Sick of AMD and xfire need help selecting new nvidia GPU


Supreme [H]ardness
Aug 11, 2005
I just can't handle AMD and the disaster which is xfire anymore. Terrible and slow driver support has now been compounded with the fact that after I went to win 10 the xfire option is missing from CCC and AMD refuses to communicate with me.

Unfortunately I am not up to date on current GPUs. I have an eyefinity 3x1 setup powered by 2x7970s. My question is what single nvidia cards should I be looking at? Please help.
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What's your budget? :) A single 980 ti or Titan X sounds good for you although you won't be maxing all games with 3 monitors.
AFAIK nVidia does not currently make single-slot cards. If you really need single-slot, your best bet would be three or four GTX 580 3GBs. Now, if a dual-slot card is OK, you should consider a 980 Ti or Titan X.
Xfire on Windows 10 works just fine. Better than in Win7 or 8 for that matter.

What driver version are you running?
Well.. if you want to be frustrated, nVidia on Windows 10 will definitely get you that frustration!!


Windows 10 + nvidia surround/3d surround/SLI = major problems right now. You might be able to avoid that trouble with a single card but you'll still have the surround issues to contend with. Word on the street right now is that AMD drivers are doing much better in win10 than nvidia by far. You may be going from the pot to the fire.
no 980ti is singelslot.

Don't fucking lie.

What he need is another matter.

Now you could buy my 6 slot 7970's :p

Windows 10 + nvidia surround/3d surround/SLI = major problems right now. You might be able to avoid that trouble with a single card but you'll still have the surround issues to contend with. Word on the street right now is that AMD drivers are doing much better in win10 than nvidia by far. You may be going from the pot to the fire.

God this so bad, my Geforce Experience is self destructing and everything SLI related just sucks. I don't know why I bothered to adopt so early. Granted the Geforce Experience control panel has always sucked but everything is scaled up in W10.
Whoops didn't mean single slot meant single card

I thought so :p But then 980 ti/Titan X remains a valid answer although the Titan is a lot more money for not much more (extra VRAM and very slightly better chip).
God this so bad, my Geforce Experience is self destructing and everything SLI related just sucks. I don't know why I bothered to adopt so early. Granted the Geforce Experience control panel has always sucked but everything is scaled up in W10.

Early adoption on OS has almost NEVER been a good move for gamers.
I have no problems with my 2 X 295X2's running quadfire on Windows 10.
Xfire on Windows 10 works just fine. Better than in Win7 or 8 for that matter.

What driver version are you running?

No it doesn't work just fine on Windows 10.

The problem occurred when I upgraded to win 10. I tried doing a clean install of win 10, same problem. I have tried using the latest drivers, same problem. I uninstalled the latest drivers and used DDU, in safe mode, to uninstall everything and tried 15.6 drivers, same problem. I have tried uninstalling the display adapters, from device manager, and reinstalling, same problem. The crossfire menu option, in CCC, doesn't even show up. Both cards are detected, by CCC and device manager but crossfire option is not present.
I have an AMD APU in my HTPC running windows 10, it took me over 4 hours to get AMD drivers installed, had to install, uninstall, reinstall, clean, do a clean windows install, it was horrible.

AMD really needs to hire people that actually know what they are doing with drivers.
Once you get two AMD cards you don't give a shit about nvidia ever again. :p

This has not been my experience at all. Xfire is always broken on every major game release and drivers are very slow to come out to correct xfire problems.
I know I've been out of the hard core gaming loop for a while but aren't there custom profiles you can add to the drivers or use beta/custom drivers? I used to use customer-created drivers all the time when I was needing the extra oomph in a game. In many cases, the custom drivers were as good or better than the 'official' WHQL drivers.

Seems a bit extreme to drop a cross-fire setup and switch teams if you have less extreme options and can keep your investment.
No it doesn't work just fine on Windows 10.

The problem occurred when I upgraded to win 10. I tried doing a clean install of win 10, same problem. I have tried using the latest drivers, same problem. I uninstalled the latest drivers and used DDU, in safe mode, to uninstall everything and tried 15.6 drivers, same problem. I have tried uninstalling the display adapters, from device manager, and reinstalling, same problem. The crossfire menu option, in CCC, doesn't even show up. Both cards are detected, by CCC and device manager but crossfire option is not present.

Something else is messed up with your system then.

I have been running windows 10 since the tech preview came out.

Both it and the final (via an upgrade from Win 8.1) work fine with Xfire 7970s in my system.

Have you tried a different Crossfire bridge?

Have you tried with Windows 7 or Windows 8 on a different drive since the problem appeared?
Xfire was working just fine on win 8.1 prior to the win10 upgrade. Yes I have tried 2 different bridges, switched the cards to the opposing slots, checked power connectors, etc.

Additionally I have been doing a lot of googling and this issue of the crossfire menu option being missing from CCC has occurred for others on previous drivers before win 10 was even around.
Xfire was working just fine on win 8.1 prior to the win10 upgrade. Yes I have tried 2 different bridges, switched the cards to the opposing slots, checked power connectors, etc.

Additionally I have been doing a lot of googling and this issue of the crossfire menu option being missing from CCC has occurred for others on previous drivers before win 10 was even around.

Have you tried 8.1 on a different drive since the problem started happening though?

It could be just a coincidence that it happened at the same time as the upgrade. It doing the same thing even on a clean install tends to make me think that this is the case.
No it doesn't work just fine on Windows 10.

The problem occurred when I upgraded to win 10. I tried doing a clean install of win 10, same problem. I have tried using the latest drivers, same problem. I uninstalled the latest drivers and used DDU, in safe mode, to uninstall everything and tried 15.6 drivers, same problem. I have tried uninstalling the display adapters, from device manager, and reinstalling, same problem. The crossfire menu option, in CCC, doesn't even show up. Both cards are detected, by CCC and device manager but crossfire option is not present.

Why not use DDU and then install the latest drivers and not early non-windows 10 rtm supported ones?

Catalyst 15.7.1 & Graphics Driver Installer for Windows 10 64-Bit 10 - 64

or 32bit: 10 - 32
Have you tried doing a clean windows 10 install since you did the upgrade? Maybe its just a bug of some sort from doing the windows upgrade. Create a usb flash drive from iso and do it that way just to rule out the rare upgrade issues.
I have tried the latest drivers ... twice

Just ignore them, they would try and sell an AMD card to a dead cat.

If you are unhappy with AMD's drivers, upgrade to a 980ti.
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there's only one troll here always trying to sell something...the rest of us were only trying to give assistance
The AMD Fury X is always an option too. If you're dead set on NVidia though then yeah the 980ti is your best option for the price.
I've had a meh experience with either vendor with multi card solutions. I am going to avoid Win 10 until I actually have something to gain by switching.

For single card I agree with these folks. 980ti in the nVidia side and Fury or Fury X on the AMD side. 980ti wins in value... The only reason to go AMD on the high end is to throw them a bone. FuryX is sold out. I might have bought one for shits and giggles a few days ago.

A 980ti or Fury X will give you a noticeable improvement over 2x7970. If crossfire on the 7970s is actually working I'd guess the 980ti being around 45% faster.
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Don't let the door hit you on the way out. Go get an nvidia card next round, though I hope you at least wait until next year and don't buy the soon to be obsolete tech this year. It's been YEARS since we had an actual die shrink, and it finally comes next year, so jump then.

And when you do, I am virtually certain you will have issues with the green team as well, and then you can jump to powerVR graphics on mobile phones for relief.
wait? what? you want to upgrade to NVidia because you have having AMD issues? right now you are much better off keeping your AMD stuff. NVidia is having a repeat of their Vista days.....

did an in place upgrade to Win 10 from Win 7 and it worked just fine. New control panel and drivers were installed upon boot.

The biggest thing to upgrading is making sure ALL of your drivers are up to date. Intel and others have released updated driver to address issues
Don't let the door hit you on the way out. Go get an nvidia card next round, though I hope you at least wait until next year and don't buy the soon to be obsolete tech this year. It's been YEARS since we had an actual die shrink, and it finally comes next year, so jump then.

This is probably the biggest thing. It's not worth your money to upgrade now. Try getting a refurb/used card somewhere to hold you over. Do you absolutely need eyefinity right now? If not, jump to a used 290x or new 390 for relatively cheap. If you do, move back to win7 / win8.1. It's not like any games are utilizing DX-12 now anyways. Both companies are going to have drivers in their infancy. And both companies are planning actual die shrinks for next year.

This problem definitely seems frustrating, but the best solution is to go back to what was working, and wait for the next cycle of cards.
Question for you what resolutions are you running your 3 monitors at? 1080p, 1200p, if 1080p in portrait you are looking at 3240X1920 or 1200p 4800X1200, which is basically a touch below 4k(3840X2160). So taking these benchmarks of a 7990 (basically a dual 7970) you are basically about even with a 980gtx assuming you can get your setup working correctly.

You might be able to get $130 each on ebay or in the FS/FT forums here, and might be able to pick up a single 980gtx for about $400 or a $160 cost to you. Personally I think it would be better for you to hang on to that cash until you can get a better setup for the $$.

I have not tried a win10 upgrade on any of my amd machines yet, but the Nvidia ones have been pretty seamless. I do remember having a similar issue with 290x crossfire on a win 8 setup a while ago. I think the solution that worked for me was drop down to one card and then use ddu to clean uninstall all of the drivers, reboot and install fresh catalyist drivers. Then reboot and make sure everything was solid, next shutdown and insert second card and let windows do its magic. At that point after another reboot the crossfire option came back.

On a side note you might check to see if your mobo has a bios update, just to rule out any funkiness. Another side note I had with a Sapphire Vapor-X 7970ghz and I was able to flash it to a vapor-x 280x and got a little better performance out of it (maybe 2-4% I guess because of tighter gpu throttling stuff), but I would not do it all in the same go as you are introducing way to many variables ;)

AMD's Crossfire isn't perfect no... NVIDIA's SLI works good a lot of the time but it's definitely not perfect neither. If you're having that much stress over Multi-GPU? I'd hold off on Multi-GPU until DirectX 12 with mutli-GPU drivers and games start rolling out...

Curretly? NVIDIA's DirectX 12 drivers are single GPU only. Unreal Engine 4.9 in Dx12 mode? Single GPU. 3DMark's API Overhead test? Crashes if you try SLI... in a beta test driver from the Windows 10 insider previews even stated DirectX 12 is single-GPU only... I haven't seen any driver notes since that state otherwise or have shown me otherwise.

With that in mind? If you want single-slot? You can always buy a reference design GTX 890 Ti and go with a custom liquid cooling solution and take a zip-cut tool to the mounting bracket and remove the second set of display inputs...

That? Or EVGA's Kingin editon of the GTX 980 Ti. It even comes with tools to make it single slot... but you'll be paying up the yang for it.