Seasonic X-560 Give-Away! 3 PSUs!

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Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
Seasonic is giving away THREE X560 Power Supplies.


You can check out the PSU here.

To enter this week simply post in this thread ONCE and tell us what you look for in a Computer Powr Supply Unit. Or if you want to puss out, just write something stupid like you you usually do when you post. .

Good luck. We will draw a random winner next week and will notify you by PM. If you do not respond to the PM in 12 hours, we will move to our next winner. I highly suggest you turn on email notification for PMs if you are not going to be online Monday.

This drawing is open to North American residents only.
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I need one because my tired old system is needing an upgrade starting with the Power Supply.
Things I look for in a PSU. ANY PSU I buy MUST meet these requirements.

1. 80+ certified
2. Active PFC
3. Well built
4. Good voltage stability
5. Gets a really good review from one or more sites that does actual testing.. such as HardOCP and JonnyGURU.
PSU shopping is rather simple for me, I look for a solid and well proven platform with preferably a single 12v rail design and that usually has me looking at offerings from Seasonic or Seasonic rebadges. It seems that with PC P&C being bought by OCZ awhile back that our choices for a good robust and long lasting PSU are getting fewer and fewer.
The main thing I look for is stability, and longevity. Ideally, I'd like to have my PSU run like a rock forever :)
I look for quite and assurance that it won't blow up with I attached a second 470 GTX. If ever.
Quality construction (e.g., quality capacitors, good solder work, etc.)

Efficiency and regulation - Able to handle all claimed loads (wattage and amperage) at above 80% efficiency without significant deviation on voltage lines.

Modular cabling - self-explanatory
What do I look for in a PSU.

I look to install it and never think about it again.
I look for specs to see if it is powerful enough to power my system then, I look for a good power supply that isn't going to crap out when it is under load. I also look for great reviews on [H]ard|Ocp first and then look from there if it gets good reviews.
A higher efficiency rating and sustainable output on high loads. A lot of psu manufacturers lack the true output under load, so it would be nice to see more actually push out decent power on the rails when under high load.
Because 46 is nearly three times more than 17.

(In reference to the 12 volt rail)
I want a PSU that can supply 2 GTX480s in SLI if I ever go SLI and can power my CPU/Motherboard + all the HDs with no problems ;)
I look for high efficiency, stable voltages, and high quality components/construction, because I don't want the thing to crap out on me (and take my other hardware with it) in a year or two.
I've been using Corsair PSUs for some time, but I hear great things about Seasonic. What I look for is:
1. Good production quality.
2. Good Voltage and Amperage.
3. 80+ Certification (preferably Gold)
4. Comes recommended by [H] or Jonny Guru.
Reliability, don't care much for 80+ stuff as long as it doesn't blow up on me.
I look for plugs, its always a pain in the butt to fine a power supply that meets the plug requirements of my computer. Mostly cause i have way to much stuff in the case lol
I need quiet cooling, consistent power output, and I usually prefer modular supplies.
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