should i get a pentium D 805 or a amd x2 3800+?


Dec 26, 2005
i was pretty set on the new build i had in mind when i learned about the pentium d 805 being a great oc'er. I dont really like any of the motherboards for the intel, i guess i'd get a ASUS P5WD2-E but put an nvidia card on it. both chips can OC well, but the 805 can oc more and is less than half the price.
I'm run this board right now it isn't a SLI but this is really good board been running for about 8 months running all the time 24hrs a day 7 days a week. I don't know how much the price is. great board dual core

AW8-MAX 3rd eye II P4 D 830 Smithfield
Corsair XMS2 (2x512mb) PC2 6400
Leadtek PX6600GT TDH 256Mb
The recent batches of X2 3800 chips have been overclocking amazingly.

Most are surpassing FX-60 speeds on air cooling.

They also run a lot cooler and use far less power.

Keep in mind though, AM2 comes out this month according to motherboard makers, if that matters at all to you.
I would go with the 805...they perform well and overclock great, and plus if you choose your mobo wisely you can drop in a conroe later without having to upgrade anything else.
805, it costs way cheaper than the 3800 X2 ($128 for 805 and $300 for the 3800X2).
805 overclocks like crazy too..
cupholder2.0 said:
805, it costs way cheaper than the 3800 X2 ($128 for 805 and $300 for the 3800X2).
805 overclocks like crazy too..

Keep in mind he's going to have to spend a bunch of money on more adequate cooling if he wants to overclock it very far.

$50 more for a Zalman if he wants to OC more than a couple hundred mhz.

$200 ish for a cheap watercooling system if he wants to go over 3.6ghz.

You can max out the X2 3800 without spending much (cheap amd heatpipe coolers available around forums and ebay), if anything at all on cooling.
do u have an article about am2 you could point me to about it's benefits over the boards out now? im coming up from a 1.4 ghz athlon and abit kg87-raid
DanNeely said:
Also, if you go intel you'll need more expensive ddr2 ram.
uhhh, ddr2 costs the same if not less than ddr1. plus if he upgrades in the future he'll be able to use his ddr2 memory (assuming he goes with the intel setup). to the op, if you can afford the x2 3800+ setup go for it. the 805 is intended for a budget setup, sure you can oc it incredibly high, but that depends on numerous factors, stepping, cooling, etc. on the other hand, if you have modest goals for it then it would be a great choice given that it is cheaper and plus you can make the jump to ddr2 which will payoff in the future.
Have prices dropped significantly in the last 8mo? When I was pricing new systems last fall, the combined price penalties of ddr2 and a mobo to support them were ~$100+ more than ddr1/amd systems.
Don't get the 805 if you overclock it... I saw somewhere that it will use 200w of power. That will end up costing you lots more in your utility bill.

I wonder since both AMD & Intel are going to be using DDR2 if there is going to be some price gauging... LoL. DDR2 has seemed so much cheaper than DDR and is supposed to be better. w00t.

I say either wait just get the X2-3800
noobtech said:
Don't get the 805 if you overclock it... I saw somewhere that it will use 200w of power. That will end up costing you lots more in your utility bill.
the difference in the electricity bill would roughly be a couple dollars a month ($2-3). this is incredibly minimal consideirng the price difference between the two chips. this doesn't mean the intel is the better choice, just that i believe there are better factors to use as a determinant when deciding which chip to go with.
Eva_Unit_0 said:
I would go with the 805...they perform well and overclock great, and plus if you choose your mobo wisely you can drop in a conroe later without having to upgrade anything else.

It's a crapshoot with the mobos at this point. Who knows what will run with Conroe until it comes out. 945P = no...975X = some boards...965/985/946 when they come out. Nvidia/ATI?

Anyway, I've used both the X2 3800+ and the 805. The X2 3800+ OC'd to 2.4Ghz+ is definitely faster than the [email protected]. Extreme 805 OCing needs good cooling where the X2 3800+ will pretty much be fine up to 2.6Ghz or so with decent air (even the stock cooler sometimes). Also, the 3800+ will do 2.5Ghz without adjusting voltage. 805 does 3.4Ghz or so without adjusting voltage FWIW.
kirbyrj said:
It's a crapshoot with the mobos at this point. Who knows what will run with Conroe until it comes out. 945P = no...975X = some boards...965/985/946 when they come out. Nvidia/ATI?

Anyway, I've used both the X2 3800+ and the 805. The X2 3800+ OC'd to 2.4Ghz+ is definitely faster than the [email protected]. Extreme 805 OCing needs good cooling where the X2 3800+ will pretty much be fine up to 2.6Ghz or so with decent air (even the stock cooler sometimes). Also, the 3800+ will do 2.5Ghz without adjusting voltage. 805 does 3.4Ghz or so without adjusting voltage FWIW.

There you go! Time to close the thread now ;-)
kirbyrj said:
It's a crapshoot with the mobos at this point. Who knows what will run with Conroe until it comes out. 945P = no...975X = some boards...965/985/946 when they come out. Nvidia/ATI?

that's why I said "wisely". The intel 975x board, for example, is known to support conroe.
I'd go with the 805 as that Tom's article is great and shows you step by step how to OC. Also I believe they said you can get to 3.6 without any big changes in voltage, power consumption or cooling.

Plus you get DDR2 and yeah when conroe comes you can just drop that in. Good deal althougth the good mobo will cost a lot. DDR2 ram is mad cheap nowadays. I'd OC the 305 to 3.6 and call it a done deal.
Is $ an issue?

If it isn't get the AMD. There really is no comparison on an OC x2 or dual opty.
However if $ is an issue then you really dont have a choice. The 805 D runs very hot and it can goto 4ghz but you need a good heatsink... somthing along the lines of a Thermalright 120 or maybe a 90 would suffice. The 805d has a low fsb so almost any board that has bios options can probbaly OC this little bugger. However Intel boards are known for droop so you have to keep in mind.

This is coming from a person thathas experience with both. 805 personaly and i know ppl with dual amd's.
You can save a lot of $ with the pentium 805 but if I were you I would put x2 3800 or a 165 vs an Intel 930. I think that would be more fair. The 930 is more cheaper than the amd but a lil pricier than the 805d and it doesnt get ANYWHERE near as hot.

I would compare those 2 better. Personally, the 930 (chip I also have played with) is sweet... however the OC side of Intel is bleh vs. the current 939. Between those 2 it's a tad harder to pick...