solution I've found, bar none.
looks good, but what so i put for a smtp address? like what is the format? Anything else I need to know? so, I just put the address in the config and it will automatically email the users? sry for all the Q's. Thx!!!!
You'll need to edit or create an/your MX record in DNS. Who handles your DNS for you? You? Typically and SMTP address will be something like said:
What are the Comcast Mail Server Settings?

The Comcast Mail server settings are as follows:

Outgoing mail (SMTP):
Incoming mail (POP3):
Does this mean I can use comcast to send my mail? I guess I should elaborate more, I a using Yabb (A forum) and I need to automatically send emails to people who join that has their password. So what is the absolute easiest way to do this? Thx.
I would reccommend using your comcast smtp server. That will be the easiest by far.

If you insist on setting up a local smtp server, your best bet (imo) would be a seperate *nix box running sendmail or qmail. If I was setting this up, I would build a linux router with NAT, Apache, and qmail.

Then your problem will be getting a domain name and your dynamic IP's. I think will give you a free name for a static IP. Then you can either pay for dynamic service or just change it if you IP changes.

In summary, just use comcast's smtp server.
Relli said:
I would reccommend using your comcast smtp server. That will be the easiest by far.

If you insist on setting up a local smtp server, your best bet (imo) would be a seperate *nix box running sendmail or qmail. If I was setting this up, I would build a linux router with NAT, Apache, and qmail.

Then your problem will be getting a domain name and your dynamic IP's. I think will give you a free name for a static IP. Then you can either pay for dynamic service or just change it if you IP changes.

In summary, just use comcast's smtp server.
ok, well good ole Comcast blocks all smpt anyways. So how do I use Comcast's smpt?
ArGoSoft Mail Server Pro

This was the easiest mail server i ever used.
Ibanez3434 said:
ok, well good ole Comcast blocks all smpt anyways. So how do I use Comcast's smpt?

I am on Comcast and have a smtp server setup just fine (exchange 2003). Heck.. I have ftp, webcam, replaytv, and iis server setup on it too. I don't think Comcast blocks ports.. unless it's different for different locations.
wait, does mailenable standard do smtp? it's free and I love it but...hmm... ill have to check when im not so exhausted and not reinstalling windows...
I had ME Standard back in the day, and it worked fine for me. So if the ME Standard is the free version, then yes it should be fine.
To use Comcast's SMTP server, you should just have to put in the conf file. I've never used Yabb, but I would assume it would work. As long as you are on a comcast connection, I don't think you should have to authenticate to the smtp server either.