should i keep or return my ppu


Jan 28, 2001
i recently bought a bfg ppu to try it out .. have 30 days to return it .. tried out cellfactor .. its pretty sweet .. but there is like nothing else to do with it .. plus no temp diode .. and it runs hot as hell ..

do u think another revision will come out with a temp diode ?

im not sure what to do ..
Why would you want a temp diode? At the moment you can’t overclock them, and we haven’t really seen any indication that you would need to even if you could. I had a BFG that ran for a week with the fan not spinning, and worked fine; they may run hot but I don’t think heat is an issue for these things.

As for the games, well that is a personal decision. There are at least 2 other games besides GRAW and Cellfactor that support the PPU now, with many more to come.
yeah but do u think they will release a updated version ? im kinda wondering if getting the 256m version would have been better .. the asus one i believe .. also the ppu in games only works in single player right ?
it sounds like you bought into the idea that this thing was going to give you a better gaming experianced all around.. it's not. the tech isnt ready for it really... i vote return, get yourself a better upgrade. (videocard, processor, or more ram)
return it and save your money for when you upgrade to vista, 2 dx10 gfx card, 4gb ram, a dual core chip, and a 1tb hard drive. Can't wait!!!!

Well, you don't seem to need the money for other components. Atleast, enough to actually buy a PPU. So unless Ageia is planning to do some major revisions, or you have something else in mind to spend the money on, i'd say keep it anyway.
jetjaguar said:
yeah but do u think they will release a updated version ? im kinda wondering if getting the 256m version would have been better .. the asus one i believe .. also the ppu in games only works in single player right ?

The 256 version was talked about, but in the end it was dropped. The only configuration you will see for a while, from both BFG and Asus is the 128meg model. As for if the physics are single player only, that depends. If the physics affect the environment, then that information is going to have to be sent to all the network clients. Like in cellfactor, when you toss a grenade into a pile of boxes, pieces of those boxes will go flying and might end up killing or hurting you or someone else. For that to happen though, the data about all those objects needs to be sent over the network. There are other types of physics, namely the kind that does not affect the environment. Because this type of physics is mainly just eye candy and doesn’t affect the gameplay (you aren’t going to get hit by flying debris in this case), it doesn’t have to be sent over the network. Many more games, especially multiplayer games, will focus on effects physics over gameplay physics just due to that reason. The demo of cellfactor is supposed to be LAN only (because of all the info it has to transmit about gameplay physics), though with as many as 4 people it seemed to run just fine over the internet. With a singleplayer game, the issue of having to transmit data over the network does not exist, so the potential for gameplay physics is greatly increased.
return it and put that many in a high yield fund and maybe with the gains you can get 256mb version
Keep it, things will only get better.

Just look at Cellfactor, now thats the start of something good and physics in games can only get better from here on, how long it will be remains to be seen, but if you are not short for cash, keep it.
Well, if you want an answer, then you should ask yourself why you bought one in the first place. Then ask yourself if it was worth buying. If it wasn't then return it. Besides, you can just buy another one when (or if) they become a better value.
What are the rest of your systems specs?

If you have a system where $300 could be better spent elsewhere, return it and upgrade something else. If your system is top of the line, why the hell not, just keep it. You obvously had the money to spare, or you woudlnt have baught it in the first place.
bildad said:
Ditch it. It's about as useful as a plastic spork for mining coal.


I vote return.
Wait until you have a game that you feel needs a ppu for the best game experience, then buy one.

ditch it. its worth way too much for what it is... hell, my video card costs less than that card and it does a hell of a lot more work than that thing does.
slightly ot, but are there videos (independantly made...not from agea or bfg/asus to advertise the card) of say, GRAW with and without the ppu?
forgot to update this thread .. i returned it .. it made my sli temps high cuz it was sitting on the other card .. tight fit .. plus that ppu gets HOT ..
also cell factor was nice .. but thats about it .. ill wait and see what develops ..
starbuck8968 said:
return it and put that [money] in a high yield fund and maybe with the gains you can get 256mb version

The smartest advice I've ever seen on these forums.
My first post: Mine's going back if they'll take was an anniversary gift. Two hours after getting it, the sticker fell off the fan, got in with the blades, and brought it to a very abrubt stop (lots of screeching and smoke smell... and that's just from me!). At first the fan wouldn't even spin back up. I got it moving again and, now, it fan sounds like a buzzsaw over my 7800GTX and the stock fan on my AMD X2 4200+... so that's a lot of noise.

I did email BFG and they said "send the whole card back" even though all I really wanted was a new fan. So, that's an option if the place this came from won't take it back. They seem like a class act.

changing the cooler on the card will void the warranty. Thus, if they send you a new fan to put on yourself, you are voiding the warranty. BFG wont really want to do that.
Sorry, but its only 128 mb

Spoke to Asus and they confirm they are 256mb cards as they were forced to label them as 128MB and market them as 128MB due to BFG complaining to Ageia about Asus doing a 256MB version.

says right there than ASUS Confirms that they are 256mb cards. Then they are 256mb cards.. I dont really care what ASUS Lables them as for legal reasons...

the chips on it have been confirmed to be 64mb each... weather or not ASUS calls them 128mb or 256mb. There still 256mb cards..
Simple. Give it to me.

the stickers BFG uses on their cards SUCK. The first thing I did with mine was pull it off, stick it to some waxed paper, and kept it in a safe place in case I needed to put it back on.