SETI@Home Wow Event 2017 by SETI.Germany


[H]ard|DCer of the Year - 2014
Jan 29, 2006
8/15 - 8/29

Hello Colesaw,SETI.Germany is organizing the SETI @ Home Wow Event in August 2017. The registration is already possible.You and your Team [H]ard|OCP are welcome to join in the Event.

Register here:

Many Greetings: Terminator

Stats for the Event -
Team stats over all -
Please refer to post #4 for tips and strategies.
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Each person has to sign up on their own rather than the team doing it for them.

When you click the registration link above you will have 4 things to fill out. Pretty self explanatory.

If you aren't sure what your SETI ID is, go to the SETI website, log in, and under your account you will find User ID. That is the number you want.
To create an account with SETI, just go to and register. Or you can sign up from within the BOINC client. Or you can use an account manager. If you need help with any of these three options please say so and someone will chime in. I do not have enough time to post the instructions on every event, but we do have documentation to walk you through it.
Then join the team by clicking the link below.
Our team page:

Then register for this event by filling out the info above here:
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Now for strategy.

Every team joining in will most likely have a lot of people bunkering. Click the following link for information on bunkering. Please read posts # 1 and # 9:

Since the event starts on 8/15, I recommend filling up 10 days worth of work in advance (On 8/5) for both GPU and CPU's. I recommend doing this even if you are not bunkering because:
1. SETI work units can sometimes take several days to validate. The sooner you get yours in the more likelihood of you getting credit during the event.
2. The earlier you pull the work units, the more likely you are that someone also has pulled their copy and has it waiting for validation instead of waiting several days after the event.
3. There will be a lot of users trying to pull work units for bunkering and later on will also be pulling work units at the beginning of the event. This may cause a lot of load on SETI's servers and may even drain the pool of work that is available for downloading. The earlier you start pulling within this 10 day window, the less likely you will have troubles running work when the event begins.
4. This gives you time to iron out issues with your rig before the event begins.
5. You can actually load up earlier depending on what work units you want to run as the deadlines are much larger. However, this is up to you to manage.

GPU's will far exceed anything CPU's can do. However, every work unit counts. Run everything you can. SETI even has Android capable work units.

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If anyone do wish to participate, it may help our Formula BOINC standing. Currently we are struggling to hold at 9th, so there are some decent points to rack up if we do have good turn out. I just registered.
I'd like to join in but I'll be in a shutdown period whilst this is happening. Me and the clan are planning on enjoying some sun (hopefully) on your side of the pond.
Registered. Hopefully my GPUs will be up to the task. Just sucks that it's the hottest month of the damn year. Gonna be rough.
hottest month of the damn year
What about setting the GPU power limit to say 50%? That will be about 100W for GTX 1080 and you get better PPD/W efficiency and runs lower temp than stock.

Yeah, I know it is not exciting for high end GPU;)
What about setting the GPU power limit to say 50%? That will be about 100W for GTX 1080 and you get better PPD/W efficiency and runs lower temp than stock.

Yeah, I know it is not exciting for high end GPU;)

I set my 280X to -20% and it didn't seem to make a difference. It was pumping the heat out and was ridiculous with 2 running at the same time.
I don't have AMD card so I cannot tell. Not sure if anyone here has AMD card to share the result. I'm running my 1080 at 50%-55% power limit. During hot days (indoor temp ~78°C) GPU is running around 60°C at most (open case).
Bump this thread for those interested in searching for ET. Currently 4 [H]ordes are in. Hoping to see more in action but I know it is going to be hot..

BTW, we are currently at 9th in FB, so any contributions will certainly help in FB. Bunkering is welcome.
As for the WOW event: did one send a private message to those active user over at SETI not yet signed up and asked if they want to join ? If not I'm happy to do, but also want to check first to avoid spamming.
I did send a PM to several of the top producers that aren't already there. However, SETI monitors how many PM's you send and will prevent you from spamming. I may try emailing a few, but a lot don't like doing that and haven't taken the time to change preferences to prevent it. If I get more time, I will look over them again.

Also, some don't have the option selected to get an email notification when getting PM's, so they may never see that they got the message...
Lots of varying sizes but it looks like I'm seeing mostly in these time frames at the moment. All my cards run stock speeds and are running 1 work unit per card.

SETI@home v8 v8.00 (cuda32) windows_intelx86
8400 GS - 10,694.29 seconds
GT430 - 11,500.07 seconds

SETI@home v8 v8.00 (cuda42) windows_intelx86
8400 GS - 28,712.85 seconds
GTX 750ti - 1,909.34 seconds
GTX 780 - 965.47 seconds
GTX 970 - 537.54 seconds

SETI@home v8 v8.00 (cuda50) windows_intelx86
GT430 - 11,522.47 seconds
GTX 750ti - 2,288.60 seconds
GTX 780 - 2,065.57 seconds
GTX 970 - 725.88 seconds

SETI@home v8 v8.22 (opencl_nvidia_SoG) windows_intelx86
GTX 750ti - 576.67 seconds
GTX 970 - 426.58 seconds

SETI@home v8 v8.00 (armv7-vfpv3-nopie) arm-android-linux-gnu
ARMv7 Processor rev 2 (v7l) - 195,296.24 seconds (Kyocera Rise)

SETI@home v8 v8.00 (armv7-vfpv3) arm-android-linux-gnu
ARMv7 Processor rev 3 (v7l) - 142,448.21 seonds (One Touch Pixi Glitz)

SETI@home v8 v8.22 (opencl_ati5_cat132) windows_intelx86
AMD Radeon HD 7400/7500/7600 serie (Trinity) - 14,250.76 seconds

SETI@home v8 v8.20 (opencl_intel_gpu_sah) windows_intelx86
Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU N3050 INTEL Intel(R) HD Graphics (776MB) OpenCL: 1.2 - 27,501.39 seconds
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He is a pretty shady character. Don't get too close. :whistle:
I'm signed up.

For this push is there any benefit to adjusting the program selection:
Can someone point me to a good discussion about how I bunker on my 1 and only machine? Is it possible?

I'm guessing I can suspend all the other projects, set my computer to grab 10 days worth, let SETI download everything, then unsuspend all the other projects. What I don't know is how to have Seti/Boinc Manager not send in the results.

Edit: Nice.... the SETI GPU worker isn't as intense as the Asteroids one. I can still use the computer without having to SNOOZE the GPU task.

Edit 2: I guess since I've never crunched Seti WUs under Boinc before, it wouldn't even know how many to download for my system. I'll let it crunch for a couple days then try and bunker some on this coming Wednesday.
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Are you on Windows ? Linux ? GPU bunkering is a bit pita as they are quick an many. You get only 100 WU each GPU and with some of them only need 3min or less the 100 is quick full.

I use additional clients and have meanwhile a good workflow for Linux, described in the dedicated Subforum. Not sure if same works with windows, but I guess yes. Can PM your nick name you signed up with in SETI ?
Are you on Windows ? Linux ? GPU bunkering is a bit pita as they are quick an many. You get only 100 WU each GPU and with some of them only need 3min or less the 100 is quick full.

I use additional clients and have meanwhile a good workflow for Linux, described in the dedicated Subforum. Not sure if same works with windows, but I guess yes. Can PM your nick name you signed up with in SETI ?

I'm on Windows. My GPU is super slow right now (2 hours per Seti task). I won't have a fast one until at least this coming friday. My computer is just finishing the first CPU work units for Seti, so hopefully Boinc Manager will soon know how much my computer can actually do. Based on what I saw with Asteroids@Home it never properly corrected the GPU work units for that project, it had 200+ GPU tasks downloaded even though they took 3 hours each to process, along with its favoring of always running Asteroids over Prime even though the Prime tasks are going to just make the deadlines by hours.... so I'm not overly confident in its algorithms at this point. Maybe I'll see its reasoning later.

I don't have access to the dedicated subforum yet.
I just suspend network activity. This only works easily with a handful of WU's a day or two before I release them though. Long term bunkering is a bit more difficult.
Once, if ever, SETI comes back I can give you the number from my FE. Right now I wouldn't know (no DB yet).
I run on Linux with cuda 8 (anonymous platform, 3rd party build); cuda 6 was bad ...
Got my 1080TI in. UPS made a surprise delivery on Saturday. The driver had a helper with him. Maybe they are ramping up for the holidays already.

Anyone played with running multiple Seti gpu tasks on 1 card? I saw low GPU utilization in GPU-Z with just one task, so I looked up how to run multiple. Now I have 5 going. Going to play around and see if it is beneficial.

I'm seeing times around 20:00 per gpu task. The progress scale makes it look like it will take forever, but then it just powers up to 100% fast in the last 5 minutes.
Congrats to the new card !

My WUs run between 1 min and 3 min; on Linux with special CUDA 8 build. on 1080Ti and 980ti. One task at a time as per suggestion for this CUDA build.
Congrats to the new card !

My WUs run between 1 min and 3 min; on Linux with special CUDA 8 build. on 1080Ti and 980ti. One task at a time as per suggestion for this CUDA build.

Wow, 1 to 3 minutes!

For how it is currently, I'm looking at one wu done every 4.4 minutes while I'm using the computer. I guess I have room for improvement. (y) I have 12 other tasks running in BOINC Manager also, so I'm not sure how much that slows the Seti CUDA tasks down.
We are only ~ 12 hours away from Go Time. Anyone still wanting in needs to hurry and sign up.
Yup, have some mini-bunker for GPUs ... covered ... and have the Ryzen on BURP to get our spot back.
Every Tuesday

I'll have to increase my stored tasks. This showed me that my main drive was low on space, which was causing it to not download a full 1.3 days of tasks.

For now my GPU gets to chew on Prime Grid tasks instead. Prime Grid is loading my GPU to 84%, which is nice to see.
Just unloaded my bunkered units this morning. Was out of town the whole of last week so did not bunker much.
We dropped to 13th.

I still have about 400 tasks pending validation. That would be about 2/3's of what I have done so far.
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