SMP passkey?


Oct 6, 2005
I'm setting up the SMP client today as per these instructions.

What is the "passkey" the client wants? Is it the password for my XP user account?


not really needed.. i mean hell if anyone wants to use your name you should let them.. :p more points for you :p
Yeah, I don't use a passkey on any of my SMP clients.

not really needed.. i mean hell if anyone wants to use your name you should let them.. :p more points for you :p

Unless they are setting up illegal borgs.
Then without a passkey number, all your points would be zero'd.
With a passkey number, hopefully only the illegal points get zero'd.

Luck ........... :D
Unless they are setting up illegal borgs.
Then without a passkey number, all your points would be zero'd.
With a passkey number, hopefully only the illegal points get zero'd.

Luck ........... :D

Interesting thought - has anyone asked this pointed question to verify?
It says so right on the F@H page linked by Xilikon.

Plus "...we plan to shortly institute credit bonuses, which will be tied to passkeys."

Can you run SMP and GPU on the same system? I've been running GPU and I'm curious if both can run together?
Can you run SMP and GPU on the same system? I've been running GPU and I'm curious if both can run together?

You sure can do this but it's a bit tricky since it involve playing with affinities and priorities so each client get enough cpu cycles to work.

Thanks, Xilikon. Maybe I'll just build a box for running SMP.
You sure can do this but it's a bit tricky since it involve playing with affinities and priorities so each client get enough cpu cycles to work.

Can you be specific? 'Cause this is what I'm doing right now since yesterday. I was going to make another thread about any problems with this but here is as good a place as any.
Both my SMP(M) and GPU2 clients seem to be running strong?

As far as "tricky" it's not a problem with me...

Sometimes they need affinities set, but I run all my clients including CPU and GPU on the same box and never set affinities.
