SC2 Reviews - Is Blizzard afraid of something?

[L]imey;1035986877 said:
Is there a Blizzard game on record that isn't the standout awesome example of a genre that is loved by people who play that genre?

If you're not into RTS, then meh, this probably isn't for you.

CoD4 is lauded as "omg teh best evar!" and I myself hate FPS, so I've never bothered to purchase it.

I do however own every game blizzard has made, and enjoy all those genres. They're all outstanding.

This will be no exception.

cod4 sux and i love fps.

blizzard released some crap snes games
[L]imey;1035986877 said:
Is there a Blizzard game on record that isn't the standout awesome example of a genre that is loved by people who play that genre?

If you're not into RTS, then meh, this probably isn't for you.

CoD4 is lauded as "omg teh best evar!" and I myself hate FPS, so I've never bothered to purchase it.

I do however own every game blizzard has made, and enjoy all those genres. They're all outstanding.

This will be no exception.

Ya I like all the Blizz games to date but they will eventually screw up somewhere. Nothing lasts forever. Activision also owns them now.
Ya I like all the Blizz games to date but they will eventually screw up somewhere. Nothing lasts forever. Activision also owns them now.

Even with their WoW success can they not afford to do things alone?
Normally, do reviewers always leak out a copy to the crackers?

sometimes.. some times the games actually get sent to the crackers because developers dont do their research on the people they send them out to.. but my guess is they have a security feature enabled so that if some one does try to install the game early it black lists the key but i guess we'll find out on release day..
I honestly dont even know why i preordered SC2. Im just gonna get owned in MP and the SP will just be passable im sure since its probably nothing new. But hey, i just feel like i had to order it.
I wouldn't play SC2 if they'd pay me to do it. The cinematic trailers are totally misleading as to the carpal-tunnel inducing clickfest SC2 will be. I don't see what SC2 has to offer that hasn't already been done 4926492462 times by all the other RTS titles out there.
I honestly dont even know why i preordered SC2. Im just gonna get owned in MP and the SP will just be passable im sure since its probably nothing new. But hey, i just feel like i had to order it.

I have to be honest, for me the only reason was the LE.
Even with their WoW success can they not afford to do things alone?

I dont see why they merged with Activision either. Even so, I'm not sure how much control Blizz has. They may have total control and are making their own decisions or not.
There's no real point in debating whether or not a game is good since it's purely subjective. Fact is it's going to have some monstrous sale numbers. From playing the beta the game is actually really good... hopefully they iron out 2.0 as time goes on.

And clearly if you've never heard of SC1, I don't think you or anyone else cares whether or not you like SC2.

There's always going to be haters for any sort of release in entertainment. Move along and don't buy it if you don't want to.
I wouldn't play SC2 if they'd pay me to do it. The cinematic trailers are totally misleading as to the carpal-tunnel inducing clickfest SC2 will be. I don't see what SC2 has to offer that hasn't already been done 4926492462 times by all the other RTS titles out there.


Did you somehow ignore all the gameplay trailers they've released? Or the two (semi) public betas?

Did you somehow ignore all the gameplay trailers they've released? Or the two (semi) public betas?

Cmon now, lets be honest. SC gameplay is the best RTS gameplay, at least balance wise. But the beta told me that there really wasnt anything new brought to the gameplay that hasnt been done 10000x now in a dime a dozen genre. Also, the gfx are pretty unimpressive overall. Its SC 1.5 more than anything. But im still paying 60 for it, i just dont know why.
Cmon now, lets be honest. SC gameplay is the best RTS gameplay, at least balance wise. But the beta told me that there really wasnt anything new brought to the gameplay that hasnt been done 10000x now in a dime a dozen genre. Also, the gfx are pretty unimpressive overall. Its SC 1.5 more than anything. But im still paying 60 for it, i just dont know why.

It's a problem with what people value in a game. Many people will comfortably say that X alone is worth the price. Regardless of what part of the game people are interested in, the game itself is many things. It's hard, if not impossible, to appreciate everything the game contains, but that doesn't mean the $60 just went into 1 aspect of the game the person was looking at.
Cmon now, lets be honest. SC gameplay is the best RTS gameplay, at least balance wise. But the beta told me that there really wasnt anything new brought to the gameplay that hasnt been done 10000x now in a dime a dozen genre. Also, the gfx are pretty unimpressive overall. Its SC 1.5 more than anything. But im still paying 60 for it, i just dont know why.

Well, I guess you're buying it because you want it.
It's another Blizzard game. 'Nuff said.

To you guys who don't buy into the game, fine, but how many have actually spent time with the original? As with all Blizzard games, the story is absolutely engrossing. I cannot wait to see what happens next. On top of that, the multi-player games aren't just versus matches. There are some insanely good user created content, and that, including the single player story, is what I'm going to be buying the game for. Since I know I'll get my ass handed to me when I go toe to toe with others.
Lol there's a point to be made about noobs knowing too much about something they don't understand. People who didn't play SC1 since vanilla will watch the Xellos or other SC documentary and think that SC requires 300apm to play. At tourney/pro levels - yes. But most of us aren't playing at that level.

This is like saying, "I don't want to play football with my friends" b/c your 40 isn't at NFL speed. Well no shit, you're not a pro. Doesn't mean you can't play with friends and other people your age though.
It's another Blizzard game. 'Nuff said.

To you guys who don't buy into the game, fine, but how many have actually spent time with the original? As with all Blizzard games, the story is absolutely engrossing. I cannot wait to see what happens next. On top of that, the multi-player games aren't just versus matches. There are some insanely good user created content, and that, including the single player story, is what I'm going to be buying the game for. Since I know I'll get my ass handed to me when I go toe to toe with others.

I hope they didnt ruin the story like they did in the Warcraft series with WC3:TFT and WOW. The worst thing they could do to the story in SC is all the factions allying again for some reason after what happened in BW.
Lol there's a point to be made about noobs knowing too much about something they don't understand. People who didn't play SC1 since vanilla will watch the Xellos or other SC documentary and think that SC requires 300apm to play. At tourney/pro levels - yes. But most of us aren't playing at that level.

This is like saying, "I don't want to play football with my friends" b/c your 40 isn't at NFL speed. Well no shit, you're not a pro. Doesn't mean you can't play with friends and other people your age though.

Dude this is my biggest complaint about the haters. "Omg, BUT KOREANS!" Region. Specific. Servers.

But... Haters Gun' Hate.
I dont see why they merged with Activision either. Even so, I'm not sure how much control Blizz has. They may have total control and are making their own decisions or not.

They didn't. Blizzard's owner (Blizzard has been owned by one company or another for well over a decade) Vivendi bought Activision and turned the entire Vivendi Games division into Activision Blizzard. So Activision doesn't own Blizzard, Vivendi does.
Even with their WoW success can they not afford to do things alone?

They can, they just don't want to. Blizzard as had the cash to 100% fund themselves since the original Starcraft, but they would rather leave that overhead to others and just focus on developing and publishing their own titles.
Yeah, the billions in revenue and a customer base on an order of magnitude greater than their competitors is a real fail.

Did I ever say they weren't successful? WoW now is a game designed for the casual. Pre-BC it wasn't. Usually when a game is dumbed down for the casual it gets worse. I guess Wii sports is the best video game ever at that rate.
How can you review a game before it's out? Seems perfectly reasonable to me. Obviously I don't want to read a review of the BETA version of the game since it is by definition unfinished.
How can you review a game before it's out? Seems perfectly reasonable to me. Obviously I don't want to read a review of the BETA version of the game since it is by definition unfinished.

Its called review copies. They're gold, or near gold, versions of a game given to reviewers.
Well, I guess you're buying it because you want it.

I just know blizzard puts out quality entertainment, even if SC2 isnt gonna be my fave game of the year, i know i will get my $$ out of it. Im just not deluding myself to believe that SC2 is actually bringing something new to the table, other than an upgraded/updated version of a great game.

Maybe they will blow me away, but i doubt it.
this game was a 100 million investment (or waste) so yes, the will want to control how it is seen.

The 100 million dollar quote was found to be incorrect. It was actually the cost for WoW.

And I do believe SC2 is one of the most anticipated game of all time. I won't say most anticipated (gonna have to wait for sales figures), but either way it is definitely up there with the other big dogs.

At least this is how I feel about the buzz in the US. In Korea, it's a WHOLE different story.
As far as D3 having a larger hype than SC2, I'm going to have to disagree.

SC sold at least 11 million copies, while D2 sold at least 4 million. I understand that sales figures for game released YEARS ago don't represent the hype for the games today, but it might give a general idea of how many people are looking at buying the next game in the chain.

Both Diablo and Starcraft are games that devs look up to in each respective genre, so each game will have a HUGE launch and each game will be very successful, but I just think SC2 is a little more anticipated than D3 will be...but I guess we won't know for a couple more years until D3 is released.
Both Diablo and Starcraft are games that devs look up to in each respective genre, so each game will have a HUGE launch and each game will be very successful, but I just think SC2 is a little more anticipated than D3 will be...but I guess we won't know for a couple more years until D3 is released.

Yeah, I personally felt that the storyline that left off from D2 was rather underwhelming. I never really felt immersed into the world because of the lack of a well-developed cast. I'm actually still not sure what the purpose of the World Stone was about and why Tyrael had to destroy it.

Starcraft 2 left off with the "bad guys" winning after a ton of conflict, and definitely builds up the anticipation for a sequel.

Anyway, I'm glad that such a hyped up game is PC exclusive for once.
It basically said that they don't want anyone to release a review without full use of the servers. I think it means that they want reviewers to look at the full features of before they review the game.

They're not a afraid of anything, they just want the reviews to include everything.
Ya I like all the Blizz games to date but they will eventually screw up somewhere. Nothing lasts forever. Activision also owns them now.

No, technically this is not true. Vivendi is the majority holder of Activision Blizzard, and, though they are one company, both sides are run by different people. The Activision side doesn't go around telling Blizzard what to do and vice-versa.
No, technically this is not true. Vivendi is the majority holder of Activision Blizzard, and, though they are one company, both sides are run by different people. The Activision side doesn't go around telling Blizzard what to do and vice-versa.

Lets hope not atleast. :(
Yea Blizz just reports to Activision, who reports to Vivendi. Everything else you hear on the net is basically FUD.
The game is out. Maybe it hasn't been released but it's been unleashed. There have been full tournaments, 5+ revisions to some custom maps, etc.

They're depriving us of any zerg or protoss single player and it's still going to explode. Reviews don't matter much.
And here I was thinking that the game would be purchased largely by nostalgic 30-somethings. Is this supposed to be that good, or was I wrong in thinking that the RTS genre was dead?
And here I was thinking that the game would be purchased largely by nostalgic 30-somethings. Is this supposed to be that good, or was I wrong in thinking that the RTS genre was dead?

I'm 22 and all my friends in their 20's are going to get it...

Your highschool console crowd may not be fans of this game, but who knows.
If its a hyped up game, and there is a lot of intrest in it, letting it go out to the reveiwers isn't going to help sales. It has a large image already, and a few bad reveiws could damage its public image. It isn't worth the risk.