Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

board2death986 said:
that's an odd request 0_o. . . phones? walls? huh? hey, where can i order a dell 2405fpw not including the main dell site? none of the major computer sites like newegg or tigerdirect and such seem to have any dell monitors

Because only Dell sells Dell.
nicholarse said:
Sorry for poor PQ only had mobile to hand.

Dell 2405PFW:

May I ask who makes the desk you are using that is in the corner...very nice. As is Angelina I might add.

btf1980 said:
Looks like a Comedy Central stand-up routine.

dam that's right. I was playing F.E.A.R. when i saw that so I didn't recognize it that well, then i went to a friends house and watched howard stern, so no wonder i got confused =P
macaw said:
What kind of mounting brackets did you use to hang your phone to the wall and what is the texture of your wall. Link please.
it's a cutting edge nail :D

The texture of the wall was already there when I rented the app. It's paper and then painted with some soft color. I don't know how to describe this better, but I have a piece of this painted paper I had to unstick from another room ;)
Tumpeloinen said:
If you mean my room then I really don't get what you are saying.. :eek: 70's retro? WTF, it's not even close. :D ---->


(And if you are wondering why so much wood.. Well, I live in Finland. And I don't know what 70's looked like, but I'm sure that it didn't look like my room.. ;))

Actually, it pretty much did. Everything was wood grain in the 60's & 70's .In the 70's and part of the 80's, stereo equipment was silver just like the newer equipment today.
Maybe in the USA. Definedly not in here though.. Personally I think it looks rather modern.

But this is getting seriously offtopic. :D
Tumpeloinen said:
Maybe in the USA. Definedly not in here though.. Personally I think it looks rather modern.

But this is getting seriously offtopic. :D

I just thought you liked your sauna so much you moved into it!! just kidding!!! nice mini tower by the way!
I feel like I'm getting seasick!....what did you mix in that coke before snapping those pics! :) Nice Mouse.....I have one just like it that has served me well for years until recently moving to the mx1000.
Chron!cRAGE said:
Nice lol! I love that lamp :D

Pics of dual 2405's

. . . ok now not only do i hate you, i have to know how much you paid for both of those gargantuan beasts. I hope to get one one of these days, but i will only have 1 at the center of my 3 lcd setup, i got a decent viewsonic i will probably get another of and set those up on the sides.
elder_shawn said:
I feel like I'm getting seasick!....what did you mix in that coke before snapping those pics! :) Nice Mouse.....I have one just like it that has served me well for years until recently moving to the mx1000.

i agree is ur neck tilted to one side?
Ok I fixed the tilted pics!

elder_shawn said:
I feel like I'm getting seasick!....what did you mix in that coke before snapping those pics! :) Nice Mouse.....I have one just like it that has served me well for years until recently moving to the mx1000.

Yeah I really love the classic intellimouse fits my hand perfectly.

board2death986 said:
. . . ok now not only do i hate you, i have to know how much you paid for both of those gargantuan beasts. I hope to get one one of these days, but i will only have 1 at the center of my 3 lcd setup, i got a decent viewsonic i will probably get another of and set those up on the sides.

Dell had the 10 days of deals a couple weeks back so they were $997 canadian which is about $840 US.
This setup is reaaally wiiiide! Maybe a bit too wide lol
Chron!cRAGE said:
Dell had the 10 days of deals a couple weeks back so they were $997 canadian which is about $840 US.
This setup is reaaally wiiiide! Maybe a bit too wide lol


I did the exact same thing!!

Here's my setup:

chronic, i see you have pics of a 35 coupe. is that baby yours? nice rims btw. i wanna get after market rims on mine, but im po :eek:
Jordan1 said:
Nice setups people! :cool:
Yes, VERY nice setups. And btw, those little Cambridge speakers ARE drwarfed in comparison to those (2) 2405s! Its kinda funny too.............. :p
Chron!cRAGE said:
Nice lol! I love that lamp :D

Pics of dual 2405's


Is that YOUR G35 on those pictures? :confused: :eek:
That G35c is not mine..but I wish it was lol. Probably my favourite G on this planet sporting DPE's..JIC's, and so much more. Those pics were posted on this forum here.

Since we're on the topic..I drive a max as a daily driver which can be found here.
built the desk last night so stuff will probably be moved around as i get comfortable

excuse the poopie camera quality
board2death986 said:
12ms if im not mistaken, its not the best but not half bad either
yeah, i can still remember when they there advirtising 12ms and even 16ms LCD monitors like crazzy, but technology just keeps getting better and better......(and its a good thing too!)
Wesley1357 said:
guys what is the response time of the 2405?
The pixel response times listed are both 12ms (for grey to grey) and 16ms (for black to white). (it took me 9 seconds on google to find the answer) :D
Looking at the width of the taskbar, and knowing that it's a 26", I'm gonna say max/natural resolution is 1280x720.
DeViLdUdE said:
^^Whats the max reso?? and contrast ratio??.. You should take pic of your whole setup too.

Native res is 1366x768 it will do 2048x1536 but text is difficult to read.
I can run games in 1600 x 1200 though and they look great.

Contrast is 600:1


I paid 750 for it at Circuit City a pretty goo ddeal if you ask me.

Here is a pic of when I was putting it all in place. This is pretty much my whole setup.
So here is mine.

Color wasnt fully adjusted here yet, so it looks overly red. Had magic color on full, instead of intelligent, and now it looks alot better.

my 19" samsung 940b

ive been thinkin' of going dual LCD's... but is it possible to run a game spanned over 2 monitors? is it possible to game spanned over 3 monitors? .... the middle monitor having the cross-hairs in a FPS game.... have such an advantage with almost 360 degree peripheral vision :D (i have a feeling that its only possible stretched over 3 monitors :( )
the X said:
ive been thinkin' of going dual LCD's... but is it possible to run a game spanned over 2 monitors? is it possible to game spanned over 3 monitors? .... the middle monitor having the cross-hairs in a FPS game.... have such an advantage with almost 360 degree peripheral vision :D (i have a feeling that its only possible stretched over 3 monitors :( )

It is impossible either stretched or spanned.
Spare-Flair said:
It is impossible either stretched or spanned.

It is definately possible over 2 monitors, done it on my machine with a few fps games, with my single gtx with spanned mode in nview properties (the one that stretches your taskbar over 2 monitors, bit of a bugger though with the crosshairs. Not sure anbout 3 monitors though, youd need a dual card stup for it almost definately but wether it works i dont know. matrox did a triple head agp card way back when ut 2003 came out and it looked awesome, its a pity they are not bothered about gaming anymore!...
That's not true. I have had HL2 and COD 2 spanned over two LCD's, the only problem is the crosshair is dead centre of the 2 lol

If you are using an nvidia card you need to set to span mode, then set res to a widescreen in game and viola!

Is a bit stretched tho, and over 3 it would be stretched even more, looks cool tho, few quick pics, sorry about the flash lol :D


That would drive me CRAZZY not being able to see my croshire! But i do think 3 monitors with the croshire on the middle monitor would be AWSOME!
yeah - that's not a gamable viewing sitch in my book... but ymmv. When we get to three screen situations, that will rock... wow.. but having my view split in the middle would drive me nutz. doh!