Skynet Didn't Attack, James Cameron Still Weird

Global warming does not exist. The earth goes through cycles and the data for global warmi g has been proven false and manipulated by the liberal elite. Avatar was a great movie but the Mariens would not pull out like that. Not without coming back with reinforcements killing everything then taking that unobtanium. We also never found out why the metal was so valuable.
And here I sit 20 degrees below normal and record snow fall this winter..brr and BTW skynet did go self aware and it concluded that death was too good for us. either that it just doesnt care about us "mostly bags of water" or it did go self aware a long time ago and we're just batteries and wont ever realize it.
disturbing how peopel will find stuff to back their own views, disregard objectivity, and then denounce anything contrary.

climate change is real, and man played a major part in it. Nature spent millions of years sequestering a ton of gasses and man came along and set fire to them. To pretend that will have no impact is deluded nonsense. We matter, there is no denying reality, at least not by anyone other than fools.
And here I sit 20 degrees below normal and record snow fall this winter..brr and BTW skynet did go self aware and it concluded that death was too good for us. either that it just doesnt care about us "mostly bags of water" or it did go self aware a long time ago and we're just batteries and wont ever realize it.

Really mixing your movies :)

FYI: It's "Ugly bags of mostly water"
disturbing how peopel will find stuff to back their own views, disregard objectivity, and then denounce anything contrary.

climate change is real, and man played a major part in it. Nature spent millions of years sequestering a ton of gasses and man came along and set fire to them. To pretend that will have no impact is deluded nonsense. We matter, there is no denying reality, at least not by anyone other than fools.

Yup, that .01% we are contributing is really making a difference.

Funny how the Global warming truthers don't have an explination for why Mars is warming at the same time. Heard it was the sun.....
Climate change is pointless bullshit that you have zero control over. Now that the phrase has been redefined from AGW (Anthropogenic Global Warming aka man-made global warming) we have idiots coming out of the woodwork to promote this bullshit. There is nothing, zero, nada, zilch that can be done about climate change. That is all incumbent upon the sun. It is the driver of climate and weather on earth. Too bad, so sad.
disturbing how peopel will find stuff to back their own views, disregard objectivity, and then denounce anything contrary.

climate change is real, and man played a major part in it. Nature spent millions of years sequestering a ton of gasses and man came along and set fire to them. To pretend that will have no impact is deluded nonsense. We matter, there is no denying reality, at least not by anyone other than fools.

Patent bullshit. CO2 makes up .036% of the total of atmospheric gases. Water vapor is the real culprit, however, it occurs naturally from oceanic evaporation. There is nothing you can do about that. Oh hell, there is more methane in the atmosphere than CO2 and yet, leftard envirokooks hung their hats on CO2 without a single mention of atmospheric methane. Furthermore, one major volcanic eruption realizes more noxious and toxic atmospheric gasses in higher concentrations on a scale than man ever produced by multiple factors. Ever. Stop deluding yourself that you actually have done anything meaningful to affect the climate. You haven't. You're a less than a drop of piss in the giant toilet of life.
No, you are tiring to listen to. Please educate yourself before you blow your nonsense here. Just about ALL scientists in the field of climate science, already agree that we have a global warming problem. Listen to the scientists who actually work in this field, not the politicians, pundits, talk radio hosts etc.

Argumentum ad populum (illegitimate appeal to popular opinion) and ipse dixit (illegitimate appeal to authority) are logical fallacies, and don't convince me of the veracity of environmental alarmists. From what I can tell, the environmentalist movement seeks to hold western nations and the USA in particular up to a demanding compliance standard that suppresses and harms the economy while exempting everyone else, especially third world countries that pollute the most.

I don't think it was a very good idea for Steve to throw that controversial assumption into the Skynet joke.
Just like the above comment. Even if you do not believe in global warming. How can you not support the clean energy movement?

I would much rather see a ton of windmills than a coal mine. A solar panel farm than a smoke stack.
Yup, that .01% we are contributing is really making a difference.

Funny how the Global warming truthers don't have an explination for why Mars is warming at the same time. Heard it was the sun.....

oh ya! I heard that we were only contributing .01% as well! wait........that was from a website funded by tobacco lobbyists.......hmm.......nah thats ok, they are always totally honest with everybody.......
//[T.0.P]//;1037145390 said:
If the idea of global warming is only supported by one scientist in the entire world, then I could see the reason for doubt of the theory. But in actuality, the theory is supported by many. Claiming that a movie made global warming a fact, and then became untrue because of a scandal from some remote university is a little too black and white for me.

So far, Global Warming has missed every milestone that was set for the theory. We don't have millions of refugees (as predicted by the UN in 2005) from islands that have been covered by water. We still have glacers that should have melted years ago. It was predicted in 1986 that by 2010 north America would have none left. Global Warming is happening, I don't doubt that, but it is part of the NATURAL cycle and is not human caused.
Lets not forget that Global warming is happening to EVERY planet in the solar system we can monitor. Yeah, I bet those dirty humans will find a way to take credit for that too.

Exactly my thoughts on all these argument on whether global warming is man made or not.

I don't care if its true, I don't see whats wrong with wanting to reduce our dependency on fossil fuel.

I'm waiting for the day when electric car becomes affordable and I can stop paying for gas which keeps getting costlier all the time. ;)
Actually there really wasn't much of a debate. There was a movie made "An Inconvenient Truth" and from then on it was accepted as fact. Most of the debate points countering global warming were squashed until the emails were leaked from University of East Anglia. After which the movement lost most of its steam.

Oh please do spare us this same load of dreck. The scientifically illiterate have no standing to be weighing in on matters of scientific importance. If you really think anything important was revealed in those emails you're either that or intellectually disingenuous.

In fact most such "climate skeptcism" tends to fall into one of those two categories. There are some honest doubts out there, but they're very, very much a minority and the sheer amount of petrochemical funded dishonest "research" out there makes it harder to take them seriously.
Oh please do spare us this same load of dreck. The scientifically illiterate have no standing to be weighing in on matters of scientific importance. If you really think anything important was revealed in those emails you're either that or intellectually disingenuous.

In fact most such "climate skeptcism" tends to fall into one of those two categories. There are some honest doubts out there, but they're very, very much a minority and the sheer amount of petrochemical funded dishonest "research" out there makes it harder to take them seriously.

False dichotomy (anyone who disagrees with you is automatically illiterate scientifically or a liar) and argumentum ad hominem (avoiding the issue by criticizing the speaker/source, in this case studies funded by petrochemical companies) are logical fallacies, and are no substitute for a persuasive argument.
Same elite who makes $$$ polluting are the same elite who is pulling a moral highground over people's eyes to gain more power and $$$ at a constant damaging effect for everyone. Example: they own the industries now they just tax the world like kings and queens.
On topic: Cameron's a goof ball, I have little respect for him and I would shell out big money to see most of his movies. :)

Off topic: Global warming is real. I'm wearing a short sleeved shirt as I type this. It's warm outside! In Arizona. In mid-April.

It snowed 2 days ago in Chicago. It was 36F on the way home yesterday at 4pm...
Eh what a douche... he is true but still no need for this with this joke.
On topic: Cameron's a goof ball, I have little respect for him and I would shell out big money to see most of his movies. :)

Off topic: Global warming is real. I'm wearing a short sleeved shirt as I type this. It's warm outside! In Arizona. In mid-April.

And for us in Minnesota, we got snow on April 20!
How do we know Skynet didn't become self-aware? It could be trying to cultivate all the machines as we speak. Now if you'll excuse me, my toaster is acting strangely..... *grabs a hammer*
Even the Global Warming groupies don't call it that any more, they had to change the name to Climate Change.

This is the coldest winter season we have had that I can remember.

2 things here:

It was never changed to climate change by scientists. That was Frank Luntz, a speech writer and pundit under the Bush administration. Global warming sounded bad. Climate Change sounds like something that's supposed to happen. Therefore, the republicans altered the discussion and how it was to be addressed in the political world. It has nothing to do with any scientist wanting it, all political.

It was colder this winter because the polar winds are dipping further south. Reason for it: The melting polar ice cap. Funny how that works eh? Huge tracks of ice melted away and either didn't return or were thin. This created an abundance of exposed water. Sea water is warmer than ice, doesn't really reflect sunlight and has higher water vapor release. Since the water was warmer, heat rose off and created a huge updraft, forcing arctic winds further south than normal and disrupting normal weather patterns. And there you go.

Now, downside of it doing that. It's dragging warmer gulf and midatlantic air back north to gradually increase the temperature in that wind system, which will increase the temperature on the ice pack, which will melt more ice, which will make it warmer.. and rinse repeat. Do you see how this is bad in the short term but incredibly destructive long term? I doubt it. But it was worth explaining.
Global warming is real, people denying it is well, making it more obvious why this country is getting clobbered by just about all others in math and science. Destroying America through ignorance.
Actually there really wasn't much of a debate. There was a movie made "An Inconvenient Truth" and from then on it was accepted as fact. Most of the debate points countering global warming were squashed until the emails were leaked from University of East Anglia. After which the movement lost most of its steam.

Actually that claim is myth and nonsense and outright deceptive. When actual climate scientist where actually polled they split 60% for warming 40% no warming, and when asked if they believed any warming was caused by man the split was 40% warming caused by man 60% for warming was natural. So the science is mixed. Now considering the errors, deception, exaggeration and outright fraud discovered among climate scientist pushing global warming in the last two years it is absurd to claim the science is settled. Using an "An Inconvenient Truth" to support your assertion is an example of exactly what is wrong with global warming advocates… really using a movie with many PROVEN (in a British Court) scientific and factual errors as proof of something is weird. Another example of the exaggeration/lies used but warming advocates was the 2005 claim that there would be 50 million climate refugees by now, a claim that recently disappeared from the UNs climate web pages. Another was the claim of supposed shrinking Himalayan glaciers that are actual growing, the list of these exaggeration/lies is very long.…

And ad hominem baloney about politicians, pundits, talk radio hosts etc. is not relevant or argument but vacuous attack. As usual much pro-global warming argument has unfortunately evolved in to more religion and ad hominem attack than science
Global warming isn't what is being debated. The debate is around the issue of what is causing it. Global warming is real, the ice caps are indeed melting.
James Cameron is no scientist

Watch " The Great Global Warming Swindle"

Please do your research before posting such nonsense.

BBC4 had to apologize, and broadcast a summary of the Ofcom ruling against the film, for airing the crap which was The Great Global Warming Swindle. Carl Wunsch and David King, two scientists which appeared in the film, were misrepresented, which was backed by the ofcom ruling.

Martin Durkin, who created this film, is a joke.

Martin produced such face-palm inducing documentaries such as Equinox which suggest that the dangers of silicon breast implants were nil and that they actually resulted in medical benefits.

His against nature documentary received many complaints, most dealing with Durkin misleading people who appeared in the program, and again ofcom ruled in favour of the complaints.
Global warming isn't what is being debated. The debate is around the issue of what is causing it. Global warming is real, the ice caps are indeed melting.

Which ice caps and when?

While the Artic has ice has receided, the Antartic has grown colder:

Excerpt: While the news focus has been on the lowest ice extent since satellite monitoring began in 1979 for the Arctic, the Southern Hemisphere (Antarctica) has quietly set a new record for most ice extent since 1979. This can be seen on this graphic from this University of Illinois site The Cryosphere Today, which updated snow and ice extent for both hemispheres daily. The Southern Hemispheric areal coverage is the highest in the satellite record, just beating out 1995, 2001, 2005 and 2006. Since 1979, the trend has been up for the total Antarctic ice extent. While the Antarctic Peninsula area has warmed in recent years and ice near it diminished during the Southern Hemisphere summer, the interior of Antarctica has been colder and ice elsewhere has been more extensive and longer lasting, which explains the increase in total extent. This dichotomy was shown in this World Climate Report blog posted recently with a similar tale told in this paper by Ohio State Researcher David Bromwich, who agreed "It's hard to see a global warming signal from the mainland of Antarctica right now". Indeed, according the NASA GISS data, the South Pole winter (June/July/August) has cooled about 1 degree F since 1957 and the coldest year was 2004. This winter has been an especially harsh one in the Southern Hemisphere with cold and snow records set in Australia, South America and Africa.
False dichotomy (anyone who disagrees with you is automatically illiterate scientifically or a liar) and argumentum ad hominem (avoiding the issue by criticizing the speaker/source, in this case studies funded by petrochemical companies) are logical fallacies, and are no substitute for a persuasive argument.

And faith is no substitute for reality.

When I see some new arguments I may actually waste the time formulating a detailed response. In the meantime the larger fallacy would be to waste any appreciable amount of time attempting to address ignorant authoritarian followers who can't bother seeing past their own nose.

It's the same reason I don't argue with flat-earth creationists, anarcho-capitalists, or solipsists. Some things simply aren't worthwhile, particularly when it's far more likely to give such mental bankruptcy a patina of credibility than to persuade anyone.
So basically you don't converse with any one that has a differing opinion/belief.
So basically you don't converse with any one that has a differing opinion/belief.

Of differing realities rather. If one is indifferent to reason, why bother trying to reason with them? We have evidence that suggests authoritarian followers when given facts only clutch more firmly to their delusions, there really is no use in the exercise.
Global warming denial is such a quaint US tradition, like the Westboro Baptist Church and childhood obesity.
i don't think i've ever seen someone deny that the earth is either warming or cooling. the only thing i've seen denied is that atmospheric co2 content directly determines global temperature. being that co2 content has risen exponentially and temperature hasn't, i'd say that theory is out the window.