Samsung "In-Traffic Reply" App for Android


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
I am not sure about you, but it seems that every time I venture more than a mile from my house, some jackass on their smartphone is trying to run me down while they are not paying attention to the road. Thankfully Texas just passed a law that makes it illegal to text and drive, however I doubt this will make much of a difference if you are stupid enough to be driving down the road while texting anyway. Since we cannot be trusted to take everyone else's safety seriously, Samsung is stepping up a bit with a new application that will hopefully save a few lives and road rage incidents as well. This is far from the first app of this kind, and AT&T has an entire initiative called "It Can Wait." Anyway, save your smartphone computing till you get off the road. Although I am sure jackasses will continue to be jackasses as they will not take advantage of this type of application. I do know that giving on-road texters a quick blast from a 156dB train horn generally gets their attention back on the road and out of your lane. This is our PSA for the day, end rant.

The In-Traffic Reply app reduces this pressure by sending automated responses to calls and messages while the owner of the phone is on the road. The app will automatically activate when it detects the user is riding a bike or driving a car through the smartphone’s sensors such as its GPS. Users can choose to send the default reply (“I’m driving, so I cannot answer at the moment.”), a fun, animated response, or their own customized pre-set message. In-Traffic Reply is currently in beta, and has already attracted the attention of hundreds of interested users. The full version of the app will launch in mid May and will be available in the Google Play Store.
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Don't get me started. Driving out of Toronto last week and noticed a red Civic swerving in the center lane with his left signal light on. Thought maybe the driver was having a stroke or something. When I finally passed him I looked over and his face was buried in his phone.

Police are starting to take it seriously, but it's an uphill battle.

Fucking idiots.
Wtf, if I witnessed this I would've pulled him over and beat his ass myself. You don't put other peoples lives on the line for a fucking text, if it's that important CALL THE FUCKING PERSON.

People think they're invincible and that the rules don't apply to them. I'll tell you what though, this guy will be fucked up for the rest of his life.

Jesus. I hope they fry this fucker.

I worked with a guy who hit and killed an 8 year old kid while speeding down a side street when he was younger. Never recovered. Alcoholic, drug addict, couldn't maintain a relationship, his life might as well have ended on the day he killed the kid.
Texting is notoriously difficult to prove in court. Most people say they were "dialing" and they get out of it.
I get so annoyed seeing twats using their phines in their cars. You can tell how they are moving in traffic supposedly looking at their crotches. Usually sat with a line of traffic behind them, not realising the traffic in front has moved on.

My dad a few weeks ago got stuck behind some woman using her phone in traffic, he got out of his car and slapped his hand on her window and shouted "Put your phone away!"

She nearly shat herself apparently.
At the same time every phone has that GD nag message when you try to turn the volume beyond the "danger" level. I cant count the times I've cursed at that thing on bluetooth...
I just pop mine in the mount, plug it into the aux and power, and use Drivemode to do everything by voice. It's also a lot easier to use maps that way, play music, etc. Texts, skype, hangouts, etc it all reads out to me and I can verbally reply (or not.) How is it possible that people haven't figured out how to do this?

I think the whole I was dialing excuse to get out of a texting ticket is BS. You shouldn't be able to touch your phone while driving, not for calls, texts, or whatever. If I have a problem and I need to touch my phone, I just pull over for a second and do whatever I need.
I don't really get focusing on the phone. It's just under the umbrella called "distracted driving". You could be bored and looking at scenery and crash into people. You could be sleepy and fall asleep at the wheel. People drink and drive.
People are idiots. They don't really understand the power that is driving and how it can affect the lives of others. Quickly looking at a phone to see wtf is going on is just as bad as checking the stereo to see what song is playing or looking at the gps. You can't tell me with a straight face that it's way different. Keeping your eyes off the road and typing a response is way different and should be treated as such. The people who do this have very poor impulse control and should really be evaluated to see if a license to drive and all the responsibilities that come with it is the right choice for them.

Glancing at a stereo frequency is much faster than reading an essay some people type into their phones. The mind also has to process more information when reading a text.
I've known for YEARS the secret to eliminating nearly ALL texting and driving..

And I'm prepared to share this secret with you all today.

My Pixel XL has this built in. Driving Mode. It'll send a text reply letting them know I'm driving and will reply later. It doesn't answer the phone, though. I mean, I can talk via bluetooth no problem without touching my phone.
My Pixel XL has this built in. Driving Mode. It'll send a text reply letting them know I'm driving and will reply later. It doesn't answer the phone, though. I mean, I can talk via bluetooth no problem without touching my phone.
Got a Pixel XL yesterday, did not know it had this feature built in, thanks for the heads up!
This is why I like Carplay. Never have to look at your phone. Still can do most everything.
People think they're invincible and that the rules don't apply to them. I'll tell you what though, this guy will be fucked up for the rest of his life.

I worked with a guy who hit and killed an 8 year old kid while speeding down a side street when he was younger. Never recovered. Alcoholic, drug addict, couldn't maintain a relationship, his life might as well have ended on the day he killed the kid.

I had my own accident and killed a little girl ...... the guilt was so bad and I didn't actually do anything wrong. It was just terrible circumstances and kids on the highway when they never shoulda been there at all. If It had actually been something I could have avoided, or if I had been speeding or drunk, it would have eaten me up. As it is I still can't let it go.

This is a hell you do not want to flirt with.
I was passed Wednesday night on the highway by an unmarked police car going at least 10+ mph over the speed limit, and the driver was texting and swerving all over the place.
At the same time every phone has that GD nag message when you try to turn the volume beyond the "danger" level. I cant count the times I've cursed at that thing on bluetooth...

I don't even know what you are talking about. I have never ever seen such a thing on my phones.
Oh, and pro-tip. Once you get it bluetooth synced with you vehicles, go in to settings, security, smart lock and add those devices. It won't lock the phone while connected. You can also add any locations or wifi connections as well. You'll need to do this for your vehicles if you plan to bluetooth stream from the phone, otherwise it won't transmit any data while the phone is locked. Smart!

All you ballers with cars new enough to have bluetooth....
I had my own accident and killed a little girl ...... the guilt was so bad and I didn't actually do anything wrong. It was just terrible circumstances and kids on the highway when they never shoulda been there at all. If It had actually been something I could have avoided, or if I had been speeding or drunk, it would have eaten me up. As it is I still can't let it go.

This is a hell you do not want to flirt with.
The guilt isn't the only thing to ruin you. I knew a girl that ran over a girl that ran out between cars into the street. She was not charged with anything cause she wasn't at fault. She had to move cause everyone in the neighborhood harshed her day and night over it. She was distraught over it as is.
The guilt isn't the only thing to ruin you. I knew a girl that ran over a girl that ran out between cars into the street. She was not charged with anything cause she wasn't at fault. She had to move cause everyone in the neighborhood harshed her day and night over it. She was distraught over it as is.

As I said, this is a hell you do not want to flirt with.

After this accident, I replayed it in my mind, I think I had to to make sure there was nothing I could have done. Maybe a psychyatrist would have said "I was making myself believe there was nothing I could have done". The cops never charged me with anything. But the upshot is, I don't own a car that won't perform reasonably well. It has to go fast if I need it to, stop fast, and more importantly it has to be maneuverable, responsive. I have to be able to do all I can to avoid something like this again cause I don't think I could take it a second time. Not even if the entire world said it wasn't my fault, I just don't think I could deal with it again so ..... I also keep my guns.
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Texting is notoriously difficult to prove in court. Most people say they were "dialing" and they get out of it.

I'm pretty sure it's no handheld phones instead of just saying no texting. Here in MD we had this law for a number of years and it seems it does nothing. Kind of like headlights on when wipers are being used. Never seen any police pull people off for this but we have speed cameras every few inches. Guess it just comes down to what's easier to cash in. I don't think it's the cops fault though, maybe their management or department. Few that I've met and known are extremely nice and professional.
Hmmm did the bill actually pass the senate and get signed into law? I don't think it did yet.

There are rare occasions when I will use my phone while driving, and if I have to use the screen I will hold the phone up in line of sight with the road so I can see the road and phone without having to move my eyes and head. I'll also be isolated on the road with nobody around. It's a rare thing but way safer than looking down which is what most people do. With phone bans people who use them will certainly always keep the phone out of sight and look down to use them. Sure maybe fewer people will use phones but those who still do will be even more dangerous on the road. I don't have a problem with or without the ban, I'd suggest instead to slap major punishment on those who screw up from using the phone while driving.

And the guy above really wrote New Braunsfels? OMG, I thought it was hilarious how people pronounced it that way but to read it written that way cracks me up. It is written and pronounced New Braunfels. I have no idea where the extra S came from lol.
most people can't multitask.
i am always amazed that people look down into their lap or the front passenger seat while using the phone.
Common sense... you're driving forward... why are you looking down??
hold the phone high if you have to use it.

I sometimes check traffic on my phone, but I hold the phone above the steering wheel so I can easily see the road.

I recently honked hard at a girl who was in front of me and not paying attention, and she finally stopped looking at her phone.
I've known for YEARS the secret to eliminating nearly ALL texting and driving..

And I'm prepared to share this secret with you all today.


This is a major +1, I like the fact that I have to focus on driving the car (and not that I have to, I WANT to be focused). When I get in the car, I throw my phone in the back seat (which isn't really a seat in my coupe, more like a bench), and drive to my destination. I don't want to feel the phone vibrate, I don't want to see the screen light up, I don't even want to know it's within reach.

Also the top secret device to keep millenials from stealing your car

Wish that were true. A lot more cars nowadays come with an "auto re-start" function, so when you stall out, it just turns the car on again immediately. Even a total fuck head could steal a car that automatically knows what to do. Damn shame :(.

On the topic of texting though, I can't handle the amount of texting I see on a daily basis. It accounts for basically 100% of the bullshit I see. People following me too closely, people driving too slowly infront of me (I'm not a speed demon, but 20 in a 35 is a god damn disaster). Or the worst, creeping in bumper to bumper traffic, and all you see is their eyes GLUED to their phones.

Honestly, it should be a $250 fine first time with 3 points on license, $500 with another 3 points second time, then mandatory jail time and fine. This is getting out of hand. But hey, gotta get that snap out bro.
I worked with a guy who hit and killed an 8 year old kid while speeding down a side street when he was younger. Never recovered. Alcoholic, drug addict, couldn't maintain a relationship, his life might as well have ended on the day he killed the kid.

This guy should never have the opportunity to laugh or smile in life again. The pain the childs parents feel is far beyond this guys drug and alcohol problems.
I live about 10 minutes from New Braunsfels, where the bus was from...I couldn't believe the cops ignored all the phone calls.
I've always wondered what I might say if it appeared the cops werent taking me seriously. I figured if I just made a false report that I could backtrack as a mistake it would at least get the job done. You know "omg he just HIT someone, JESUS FUCKING CHRIST! He has a GUN! HE'S WAVING A GUN AROUND! He's screaming Allah Ackbar holy shit please hurry!" and then just say "whoops, that was his phone, not a gun. My bad! I thought I saw a body go flying, guess it was just a piece of road debris, I cant remember officer" and so forth. Of course this is all assuming you even have to act as a witness. If you're calling from your mobile while on the road you can just say you dont want to be involved if they ask for your presence and just keep on driving. It's not like they can really figure out who you are and file charges for a false report based purely upon your cellphone number without getting a warrant/subpoena for the phone company.
I'm pretty sure it's no handheld phones instead of just saying no texting. Here in MD we had this law for a number of years and it seems it does nothing. Kind of like headlights on when wipers are being used. Never seen any police pull people off for this but we have speed cameras every few inches. Guess it just comes down to what's easier to cash in. I don't think it's the cops fault though, maybe their management or department. Few that I've met and known are extremely nice and professional.
Seriously this. I also live in MD. I seen people driving past cops all the time with their lights off at night. Funny thing is there is only one red light camera in my town and it is right next to the police station.
While I generally dislike speed traps, red light cameras and other attempts by cops to pad their budgets by harassing otherwise law abiding citizens over trivial violations, this is one area where I'm all for it. Ticket every last cocksucker they make visual confirmation of. They could pop more users in a day at any random area of the city than setting up shop behind some bushes hoping to catch someone doing 11 over the speedlimit. Buy all the fancy new gear they want with their new income stream.
Front pocket then. Or if you can leave it in the holder without looking that is fine too.

No, I look, no different then screwing with my XFM or punching up the map on my nav, I just don't fixate on it. Like others above said, it's just another form of distracted driving and you can let it dominate your attention or you can respect the risk it represents and act accordingly. And I know I can pull over a moment and pay more attention to something that is going to be demanding of my attention.

Doesn't mean I'm an idiot and try to carry on a texting conversation in traffic or on the freeway.

It really isn't a black and white all or nothing deal. Some people live in areas of the country, smaller towns, etc where driving isn't a white knuckle affair every moment. I can check that new text with little risk in Shallowater Texas when I wouldn't dare on the freeway in LA. Things are what they are and they change by region, season, and time of day. They are not immutable absolutes.
Texting is notoriously difficult to prove in court. Most people say they were "dialing" and they get out of it.

They can use the text records. If you're driving on a highway and they know the accident occurred at a specific time (camera or witness), text messages sent near that time (before) can be used.

You could argue you pulled over and sent it, but that's up to you.

My dad is notorious text and driver. It annoys the shit out of me - he wouldn't drive drunk, but he'll text.

My phone goes in my front pocket and doesn't come out until I'm parked.
They can use the text records. If you're driving on a highway and they know the accident occurred at a specific time (camera or witness), text messages sent near that time (before) can be used.

You could argue you pulled over and sent it, but that's up to you.

My dad is notorious text and driver. It annoys the shit out of me - he wouldn't drive drunk, but he'll text.

My phone goes in my front pocket and doesn't come out until I'm parked.

Sure they can, if you are being charged with a felony. No Law Enforcement agency is going to do this just because there's an accident. There has to be a criminal charge of pretty serious import to justify it.
I've always wondered what I might say if it appeared the cops werent taking me seriously. I figured if I just made a false report that I could backtrack as a mistake it would at least get the job done. You know "omg he just HIT someone, JESUS FUCKING CHRIST! He has a GUN! HE'S WAVING A GUN AROUND! He's screaming Allah Ackbar holy shit please hurry!" and then just say "whoops, that was his phone, not a gun. My bad! I thought I saw a body go flying, guess it was just a piece of road debris, I cant remember officer" and so forth. Of course this is all assuming you even have to act as a witness. If you're calling from your mobile while on the road you can just say you dont want to be involved if they ask for your presence and just keep on driving. It's not like they can really figure out who you are and file charges for a false report based purely upon your cellphone number without getting a warrant/subpoena for the phone company.
I wouldn't lie to police because that's a crime, but calling some chick at the dispatch desk a cunt is not a crime.
Texting is notoriously difficult to prove in court. Most people say they were "dialing" and they get out of it.

If the law differentiates between dialing a phone call and sending a text message, the legislators missed the point and got the law wrong.
I am actually looking for an app that would help me not get distracted by even the phone ringing during driving. I want it so that when my phone is connected to my car's BT, it automatically REJECTS any calls while that device is connected. Haven't found one yet.
Laws and features like this won't change a thing. The real problem is a significant percentage of people with drivers licenses can't drive worth a shit because this country treats driving like a right instead of a privilege.