SAMSUNG Spinpoint 1TB $79.99 Shipped at New Egg

I have this one and the Hitachi 1 TB in my current machine and the 1 TB WD black in my work box.

I prefer this one over the other 2. Would love to get my hands on the 5400 rpm version as well.
was about to bite but asked a buddy he said ya they are fast but to cheap and even rma'd drives failed after light use.. i guess ill keep trying wd since rma only cost me 5$ last time..
mine came in today; clamshell with bubble wrap in the middle of peanuts. Maybe the Egg is finally listening to our complaints about their packing of drives:D
In my experience, Samsung HD's have a very high failure rate. But they are good about replacing them with a minimum of hassle. But when you add the cost of shipping it back for replacement, it's not such a great deal after all.
In my experience, Samsung HD's have a very high failure rate. But they are good about replacing them with a minimum of hassle. But when you add the cost of shipping it back for replacement, it's not such a great deal after all.
Hopefully I have better luck with my drives when they arrive. *knocks on Formica covered particle board*
Are you people insane? SAMSUNG Spinpoint F1 have nothing but problems, nforce chipset incompatability, high failure rates, ncq issues, I had 2 fail in 6 months, I have yet to have any WD or Seagate drives fail on me. Use these at your own risk!
Are you people insane? SAMSUNG Spinpoint F1 have nothing but problems, nforce chipset incompatability, high failure rates, ncq issues, I had 2 fail in 6 months, I have yet to have any WD or Seagate drives fail on me. Use these at your own risk!

I already have a backup drive that I put everything on that I want to protect from disk failure. If the Samsung drive I just bought fails it is merely an inconvenience.
You must be rich.

No, far from it. I didn't say I had a $16,000 server to back up data on. It's just a 250gb drive and it's more than enough to store my important files.

You don't have to be rich to be able to back up your data.
Are you people insane? SAMSUNG Spinpoint F1 have nothing but problems, nforce chipset incompatability, high failure rates, ncq issues, I had 2 fail in 6 months, I have yet to have any WD or Seagate drives fail on me. Use these at your own risk!

You gotta be kidding, the Samsungs are known to be reliable, I have a couple in Raid and they perform FLAWLESSLY, these are probably the fastest, quietest drives out in this size. Now Seagate, that's a different story as their current FAILURES are the stuff
LEGENDS are made of, every major site has an article about the various firmware
updates, the problem of these drives BRICKING themselves, and the fact that they
just STOP WORKING after awhile. Samsung, on the other hand has not issued
ANY firmware updates, an indication that the drives work fine OUT OF THE BOX.
I have had 2 Brand new Seagates FAIL on me, so you have got to be kidding about
how great "Seagate" is. :rolleyes:
Well, if it's "merely an inconvenience" that implies wealth to a certain degree. I'd be concerned about the financial loss that can be associated with a HD failure. In warranty, that would be the cost of shipping the drive back to Samsung plus the expense of dealing with the repercussions of the failure. I suppose that if you didn't loose anything of value and you place no value on your time/ expertise then the cost to ship the drive back might be trivial but still, it's a monetary loss that could have been avoided by going with a more reliable drive to begin with.

I've had several Samsung drives fail on me in very strange ways. Most did not generate an error message such as a crc or failure to read. Rather they did wierd stuff like slow the comp down, take forever to do file operations and the last one that went bad on me simply refused to format during a Windows reinstall. Again, no error message, it just hung about a quarter of the way through the format.

I do have a couple of old ones that are still going strong but I don't trust Samsung enough to sell their drives to my customers.
Well, if it's "merely an inconvenience" that implies wealth to a certain degree. I'd be concerned about the financial loss that can be associated with a HD failure. In warranty, that would be the cost of shipping the drive back to Samsung plus the expense of dealing with the repercussions of the failure. I suppose that if you didn't loose anything of value and you place no value on your time/ expertise then the cost to ship the drive back might be trivial but still, it's a monetary loss that could have been avoided by going with a more reliable drive to begin with.

I've had several Samsung drives fail on me in very strange ways. Most did not generate an error message such as a crc or failure to read. Rather they did wierd stuff like slow the comp down, take forever to do file operations and the last one that went bad on me simply refused to format during a Windows reinstall. Again, no error message, it just hung about a quarter of the way through the format.

I do have a couple of old ones that are still going strong but I don't trust Samsung enough to sell their drives to my customers.

You must be a Republican.

You offer nothing but criticism of an RMA process (of which all manufs have had their day...), but you're all whine with no cheese.

Translation for the right: What brand do you recommend we buy???

You can't tell me to NOT buy a Honda based on the fact that it has four tires on it. When I look at Toyota and Ford, they both too have four tires.

I own/have owned dozens of Maxtor drives, they're pure crap...
I own/have owned a dozen or more Seagates, fairly craptastic. Bad enough to not touch a very cheap $110 1.5TB drive...
I own/have owned dozens upon dozens of Samsungs. Their older IDE 160GBs had a few failures, but was much less of an issue at the time than Maxtor's failure rate. Recent Samsungs are rock solid for me
I own one WD. Zero problems. Don't own enough to have any opinion, though.
I own one Hitachi. Ditto to WD. And it's a DEATHSTAR! Five yrs later, it's fine, though... Go figure...

Funny thing is, you ask a dozen different people who have owned over a hundred hard drives their story, and they'll likely have the same story as me, BUT WITH THE MANUF NAMES SHUFFLED.


Anyone who intends to own a good number of drives knows they are going to RMA every now and then. If you can't afford that, then save you data to floppy disks or something...

With Egg's packaging, it's really a crapshoot anyway regardless of what you buy...

But I will admit: with hard drive prices so far down, it's hard to justify RMAing a 250GB drive with a cost of $20 for the ARMA when it's hardly even worth $25... RMAing my 160GB drives (if they still had a warranty...) would be done pretty much at a loss...

Back on topic: what do you recommend we buy??? What do you sell your customers?
Son of a bitch! The damn drives are shipping from California, I won't get them until the 31st. I was hoping to hook up my WHS box over the weekend. Normally I get hardware within two days since it usually ships from the NJ warehouse. Oh well. My memory cards shipped from NJ but the Egg likes to use DHL/USPS for the light stuff so I won't see that until next week either. I'm about 30 min from the warehouse.
Are you people insane? SAMSUNG Spinpoint F1 have nothing but problems, nforce chipset incompatability, high failure rates, ncq issues, I had 2 fail in 6 months, I have yet to have any WD or Seagate drives fail on me. Use these at your own risk!

Find me a hard drive that doesn't have a story like that one.

Hell, find me ANY PRODUCT in the history of the world that doesn't have a story like that.
Are you people insane? SAMSUNG Spinpoint F1 have nothing but problems, nforce chipset incompatability, high failure rates, ncq issues, I had 2 fail in 6 months, I have yet to have any WD or Seagate drives fail on me. Use these at your own risk!

I'm using 2 of these drives in RAID flawlessly for months. These are amazingly fast drives. I'm using the an nforce6 chipset (the shitiest nforce chipset) and its 100% compatible.. dumbass..:rolleyes: