Server Build - opinions, suggestions (bit of a newbie)

Feb 20, 2011
Right now i run a pretty hacked together server rig, Coolermaster CM 690 also with a 5.25" to 3.5" 4 bay adapter.Motherboard is an older intel atom mini itx w/ pci and gigabit.
A raid 5 port PCI sata RAID card that is slower than anything. For backup i just use a simple 4 bay usb enclosure full of 4 2tb green drives. I have 3 1tb blacks in raid3 and 2 1tb drives in raid 0.
Power supply is a corsair vx450w.
I'd like to take my 500gb of music, nearly 700gb of photos, and some ripped blu-rays/dvds and put them on a new server. Right now 1080p mkvs are just barely handled by the system atm and it's an obvious bottleneck for editing large photo files.
With the new server i'd like to rip my 300ish dvds and possibly some blu-rays as well so I can serve them to media players around the house.
Thinking of an 8-12TB raid5, 6 etc setup
So I have a few questions I was hoping to get input on here.
Can I get away with my current CM 690 case even though it doesn't have hot swap bays? Total newbie question here but when a drive fails how does one 'know' which drive it is that has failed? Does the raid card specify which sata port the drive is attatched if one doesn't have a hot swap system?

Is it possible to stay with a low power system like a mini itx board with pci-express for the raid card or will the atom be a bottleneck even for a raid card with onboard processor? Is AMD fusion another possibility with a pci x16 slot?
I've been looking at areca cards a lot but 3ware looks tempting as well. Not sure what to go for.
Finding good 2tb raid drives seems tough... spend more for the WD RE3 drives or just buy samsung 2tb?
Right now i have pretty much only WD blacks and greens in all my computers and have had good reliability with them.
Thanks for any help, it's really appreciated.
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Can I get away with my current CM 690 case even though it doesn't have hot swap bays?
Yes as long as you can fit the amount of drives you need/want.
Total newbie question here but when a drive fails how does one 'know' which drive it is that has failed? Does the raid card specify which sata port the drive is attatched if one doesn't have a hot swap system?
Trial and error in some cases. Other times, people just write down the serial number/model of the drive on the side if using different sized drives. And some cases where the specific SATA port is indicated.

Is it possible to stay with a low power system like a mini itx board with pci-express for the raid card or will the atom be a bottleneck even for a raid card with onboard processor? Is AMD fusion another possibility with a pci x16 slot?
Yes both options should be possible if there's PCI-E x16 slot avaialble.
I've been looking at areca cards a lot but 3ware looks tempting as well. Not sure what to go for.
I recommend these:
$430 - HighPoint RocketRAID 4320 PCI-Ex8 8 Port SATA and SAS RAID Card
$450 - arece ARC-1222 PCI-Ex4 8 Port SATA and SAS RAID Card
Finding good 2tb raid drives seems tough... spend more for the WD RE3 drives or just buy samsung 2tb?
Go for Hitachi or Samsung 2TB drives.
Thanks for the reply. Very helpful.
Only downside of those two cards would be the cheap heatsink/fan which i'm sure sound awful and I hate noise (this computer will be close to my home theater setup). I'll rig up something.

So the samsung HD204UI is a fine drive for raid? I don't need ridiculous speeds or anything.
Another newbie question but on average with a raid card like this how long does it take to expand a raid5 configuration say from 6 drives to 8 if I plan to save a bit of $$ right now?
And is data still accessible during that process?

I wonder if i could get different coloured sata cables in case any of the drives fail it'd be super easy to replace them haha :p

And even with 9 drives, the atom and the areca i assume the 450w would still be complete overkill (i seem to never exceed 90w with my current random drives)
Most decent RAID cards support online expansion and you can access your data during the process actually.