SMP Live CD.


Limp Gawd
Nov 20, 2003
I certainly dont have the skills to do this, but
has Mage or anyone else though of an SMP Live Linux CD?

Is it even possible?

I'm still trying to get Mandriva or Suse to work on my laptop, Ubuntu didn't initialize for some reason. :( If I can get a LiveCD to work in the first place, I might be able to report with FAH results.
How many cookies would we need? Chocolate chip or rather oatmeal raisin?
Thin Mints? Can we just send him some ``girl scouts''?

Someone already confirmed that Girl Scout cookies are made from real Girl Scouts. I believe they said the number was 42. That should be good enough.


Ubuntu 6.10 LiveDVD 64-bit
32-bit libraries

Now Folding away, without touching my hard drive. :) The problem was my SD reader, Linux didn't like it. I took out my swap-file card, and it booted right up. :D

Beware, large file- nothing spectacular, but a screenshot. :)
Well, the CD isn't 100% live yet- you still have to download and install the 32-bit instructions after you boot, as well as the FAH client. However, it works with no hard drive present, so you don't have to install the actual Linux kernel anywhere. Don't even think of doing this on under 1.5-2GB of RAM. My system monitor shows 1.3GB of filesystem in use, and 800MB of RAM.

I'm also not sure how the performance is- I've read a few people saying that Live distros are a little bit slower. Here's an idea of my results:
e6400 2MB @ 2.66GHz desktop with 2GB dual-channel, Virtualized through XP: 15 minutes = 1%. 1WU takes approximately 25 hours, or a little over a day.
T5500 2MB @ 1.66GHz notebook with 1.5GB dual-channel, Live DVD straight: 23 minutes = 1%. 1WU takes approximately 38 hours, or about a day and a half.

23/15 = 2.66/1.66, so it looks like it scales pretty linearly. However, I'd expect better results from the non-virtualized one, so it does look like Live takes a similar penalty; either that, or the VMWare version is actually pretty damn efficient.

And there's the obvious problem of losing a full WU if you reboot. Can you copy the data onto a USB drive, reboot, and then copy it back? Or would the "machinespecific.dat" and "queue.dat" files prevent it from resuming/counting?
I have moved my entire f@h folder to another pc and it picked up where it had left off on the initial one. I imagine it would work fine copying to a usb drive. The better idea would be to get a stripped version running entirely on a usb drive, they are cheap enough these days.