Samsung SyncMaster 225BW 22"

Just got done testing it in CS:S.. WOW... This is the most reactive LCD i have ever used in CS:S.. Installing FarCry to farther test.. The ViewSonic 22" did okay in CS:S and completely BLEW in FarCry..

i am impressed also with this LCD in response time. that was the main thing holding me back from LCDs....
i've been playing fear since i got it and dont have any complaints whatsoever about ghosting.
im converted. except for the dang backlight bleed.
Done testing farCry.. OMG... 1000x better then the viewsonic vx2235wm. This is a keeper.. If you play games, do your self a favor, get the this samsung panel over the viewsonic..
Well, I picked one up at sam's earlier. it definitely has some backlight bleed on the top and bottom, but im not sure if its enough that I want to return it. other than the bleed, it really is an amazing display and a HUGE step up from my 17 in CRT.
i shouldnt have said this replacement screen is as bad as the first monitor. that one not only had terrible bleed, it was uneven. at least this one is very symmetrical so its harder to distinguish during normal use. also, my first screen had a weird tint to it on the right side, it was a clear line down the edge that changed a little. this screen seems much more even across the picture.
i have a brown boxer.
twas manufactured in august 06.
Both mine from CC , returned unit and current were in white boxes with a date of Oct/06 .

BTW , my second unit is so much better on the bleeding than my first . Top and bottom are visible in dark games and ws movies , but very liveable now .

I'am still doing testing , so I'll report more later . So far with some adjustments , the 225bw is growing on me . Looks like I may be returning my Viewsonic 2235 .
i recieved my return label today in my email.

one thing is for sure, samsung's customer support is excellent. as much as i am sad about the backlight bleed, samsung did/try to take care of me. even when they knew it was a common problem, they never resisted an rma. it was quite the oppisite, i hardly told them what was wrong and they offered a full exchange all costs covered.

its a drastic difference then trying to deal with a cell phone company like verizon. they just charged me $165 for terminating 3 days early, and had no sympathy when i offered to make them a deal. an honest mistake and they basically say 'hahaha'. if anyone even considers verizon, just go to the kitchen, grab the heaviest frying pan you can and smack it across your face. you will be much better off, trust me.
how long did you have your monitor for before u called samsung?

krupted said:
i recieved my return label today in my email.

one thing is for sure, samsung's customer support is excellent. as much as i am sad about the backlight bleed, samsung did/try to take care of me. even when they knew it was a common problem, they never resisted an rma. it was quite the oppisite, i hardly told them what was wrong and they offered a full exchange all costs covered.

its a drastic difference then trying to deal with a cell phone company like verizon. they just charged me $165 for terminating 3 days early, and had no sympathy when i offered to make them a deal. an honest mistake and they basically say 'hahaha'. if anyone even considers verizon, just go to the kitchen, grab the heaviest frying pan you can and smack it across your face. you will be much better off, trust me.
about 2 days i think. im sure that didnt hurt anything. ive said it earlier, if i had waited a month or so i doubt they would have been that nice about it- thats understandable though.
krupted said:
about 2 days i think. im sure that didnt hurt anything. ive said it earlier, if i had waited a month or so i doubt they would have been that nice about it- thats understandable though.
where did u purchase it from?
I just saw my friend acer 22 inch, holy shit that thing is ugly...

I am glad I got a 225BW
i purchased from compusa. the samsung rep said i could return it to the store, but he said 'im not saying you have to but that is an option, we will be happy to exchange directly'. i told him i would rather get from them so it can be a neweer product, and he agreed it would be as new as they could give me.
Just found this thread and was wondering if any of you who already has the 225BW is using with your xbox 360 as well? I'm either going to purchase this monitor or the Sceptre x22wg, but can't decide just yet.

Obviously the Sceptre has better inputs on it and does 1:1 pixel scaling, but it's not available locally so I'd have to buy it online. The Samsung however is available locally, although for about $30 more than the Sceptre, but peace of mind would come from knowing that if I buy it locally I can return it easily if something is wrong and get another one.

Anyway, I'm still trying to decide. If anyone here has the Samsung and a 360, would you please post some screenshots of it with your 360 running? I'm curious to see how much it stretches the image since it doesn't do 1:1 scaling and that's probably my one real concern is because I don't like distorted images, but if it's barely noticable then it wouldn't matter.

Hmmm, if they did then I didn't see it. Sorry, I'll go back through the thread again and take another look.

UPDATE: Unless it was one of those links which led to a review of the monitor, then it wasn't mentioned in this thread as I just ran though the entire thing. Hmmm, I'll check out the review links then and see if maybe it's mentioned there.
I have pretty much read through all the threads concerning all the 22 inch monitors and have come to believe that the 225BW is the best choice out of all of them. I still do have one gripe with all the monitors though, where are the component inputs?? Any chance that samsung will put out a monitor with inputs much like the 215TW?
I am considering to get this to on BF to replace my viewsonic VX2235W, but I am concerned the review that this is being "too blue". I had to return the Sceptre 22" exactly due to the same reason. I tried very hard to like it, but the color is awful - the Safary menu bar is in blue as opposed to grey.

The monitor is driven by a Intel Macbook and I am using the default color profile by Mac OS.

Any Intel Macbook user outside that can comment? Really appreciate it.
yes, at defualt color, it did seem a little more blue.. Turned up the red from 50 to 65 and it looks amazing...
Can someone who owns this thing answer the 1:1 scaling question? I'm seriously considering this monitor too.

Thanks for any help.
ToddMcF2002 said:
Can someone who owns this thing answer the 1:1 scaling question? I'm seriously considering this monitor too.

Thanks for any help.
i have no complaints about the scaling. evweything looks good undwe non-native resolution.
Thanks for the reply, but that's not what I'm asking - let me explain what 1:1 mapping is, and why people care:

1:1 scaling means you can send any resolution under 1680x1050 and it will display just those pixels 1 for 1 centered on the screen - leaving everything else black.

For example:
If you set your resolution to 1280 x 1024 and you'll have black bars on each side (200 pixels each) and very thin black bars on the top and bottom (13 pixels each)

The reason people want this is so that they have the option of playing a game that looks terrible stretched normally and without interpolation.

This should be a feature in every widescreen monitor since it effectively allows the monitor to double as a 19" 4:3 monitor if need be.

So does anyone know if this model can do it???
oh. i do have an option in my display properties to change to "Center scaling".
which would do what your asking i think.

i will test it when i get home.
I think the monitor don't has 1:1, the grafik card makes this job trough the drivers, i think this means a little less grafik power :rolleyes: . There u have 4 options of scaling.
I think Nvidia does a decent job with this but I'd like the support in the monitor as well - reason being I might have an ATI card someday...
Todd, I looked through the setup menu of the monitor and could find nothing about 1:1 scaling.
The option I have comes from the nvidia drivers. sorry!

the nvidia setting does work well though, it looks native(nice and crispy).
I just tested the center option in the control panel and it works amazingly.. Looks native with bars on all sides.. Now i can play ZeroHour with out streching... Going to test and see if i lose performance..
Well I caved in and picked up a 225BW locally this weekend. I was trying to hold out for the Sceptre X22WG gamer (which now apparently is back in stock, ack!), but wanted some comfort in knowing that I could return the LCD and get a refund if I needed to and not be stuck with an online exchange-only policy.

So with that being said, here's my mini-review based on a couple days worth of Windows and 360 game play use.


- Crystal clear image quality when connected to my PC using a 7800GS with DVI. Better than my CRT (19" Viewsonic G90fb) and that's saying a LOT considering the image quality my 19" puts out. Oblivion looks absolutely amazing, so much so that I couldn't believe the pixel detail that I was seeing on screen.
- Colors really stand out on the PC
- Virtually no backlight bleed. Only the slightest hint of it at top and bottom on a black screen, but you REALLY have to look hard to see it.
- No dead pixels!


- Colors far too subdued when connected to my 360 via VGA, but seems to affect 3D games much more than the 2D games. GOW, COD3, Kameo, PGR3 all look unimpressive. Not to mention any games that you play which might already have somewhat muted colors (GOW and COD3 for example) will really look bland in comparison to what I've seen on my CRT.
- Viewing angle isn't the best and requires that I have the monitor tiled forward at a little bit of a downward angle. Otherwise it's lighter at the bottom of the screen and gets darker as it reaches the top when viewed straight on which means games will look washed out on the bottom half of the screen.
- Monitor does not do 1:1 pixel scaling, period. All 360 games will stretch to fit the screen. Granted, my original concern was how obvious it would be (tall characters, etc), but I can't tell at all, seriously.
- As a result of the above stretching, while it's not obvious that the image is stretched per say, those with a trained eye will notice that because the 360 can't match the LCD's native res of 1680x1050 that the pixels themselves are being stretched to fit so the image is not as crisp. Anyone here who has connected their 360 to VGA knows how amazingly clear it looks, but this is not the case here.

Anyway, a worthy purchase for a PC monitor? Heck yeah! Worth every penny spent in that case, especially for PC games. Good console gaming monitor though? That I cannot recommend it for. Based on the poor color saturation and no 1:1 pixel scaling the 360 may as well be connected to an SDTV in that case. I'll be taking it back tomorrow and will probably cave in and get the Sceptre instead.
Atar3on said:
I'll be taking it back tomorrow and will probably cave in and get the Sceptre instead.
Thanks for the "mini-review". Let us know how the sceptre is in comparison to the 225bw when you do the exchange.
I looked for a while before finding some user reviews on other sites and I noticed one thing that was not mentioned here about this monitor.
Damn their side by side shots show the samsung with everything having a blue tint.
One user said this is normal for samsung. Is this the way they are or can this be tweaked.
Settings or not blue where white SHOULD be is not the way to ship a monitor in my opinion.

And here we have 1 person saying this monitor does 1:1, one says NO and a third says video card?

WHEN will these manufactures even admit to the delay in LCD's much less fix it ???????
My monitor was slightly "blue" or cool in color when I first turned it on from the factory, but it was easily remedied with a few adjustments. The color control on the monitor is very nice. And it comes with software to help you even more if you have trouble doing it from the setup menu on the LCD itself.
I have a very good eye for color, as I work on a printing press, so its required. ;)
sparks said:
WHEN will these manufactures even admit to the delay in LCD's much less fix it ???????
If your referring to the lag time(5ms) of this monitor. You can't notice it. I play FPS games and have yet to see some "ghosting".
I was worried about that as this being my first purchase of an LCD monitor.

This isn't the greatest pic or the best angle in the world. But this is a side by side with my FW900.
no the lag I am referring to is not this.

check this out

LCDs images delayed compared to CRTs ? Yes

this has been known for a while that lcd's introduce up to a half second delay compared to CRT's. This is why no one who is playing competitive will use one.
And I am NO pro but i can tell a BIG difference between a CRT and an LCD and my lcd is second for speed in the ratings.

NONE of the manufactures will even admit this exist. BS!!!!!!!!!!!! they know but won't fix it
Everything of Lcd's is BS, some dead pixels shouldn't be a standart. Zero dead pixels or garantie replacement should be standart...
einer2060 said:
Everything of Lcd's is BS, some dead pixels shouldn't be a standart. Zero dead pixels or garantie replacement should be standart...
Do you mean "standard" and "guarantee"?

The problem is that LCDs are probably one of the most difficult to manufacture products we have for the PC these days. If you go by a zero dead pixel policy, you end up completely producing the panel just to find out it's a dud, so there has to be a limit, otherwise yields would be horrendous and prices would skyrocket. Besides... How easy is it to recycle the components of an LCD?

My 225BW came with zero dead pixels and minor backlight bleed. That's what most Samsungs are putting out these days. Most people won't even realize they have a dead pixel. We're getting closer to actually being able to enforce a zero dead pixel policy. It's just not feasible at the moment.
sparks said:
didn't someone post that this monitor did 1:1 scaling ?

This was the question I wanted to know as well. So many manufacturers seem to offer incomplete specs, ones that are good enough for the average joe, but not good enough for geeks.

It's amazing how hard it's been for me to find out whether some displays (I know the Samsung does) support HDCP, for example. Finding out 1:1 pixel mapping is even harder.

After the reports on backlight bleed here, I decided to go with the 2007WFP. The Sammy is tempting at 22", but for slightly less (with 20% coupon) I should get an S-IPS panel,
and I'll get USB ports, which is nice, albeit with 2" less of display. Since I work in IT for an organization that has its own Dell rep, if I have problems, I can interface with him.

To all you Samsung users: I hope you either get a good panel, or that it works out for you. My last three CRT's (14", 17", 19") have all been Samsungs and I've always been happy with them.