Silly Raid question


Limp Gawd
May 14, 2011
dumb question but I have never done a raid setup before. I have two 7200rpm hard drives in my case. One is a 500GB Samsung spin point with 16mb cache and the other is a Seagate 650GB. My question is can I put these in raid 0 or do they have to be the same size and or brand? And if possible does the fact that they are different in any way affect the reliability of the disks in raid?
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This would depend on what raid system you have. I know that linux software raid will allow thiis. I have seen HW raid allow this. However some BIOS/fake raid may not allow it. On windows if this array does not need to boot you can avoid the issue by using the builtin OS raid which raids individual partitions.
Usually it will work but the array will mimic the smallest and slowest of the drives.

That's how it goes with Intel but I can't speak for AMD.