Samsung S23A700D 120Hz

Looks to me like the Samsung has a veery tiny bit of purple tint with the default settings like my ViewSonic VX2268wm also does, I've noticed the same in other pics but I guess you could easily adjust that out.
Sorry for the OFF, but anyone knows if there will be a 27" version? "S27A700"?
I would buy that!
Response time set to the default "Faster," setting on the S23A700d. Normal and Fastest produce ghosting however I have yet to compare the different settings, so Normal might be the best. However due to the lesser amount of cross-talk I'd say it is safe to assume the 700D, like the 950D is faster than the Asus.

Asus Trace Free 40 (this is the best setting, if I max out the Trace Free to 100 it looks the same as the Samsung but produces strong over shoot). Trace Free 40 produces a ghosting free experience for 99% of things, occasionally Trace Free 60 produces better results.

Side by Side

I set both to 120hz and used SMTT 1.0. The Samsung was behind the Asus by 7-8ms. I did test the Asus vs my CRT and it was behind by 5-8ms and SMTT 1.0 is off by 6ms so the actual delay value is 2-3ms.

I turned on 2D-3D conversion and the Samsung lagged behind the Asus by 30ms (so 24ms). I will try gaming with the conversion enabled and see if it is laggy. The conversion on the 950D produced horrible black silhouette ghosting with small camera movements in games, hopefully the 700D is better.
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I received my copy of SMTT 2.0, the Samsung is behind the Asus by 7-8ms, which like 10e stated earlier puts it at 10-11ms of input lag which is very good.

2D-3D conversion does indeed produce >1frame of input lag and is noticeable when gaming (obviously). I tried RAGE and GOW3 with 2D-3D conversion and I could still play. There is to much lag for keyboard/mouse gaming.

2D-3D conversion actually worked much better than Gears of War 3's Native 3D which looks terrible. There was more depth with the conversion and the visuals remain the same. There is no black silhouette ghosting/smearing like I observed on the S27A950D, however I did come across some double images when panning the camera at maximum speed during gears but it looked like a 2D-3D conversion rendering error and it was still very minor. Apart from the input lag I approve of 2D-3D conversion.

The Asus has less gamma shift and better brightness distribution.

There is a 40cdm/2 difference from the top to the bottom (darker top, brighter bottom).

That was before calibration with the Standard mode, I will use i1 Profiler to measure the brightness distribution again later. The screen uniformity is some of the worst I have come across.

black screen @ 120cdm/2 brightness

This picture is over-exposed but you can clearly see how much brighter the Samsung gets from top-bottom. In reality this is quite visible and even with the lights on the bottom appears brighter during letter box films. Except at maxium brightness in 3D mode the Asus shows no deviations in brightness.

The Samsung suffers from worse gamma shift than the Asus but this is also due to the uneven brightness distribution Shift and Banding/bandinandstuff023.jpg Shift and Banding/bandinandstuff026.jpg Shift and Banding/bandinandstuff021.jpg Shift and Banding/bandinandstuff019.jpg Shift and Banding/bandinandstuff017.jpg

RPGWizard was right, the Samsung has a purple/blue dominance while the Asus has a green dominance. Both are pretty much perfect though at of the box. When I calibrated it all I had to do was change the blue to 43, brightness 23 and gamma mode 3.


Those are from the xbox 360. I find RAGE is a good game to test on monitors response times. Most monitors show some ghosting on the skulls in the 3rd RAGE picture and minor ghosting on the clouds. The Samsung produces some monitor dark overshoot when set to fastest and slight ghosting when set to Normal. The Default setting of Faster is perfect and there is no ghosting. The Asus shows a tincy amount with the Trace Free 40 option which is best for most games, but once set to Trace Free 60 it is fine but not perfect like the Samsung.

Priest 3D on the PS3 through the Samsung 3D glass @18:22

Minor cross-talk.
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In this pictures what is the samsung and what is the asus ?
razer black widow

Recieved my basICColor 5 license key so I can now accurately measure the color presets and provide detailed information for everything but the gamma values.
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have you compared the reflections level ?
many users said the ultra clear panel show less glares than Asus Color Shine in the same lighting condition.

What is the minimum brightness of samsung ? ( cd/m2 ) S23A700D/reflections009.jpg

I set the brightness to 0, also the RGB levels were reduced during calibration which reduces the brightness and I measured 60cdm/2.

whats the diff between s23a700d and s23a750d? which one's newer?

The 750D has display-port vs dual link DVI on the 700D for 120hz and a nicer bezel. They use the same panel and were released around the same time.
Senna89 please look at the picture provided, they are both like mirrors. I dont know why i bother since it is not like you are going to be buying one of these any way.
Click below for my photo album: S23A700D/

My initial impression is that the Samsung comes as advertised with "100% Photo Accurate," colors. The only issue I had (subjectively speaking) was, like the S27A950D I tested the default gamma was a little low, meaning the colors could be a bit punchier/saturated.

I changed the gamma to mode 3 and all was well (just like the S27A950D).

Excuse me.
This Photobucket contains all the images of Samsung directly in "Out of box" status or just setted whit gamma 3 like you said?
Got the monitor over this weekend. Unfortunately I'm experiencing the same issues as Slunge. The total input lag isn't TERRIBLE but it is definitely 15+ possibly ~30-35. Bought the Benq 120hz so I will see how that compares when I get it.

However aside from the input lag the monitor is fantastic. Colors are right on, true 120hz is fantastic. Really enjoy watching movies and such on it.

Also the response time option doesn't seem to be working because "normal" seems better than "faster" and "fastest" for both blur and input lag although I'm getting tired now so I'll have to check that again later.
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Can you use AMD cards with the DVI connection on this screen for 120hz 3D?

From what I gather, AMD cards HD3D only works at 120Hz over displayport, but I'm not 100% sure. HDMI can be used for movies 24fps/1080p.

I'm debating between this and the s23a750, but I have an Nvidia without displayport, and will upgrade likely to the HD 7970 so I need to be able to use both of them.
2D-3D conversion does indeed produce >1frame of input lag and is noticeable when gaming (obviously). I tried RAGE and GOW3 with 2D-3D conversion and I could still play. There is to much lag for keyboard/mouse gaming.

2D-3D conversion actually worked much better than Gears of War 3's Native 3D which looks terrible. There was more depth with the conversion and the visuals remain the same. There is no black silhouette ghosting/smearing like I observed on the S27A950D, however I did come across some double images when panning the camera at maximum speed during gears but it looked like a 2D-3D conversion rendering error and it was still very minor. Apart from the input lag I approve of 2D-3D conversion.

There is to much lag for keyboard/mouse gaming.
Does the native 3D or whatever it's called work better in games? (Isn't there like a bit more native 3D, and then a 2D->3D mode (or is it only the HD3D stuff with a different driver like tridef or ie3d or whatever they are called on AMD cards)?

How does the 3d experience rate compared to your nvidia 3d vision monitor in your signature?

How are normal dvd's/.avi/.mpgs when converted to 3D? Do many convert to 3D nicely, or it it more of a gimmick?
I've been looking around the net and found this forum.
I am looking for a 120hz monitor but there are so many mixed reviews for the ones that are out there.
NCX's reviews seem very solid but I am still not sure.

I use my PC mostly for FPS/RTS gaming, designing in photoshop, watching tv-series/movies and browsing the internet.
I have an NVIDIA GFX card. and run most of my games around 90+ FPS
I am an experienced FPS gamer and I miss my good old CRT 120hz monitor.
However, I will never ever use 3D as I think it is a gimmick and it hurts my head.

So, my priorities are excellent image and color quality in 2d, low ms and input lag, 120hz (obviously) and color correctness and good gradients for photoshop.

Which monitor would you guys recommend? I am leaning towards the 700D, but still not 100% sure. Price is not such a big deal.

For comparison I currently use a Benq G2420 HDBL. So would like an upgrade to this.
I just got my s23a700d yesterday and I think I just lucked out. Mine doesn't have any backlight bleed. ;) This monitor doesn't feel at snappy as my old CRT when it comes to input lag but its close enough. However this monitor is night and day compared to my Samsung 2333T in the ghosting department. My games look so clean and crisp while in motion.
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Well after using both monitors I can confirm everything 10e has stated.

The white crush/saturation on the Samsung hasn't been emphasized enough though. It's pretty bad. Black crush is also awful out-of-the-box on both the Samsung and the BenQ.

Samsung > Benq colors

Benq >> Samsung all other categories
If you're getting input lag on a TN, you're doing something VERY wrong, or your display is messed up.
Senna89 please look at the picture provided, they are both like mirrors. I dont know why i bother since it is not like you are going to be buying one of these any way.
Well, I am and REALLY appreciate all the comments you've provided. Right now I'm staring @ an Asus PA246Q, but there's a few issues so it's going back tomorrow. Fry's has the 27A950D, but not the 700D IIRC. They also have the 23A950D. I'm concerned about text and detail on a "stretched" 1080P like the 27, but also intrigued @ the thought of gaming on a 27, lol. TL;DR...which is the best overall 120hz option?
If you're getting input lag on a TN, you're doing something VERY wrong, or your display is messed up.

I can't decide if I want to say orly or ignorance is bliss.... so both.
If you're getting input lag on a TN, you're doing something VERY wrong, or your display is messed up.

There are laggy TNs, so I don't know why you would make that comment, and how it could be ascribed to user error.
Does anyone know why this monitor has been discontinued? Is there a successor coming? This was an incredible value and to see it discontinued before I could buy one is heartbreaking. The few places that still have it in stock have jacked up the price.
Compared to the A950, the A700 is dimmer (a good thing cause I can have it on 100 brightness to eliminate flicker), sits lower, and has minimal backlight bleeding.
Does anyone know why this monitor has been discontinued? Is there a successor coming? This was an incredible value and to see it discontinued before I could buy one is heartbreaking. The few places that still have it in stock have jacked up the price.
from my experience with buying samsung monitors over the years, they quietly come and go onto the market with their high end models and pull out months later. samsung never appears to mass produce enough to last for a year.
Looks like I was wrong about this being discontinued. It's just highly in demand and keeps going in and out of stock.

The motion resolution on this thing is wonderful compared to my IPS monitor which had a lot of blur.

I am disappointed in the color shifting issue, I did not know it was this bad on TN panels. From my normal sitting angle I can see colors change shades when scrolling images from top to bottom.

I'm still pleased with my purchase, I'm happy to have a fast gaming monitor again and I have 3D over both DVI and HDMI.
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Regarding the 3D. Is anyone able to see objects pop out of the screen? I can see depth just fine but I haven't seen anything pop out of the screen. This is my first time seeing stereoscopic 3D but I've read that with 3D in the cinemas there's often a pop out effect.

I found this article discussing this.
^Well are you getting shot at with a link gun, or rocket, or flack cannon in UT3?
Try it, it's awesome.
Can someone share their calibrated settings? The color differences between this and my NEC IPS monitor are really bugging me. This monitor's colors are duller and it has a heavy blue bias. I know TN panels will always have inferior colors due to it being 6-bit but surely it can't be this bad.

I do plan on buying a colorimeter but hopefully someone can share their settings to tide me over in the meantime.
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I am still really irked by this monitor's blue bias. There is nothing I can do to get rid of it without making the image too warm.

Take this image for example. The right side of the screen is supposed to have natural subdued lighting but on the S23A700D the lighting becomes effected with a blue tint.
That's a very low brightness setting, IMO. Anyone have any recommendations for gaming settings (BF3) ?
The issue is the gamma setting. Mode 3 crushes blacks wether the brightness is at 22 or 100. If you leave the gamma at mode 1 the brightness level of 22 is fine. I personally prefer a brightness of 30.
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I got my Samsung S23A700D a few days ago and love it. Wasn't sure I'd be happy with the glossy screen but it actually gives it a premium look to my eyes. But the TV on in the background reflects in the top right corner so I have to turn it off when watching movies.

Yes, I also noticed a blue bias but I've compensated for that now. My settings are

Brightness; 22
Contrast: 60
Sharpness: 60
Red/Green/Blue: 50/50/40
Gamma: Mode 3
Response Time: Normal (apparently the faster response times can cause ghosting)
Magic Angle: Standing mode

To some, my settings might seem a bit lacklustre, but once your eyes adjust, it's very relaxing to look at the screen. Any brighter and for me it starts to wash things out.

I can only do side by side 3D because of my graphics card being a 5850 and not a 6xxx card or higher. But it looks amazing in games like skyrim. I watched Imax Hubble 3D and it looked awesome. The active glasses do my eyes and head in a bit though, takes some adjusting to because of the shutters..
The faster mode is the best. Fastest and Normal are not as good.

When I calibrated mine I tried turning down the blue all the way, but when I did, since I wanted to achieve 6500k I had to turn down the other values as well to keep things balanced. No matter what I did I couldn't get rid of the purple tinge. Gamma mode 3 did not crush blacks on mine. Typically Samsung displays have a low average gamma of around 1.9-2.0 with gamma mode 1 and Mode 3 brings the average much closer to 2.22.
I'm on my 2nd S23A700D and getting annoyed by the flashlight bleed and single red flare star phoenix of a stuck pixel. :(

VERY nice for gaming tho.