Samsung 226BW 22": 3000:1 Contrast, 2ms response time

Hey Jason thanks for the info dude. That fixed the dithering problem, using your settings. Everything looks great now. I do find that games are overly bright now as in i dont need to sue the "night vision" ring etc in oblivion anymore. I have to fool around a bit more to make it a bit darker without getting that horrible dithering back.
Hey Jason thanks for the info dude. That fixed the dithering problem, using your settings. Everything looks great now. I do find that games are overly bright now as in i dont need to sue the "night vision" ring etc in oblivion anymore. I have to fool around a bit more to make it a bit darker without getting that horrible dithering back.

Maybe one of you guys can help me with getting the right settings for internet viewing. I'm so used to my 21" Trinitron. As of right now, it's still too bright, and it gives me a headache. And also, is there another way to make text a litlle easier on the eyes? I've already applied clear type, but it still burns my eyes. Maybe I'm just spoiled by my CRT?
Maybe one of you guys can help me with getting the right settings for internet viewing. I'm so used to my 21" Trinitron. As of right now, it's still too bright, and it gives me a headache. And also, is there another way to make text a litlle easier on the eyes? I've already applied clear type, but it still burns my eyes. Maybe I'm just spoiled by my CRT?

Brightness:20 Contrast:70 works quite good for reading.
I just got this display and love it! I got the A version though I can live with a tiny bit of backlight bleeding :rolleyes:

Replaced a vx924 which was a 4:3 19" LCD.
Why my data (S panel) shows :

Monitor On Time: 0Hr
Panel Ch. No.: 0
On Time: 0Hr
Cycle: 33

I really don't understand it. I have been using it for 2 weeks. Why the "monitor on time" still shows 0Hr? Is there anything wrong with it?

Cycle is what you want to look at regarding how long your monitor has had power from the day of purchase. I haven't quite figured out what triggers Monitor On Time / On Time. Mine didn't change after two hours making it go from 10 to 12, it just stayed at 10 Hr. My Cycle went up two hours though.
Are there any dvd optical drives out there that can take full advantage of this monitor's resolution? If I were to buy a separate dvd player for this monitor, I still wouldn't be able to get audio. I want to be able to watch 720p movies on this thing with audio!
Maybe one of you guys can help me with getting the right settings for internet viewing. I'm so used to my 21" Trinitron. As of right now, it's still too bright, and it gives me a headache. And also, is there another way to make text a litlle easier on the eyes? I've already applied clear type, but it still burns my eyes. Maybe I'm just spoiled by my CRT?

Are glossy screens on monitors better for having the brightness high without causing headaches. I'm a sucker for brightness and vibrancy when playing games but i don't know if a monitor with a glossy coating, like the NEC 20WGX2, would be better on my eyes.
Has anyone replaced their Samsung 204B with the 226BW that can give me advice on whether it was worth the change?
Used the Colorimeter Gretag Macbeth Eye One display and the i-Colour software of Quatographic.
During the calibration it becomes clear that a good TrueColor as well as clean processes with the standard contrast of 75 cannot be attained.
We reached our calibration results with a contrast of 50.

Thank you very much for posting this. It confirms my fears. I posted here before that you cannot increase the contrast above 50 or 55 with this monitor. Otherwise you start losing color accuracy, especially with skin tones. Now a website with professional tools confirms this.

It's very disappointing. 50 Contrast looks very dull. It's nowhere near the contrast levels Samsung advertises. I can no longer recommend this monitor to anyone.
Pictures look fantastic on my A panel using Bightness-45 and contrast-75. Keep in mind, this is a $300 TN panel.
Thank you very much for posting this. It confirms my fears. I posted here before that you cannot increase the contrast above 50 or 55 with this monitor. Otherwise you start losing color accuracy, especially with skin tones. Now a website with professional tools confirms this.

It's very disappointing. 50 Contrast looks very dull. It's nowhere near the contrast levels Samsung advertises. I can no longer recommend this monitor to anyone.

Every display device has compromises. With even the best CRTs there is some compromise in the area of screen geometry and focus.

With even the best LCDs there are going to be compromises in color accuracy and contrast.

What exactly are you expecting from a display that gives you huge 16:9 22" real estate to play with for $300?

Maybe you should spend $600 on the 20" NEC since it's slightly better? Oh ya, it still has compromises too, just read forums on that panel.

The bottom line for most users (not super nitpickers) is how good of a value is the display and can you live with the imperfections? For many users the answer to this question seems to be a yes.
gunner1, After 67 pages you hit the nail right on the head. One more thing I would like to mention. These profiles that are made by Spider2 do not always mean much because very few programs use a Color Profile. The only one I have is Photoshop Elements 3. What I did was adjust the 226 to what seemed to be the best for me and left it. It did not take more than a day to get used to it. The only thing I have changed is the Resolution. My old eyes did not like the Native Res so I am using 1280 X 960. Perfect for me for using the net. I do wish there was a way to use a resolution in between like 1440 X xxx. Just my .02
3000:1 Dynamic Contrast is a feature and makes colors hella bright but not sure how well it does in replicating colors. It's a Magic Bright setting found inside a menu via the second button on the left on the monitor.

The actual contrast this monitor displays is 1000:1.

edit: What the hell? I posted this at 3:39 but it timestamped it 2:39 putting it before 7331's post. Odd.

edit 2: Ahh, apparently something is up with the forums as other people are experiencing the same thing. Oh well.
The bottom line for most users (not super nitpickers) is how good of a value is the display and can you live with the imperfections? For many users the answer to this question seems to be a yes.

I agree mostly, but what I don't like is how different contrast is to what Samsung advertises. They advertize 3000:1, while the real usable contrast is 500:1. Isn't that something to be disappointed about?
I agree mostly, but what I don't like is how different contrast is to what Samsung advertises. They advertize 3000:1, while the real usable contrast is 500:1. Isn't that something to be disappointed about?

Again, it is all relative. Most manufacturers stretch the truth on specifications. Samsung claims 2ms on this panel as well and we all know that is bologna.

As an aside, I've begun having a problem with mine where it doesn't seem to go into the power savings mode any longer. Is there some way to set or check this in the OSD that I have not found?

Well I just ordered from Newegg to get the Easter special. I have a 225BW, and I have a second pc that I wanted to upgrade it's monitor; I shopped and researched.

Now, I bought. I'm glad the shopping is done.

And, as I said, I had the benefit of owning the 225BW; I expect this to be just as good for the price point ($299 + free shipping).

I considered going way upscale to the 24" Samsung, but $650 was just too much for 2 more inches, even though the panel is so much better. I also considered the big 37" Westy, but I still don't think using a HDTV as a monitor have evolved enough, and, this unit would have been too big.

Some day I'll fork over $1,000 for a 30".

Life is full of compromises; and this is a good one?? Technology just changes tooooooo fast to spend big bucks most times.
JoopvtG, thanks for posting the link to TFT Central. It provided some interesting info. Here is their summary of the 226bw:

  • 22 inch size offering large screen area adding to gaming and movie immersion
  • Remains at 1680 x 1050 resolution, no improvement over 20 / 21 inch widescreen models
  • 2ms G2G Samsung or AU Optronics TN Film panel offering good pixel response time, good for gaming
  • Restrictive viewing angles due to TN Film technology
  • Technology not really ideal for movie playback, but WS format and extra size helps
  • DVI and VGA connections available
  • Attractive design
  • Some concerns of 'S' vs 'A' Panel lottery

It's good to see someone mention that the technology is not ideal for movies, since DVD playback was the only weak point of my A panel. I was beginning to wonder if this was a fault of the A panel.

They also say don't fall for the S vs. A hype and they post a quote from the forums about a response someone received from Samsung regarding the whole S vs. A thing:

"They are rather amazed at how such a fuss has been made from one person comparing two panels side by side. They claim it proves nothing as with all panels they claim they all differ slightly in grade. As with everything there are good and bad apples.They simply say the person may have just simply recieved a poor example using panel A hence why the difference.

They are unwilling to seperate deliveries of the A and S panels plus they won't honor warranty for people trying to send A panels back because they want an S version. They claim both panels meet manufacturing requirements and as such pass all tests. Warranty will only issued if the panel is underperforming, which will be at discretion of Samsung."
I have an A panel and so far it looks good after some screen and video card adjustments. I do have a problem with regular DVD's because of some scenes have some kind of graphic noise in certain scenes. I think its called dithering. I notice it most on dark or completely black scenes so I adjust my video card a bit and it fades away enough to not be to noticeable. But that makes other scenes seem to have a little dither. Am I out of luck with this A panel? I'm using a cheap X550 video card so do I need a better card or is it because this monitor is more updated so you see things you wouldn't normally see on an older monitor?
I have an A panel and so far it looks good after some screen and video card adjustments. I do have a problem with regular DVD's because of some scenes have some kind of graphic noise in certain scenes. I think its called dithering. I notice it most on dark or completely black scenes so I adjust my video card a bit and it fades away enough to not be to noticeable. But that makes other scenes seem to have a little dither. Am I out of luck with this A panel? I'm using a cheap X550 video card so do I need a better card or is it because this monitor is more updated so you see things you wouldn't normally see on an older monitor?

Check that site, and find "noise dithering." Does it look like that? My two "A" panels did with my Mobility X300 over VGA, but not my S. I can't/couldn't test DVI, though.

The "exaggeration" was actually happening at that rate, though a bit faster, and very noticeable in dark sequences.
This monitor is really fast. I have no way of testing it, but it really feels like 2ms. There's no ghosting at all. Many times when people say there's no ghosting, what they mean is, the ghosting is minimal for an LCD monitor. This is not like that. This monitor really shows no ghosting at all. This is truly a gamer's monitor.
JoopvtG, that graph shows the response time of the NEC 20WGX, right?
Well i've read, many times, that this monitor's AS-IPS panel as a response time equivilent to a 2ms TN panel so should it be just as good as the Samsung for gaming?
After one week, I have this monitor looking fantastic. The only thing I notice is in playing Fear, I get alot of screen tearing. Much more so that my CRT ever did. I hate using V-sync because it chops my framerates in half. Anybody else having this issue?
After one week, I have this monitor looking fantastic. The only thing I notice is in playing Fear, I get alot of screen tearing. Much more so that my CRT ever did. I hate using V-sync because it chops my framerates in half. Anybody else having this issue?

I get more tearing than my old CRT too. I ran the CRT at 85Hz, while 226BW runs at 60Hz so I guess that's normal. What I do is, if a game runs faster than 60fps, I turn on AA or AF to slow it down. Image quality goes up, tearing goes down. Win-win situation. :)

Check that site, and find "noise dithering." Does it look like that? My two "A" panels did with my Mobility X300 over VGA, but not my S. I can't/couldn't test DVI, though.

The "exaggeration" was actually happening at that rate, though a bit faster, and very noticeable in dark sequences.

Thanks for the link. I found the dithering part
That's what it looks like only in movies. I'm changing video settings on my card to try and fix this problem. Btw I'm running DVI so I'll see if it's the same on VGA later.
Oh man.

I recently bought a Viewsonic VX2235WM, and it has barely any backlight bleed, and no dead pixels. I really like the picture, too.. It's perfect.

But... Should I trade it in and get the Samsung? It seems like a better monitor, but the one I just bought last week still rocks. :eek: Now I don't know what to do. :confused: The Samsung at least has HDCP, which honestly, I can never picture myself NEEDING, but I do want the monitor to last at least 6+ years. :eek:
I recently bought a Viewsonic VX2235WM, and it has barely any backlight bleed, and no dead pixels. I really like the picture, too.. It's perfect.
But... Should I trade it in and get the Samsung?

Keep your Viewsonic. Sometimes I wish I'd gone for a Viewsonic instead of Samsung.
In Fear, I have AF set to 16X and AA set to 4X, which is the most this game will allow. I'm still getting massive tearing in this game! If I enable V-sync, my framerates suffer horribly. Is there anyone else experiencing tearing with this monitor? Are LCD's just prone to this?
I'm planning on buying this monitor. My question is how is this 22" samsung with playing a game like counterstrike. WHen I went into call of duty source, it actually didn't have the 1680x1050 resolution option under the 16:9.

how is the samsung if I use another 16:9 resolution like 1280xXXX, will it look OK? WIll it look only its best at its native resolution of 1680x1050?
I'm planning on buying this monitor. My question is how is this 22" samsung with playing a game like counterstrike. WHen I went into call of duty source, it actually didn't have the 1680x1050 resolution option under the 16:9.

how is the samsung if I use another 16:9 resolution like 1280xXXX, will it look OK? WIll it look only its best at its native resolution of 1680x1050?

You can change the aspect ratio over to 16:9 in the Video options to see the 1680x1050 resolution. This works with all games under Source (CS:S, CS1.6, HL2, DoD, etc). You may not of seen the resolution because Source noticed your monitor doesn't natively support it maybe? I don't know.
I'm planning on buying this monitor. My question is how is this 22" samsung with playing a game like counterstrike. WHen I went into call of duty source, it actually didn't have the 1680x1050 resolution option under the 16:9.

how is the samsung if I use another 16:9 resolution like 1280xXXX, will it look OK? WIll it look only its best at its native resolution of 1680x1050?

1680x1050 is 16:10. If a game doesn't' support 16:10 and does 16:9 resolutions (weird, but w/e), you can force aspect ratios in your video card drivers, so the image isn't' distorted.
I had the viewsonic monitor that you mentioned and the burring was horrid.. bought the 225b and was hands down better. No graphs needed. You can actually see the difference in gaming and was very satisfied with it.. Then i got the 226bw just to test the 225 and the 226 (A) side by side. And again AMAZING responce diffecence. The 226 is in a different league. Even my wife (who normally thinks they all look the same) took one look at these 2 LCD in clone mode and even noticed how much better the 226 was. Gaming is pure joyment, Movies on the other had no soo good. but i have a TV for movies.. My PC is for gaming. This LCD is a perfect match for gaming PC's. When I switch to LCD's years ago, FPS slowly fadded out of my gaming rotation. Now with this LCD i find myself playing CS:S and BF2 more and more..
You're not a gamer, are you?

I'm a console gamer, not into the PC gaming titles all that much at all, honestly, but let me note this:

I used UT2004 to test the Viewsonic, and I honestly couldn't find any hints, at all, of tearing. I was trying to make it happen and still couldn't see any tearing with my eyes. Not bad, if you ask me.

I haven't used the monitor with my xbox360 yet, need to try that out soon. :D
I had the viewsonic monitor that you mentioned and the burring was horrid.. bought the 225b and was hands down better. No graphs needed. You can actually see the difference in gaming and was very satisfied with it.. Then i got the 226bw just to test the 225 and the 226 (A) side by side. And again AMAZING responce diffecence. The 226 is in a different league. Even my wife (who normally thinks they all look the same) took one look at these 2 LCD in clone mode and even noticed how much better the 226 was. Gaming is pure joyment, Movies on the other had no soo good. but i have a TV for movies.. My PC is for gaming. This LCD is a perfect match for gaming PC's. When I switch to LCD's years ago, FPS slowly fadded out of my gaming rotation. Now with this LCD i find myself playing CS:S and BF2 more and more..

Thanks for the input. What do you think is better for watching video, then? :)