Should I just keep a card for physics?

Smashed Ixnay

Supreme [H]ardness
Feb 13, 2006
I don't think I play any games (L4D, L4D2 when released, Borderlands when released tomorrow, NBA2k10, CS:S) that have physics, but I have a few cards laying around that makes me wonder if I should just sell them or keep 1 for a future physics card. I have a spare 8400GS, 8800GT and 9800GT. I have a 4870 on the way, which is why I'll have the 9800GT listed in my sig in there. I'm just wondering if it's actually worth it? Would an 8400GS even be a respectable physics card if I chose to keep that one?
Use one of those for Physx imo.

I just purchased a GTX 275 and in turn use my old 8800 GTS 640MB for Physx processing now.

Nice thing is it was just in time for Batman: Arkham Asylum so that is a nice little bonus. Plus, can't hurt to have a backup card on hand just in case something goes wrong with the main video card of the system.
The 8400gs does not support physx. I had an 8500gt laying around but that doesn't support it either. Link here:
Why do people keep saying this? I've got an 8400GS and it can be set as a dedicated PhysX card. That said, it's a farily slow PhysX card. Keep the 8800GT or 9800GT around, they're much faster.

Out of curiosity, why do you have a 9800GT and a spare 8800GT? They're the same card, you could have flashed the 8800GT with the same BIOS as the 9800GT and SLIed them.
Why do people keep saying this? I've got an 8400GS and it can be set as a dedicated PhysX card. That said, it's a farily slow PhysX card. Keep the 8800GT or 9800GT around, they're much faster.

Out of curiosity, why do you have a 9800GT and a spare 8800GT? They're the same card, you could have flashed the 8800GT with the same BIOS as the 9800GT and SLIed them.

I had a 9800GT and then a friend was moving and had some old computer parts laying around and gave it o me for free. I wasn't gonna say no...
I had a 9800GT and then a friend was moving and had some old computer parts laying around and gave it o me for free. I wasn't gonna say no...


Anyhow, if you don't game with Physx, then don't bother.

The 8xxx and 9xxx generation cards do not downclock while not in use. They will suck near max power, even when just sitting there.
I quoted the wrong person.

I don't game with physics, so I decided not to keep any cards. I decided I'd give my lil bro my 9800GT, my niece the 8800GT with the computer I'm building her for X-mas, the 8400GS to my sister for the computer I'm building her for X-mas also, and giving another friend the 7800GT I'm taking out of my lil bro's computer to upgrade his ATI 2400 card. I know the 7800GT won't be much of an upgrade for him, but I think it'll help some.