Script to download higher quality versions of pictures.


Jan 1, 2003
I made this script (powershell, included in Windows 7+), and thought someone here might find it useful, what it does is do a google image search for every picture in a directory, and save the biggest result in a target directory, using the same name if it's bigger than the original source. So you can review the pictures, than just copy them over top. I found it useful since I save a lot of pictures I find on the web, and it's tedious to upload them to Google Image Search to find better versions one at a time.

Usage: get-large-pics.ps1 c:\source_dir c:\target_dir

Also uploaded it to PowerShell Code Repository - Get-Large-Pics.ps1

*Updated this morning - this version should be much better, now it only downloads the biggest
image by analyzing the http header content length properties, instead of downloading all the images
and comparing their sizes to find the largest*
Update #2: Filter out files that are not *.jpg, *.gif, *.png, *.jpeg
# get-large-pics.ps1 - takes two arguments, source directory and target directory.
# all files in source directory are uploaded to google image search one by one,
# and in turn it downloads the resulting pictures and saves the largest picture,
# in the target directory, using the same file name as the source file.
# so you can just, after verifying the pictures are correct, copy the target directory to the source directory,
# to have larger versions of all your pictures.
# If no target directory is specified, it will use "\[source directory]\results"

function global:Get-GoogleImageSearchUrl
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateScript({ Test-Path $_ })]
        [string] $ImagePath

    # extract the image file name, without path
    $imagepath = (get-item -ea 0 $imagepath).fullname
    $fileName = Split-Path $imagePath -Leaf

    # the request body has some boilerplate before the raw image bytes (part1) and some after (part2)
    #   note that $filename is included in part1
    $part1 = @"
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="encoded_image"; filename="$fileName"
Content-Type: image/jpeg

    $part2 = @"
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="image_content"



    # grab the raw bytes composing the image file
    $imageBytes = [Io.File]::ReadAllBytes($imagePath)

    # the request body should sandwich the image bytes between the 2 boilerplate blocks
    $encoding = New-Object Text.ASCIIEncoding
    $data = $encoding.GetBytes($part1) + $imageBytes + $encoding.GetBytes($part2)

    # create the HTTP request, populate headers
    $request = [Net.HttpWebRequest] ([Net.HttpWebRequest]::Create(''))
    $request.Method = "POST"
    $request.ContentType = 'multipart/form-data; boundary=---------------------------7dd2db3297c2202'  # must match the delimiter in the body, above
    $request.ContentLength = $data.Length

    # don't automatically redirect to the results page, just take the response which points to it
    $request.AllowAutoredirect = $false

    # populate the request body
    $stream = $request.GetRequestStream()
    $stream.Write($data, 0, $data.Length)

    # get response stream, which should contain a 302 redirect to the results page
    $respStream = $request.GetResponse().GetResponseStream()

    # pluck out the results page link that you would otherwise be redirected to
    (New-Object Io.StreamReader $respStream).ReadToEnd() -match 'HREF\="([^"]+)"' | Out-Null

[Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Web") | Out-Null
$foundfiles = 0
if ($args.count -lt 1)
    $sourceFolder = ".\pics2\"
    $sourceFolder = $args[0]
if ($args.count -lt 2)
    $TargetFolder = join-path $sourceFolder "results"
    $TargetFolder = $args[1]
$sourceFolder = join-path $sourceFolder "*"
$browserAgent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/41.0.2228.0 Safari/537.36'
if ( (Test-Path -Path $TargetFolder) -eq $false) { md $TargetFolder }
$files = @(dir $sourceFolder -include *.png, *.gif, *.jpg, *.jpeg|?{$_.psiscontainer -eq $false})
for ($t=0;$t -lt $files.Count;$t++)
    $f = $files[$t]
    "Processing file $($f.basename)$($f.extension) - #$($t) of $($files.Count)"
    $url = get-GoogleImageSearchUrl $f.fullname
        $page = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -UserAgent $browserAgent -TimeoutSec 30
        $link = @($page.Links|?{$_.outertext -eq "Large"})
        if ($link.Count -eq 0 -or $link.href -notlike "/search*")
            "No Large pictures found on google for $($F.basename)"
        $url = ""+$link[0].href.tostring().replace("&","&")

    $page = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -UserAgent $browserAgent -TimeoutSec 30
    $newURL = $null
    $newRes = $null
    $newSize = $null
    $page.Links |
          Where-Object { $_.href -like '*imgres*' } |
          ForEach-Object { ($_.href -split 'imgurl=')[-1].Split('&')[0]} |
          ForEach-Object {
            $u = $_  
            $p = 0
            while (($u.indexof("%") -ne -1) -and ($p -lt 10))
                $u = [system.web.httputility]::UrlDecode($u)
                try {
                $req.timeout = 30000
                    $res = $req.getresponse()
            catch { $res = $null }
            if (($res -ne $null) -and ($res.ContentLength -ne -1) -and ($res.ContentLength -gt $f.Length) -and ($res.statuscode -eq "OK"))
                    if (($newSize -eq $null) -or ($res.ContentLength -gt $newSize))
                            $newSize = $res.ContentLength
                            $newRes = $res
                            $newURL = $u

        if ($newSize -eq $null) {"No bigger versions of $($f.basename)$($f.extension) found."; continue}
            if ($newRes.responseuri.AbsoluteUri.lastindexof(".") -ne -1)
                $ext = $newRes.responseuri.AbsoluteUri.substring($newRes.responseuri.AbsoluteUri.lastindexof("."))
                if (($ext.length -gt 4) -and ($ext -ne ".jpeg"))
                $ext = ".jpg"
            $f3 = $f.basename + $ext
            $f3 = join-path $TargetFolder $f3   
            del -ea 0 $f3
                  Invoke-WebRequest -ea 0 -Uri $newURL -OutFile $f3 -UserAgent $browserAgent -TimeoutSec 30
            catch { }
            if (test-path -ea 0 $f3)
                $f3 = get-item -ea 0 $f3
                "Found $($f3.Length) byte file to replace $($f.Length) byte file: $($f.BaseName)$($f.extension)"

"$($foundfiles) larger pictures found."

Here is example output:
jrg26@desktop-req28e8●~\Documents\WindowsPowerShell►.\get-large-pics.ps1 .\pics2\
Processing file 01997_japeneseterabuddhisttemple_1680x1050.jpg - #0 of 64
Found 2092620 byte file to replace 1629784 byte file: 01997_japeneseterabuddhisttemple_1680x1050.jpg
Processing file 02104_castlechambordfrance_1680x1050.jpg - #1 of 64
Found 2854003 byte file to replace 1262151 byte file: 02104_castlechambordfrance_1680x1050.jpg
Processing file 02140_romanbath_1680x1050.jpg - #2 of 64
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