Samsung 1TB F3 7200RPM $50 shipped

Could someone benchmark a single drive? I bought two and want to see if the RAID 0 performance would be worth it.
I don't like how they raised the price $2. It has probably ruined the deal for me, and not because $2 matters that much, but because it's the point of the matter.

Superbiz has done this at least 3 times in the past couple months on this drive alone. I think they try to get it out there at that magical $50 "cheapest price ever" area and then raise it a couple bucks once it's on all the deal sites. Kinda sleazy of them imo.
I don't like how they raised the price $2. It has probably ruined the deal for me, and not because $2 matters that much, but because it's the point of the matter.

Sounds silly to me. I bought 3 of these back in Dec '09 for $80ea +tax/sh. The 1TB f3 was hard to get a hold of back then because they were constantly OoS. Now, after nearly a year of use, I'm VERY pleased and would probably pick up more of them if not for the 2TB hdds finally maturing. To gripe over $2 when the drive is only $50... *shrug* your loss.

Mine arrived today! Single drive bench, 160gb os boot partition. Idle/seek noise both MUCH better than my previous 74gb WD Raptor.
Can I raid this with a Samsung SpinPoint F2 HD103uJ 1TB? Same brand and size but different model.
@ danbanger, you can't really compare a short-stroked drive to a normal drive though.

@ cherrypik , specs looks the same as the F3, so it should work.