S.T.A.L.K.E.R. (Release Version) Performance Issues

If a Dx9 game runs slow on a 8800, the programming sucks. It's that simple.
Stalker has known issues with Vista, patch is supposed to address that

BTW, didn't someone say that Stalker likes lots of videoram? I mean like 512 or more for 1920x1200?

What's the problem? I"ve got VISTA and it runs great, but there are moments of hitching on new areas occassionally with all the setting jacked.

How are you supposed to tell what level of AF or AA you have with those stupid sliders?
Try static lighting.

I get 130fps or so on my x1900xt with static lighting, when I turn on some dynamic lighting I get about 30fps, and with full dynamic lighting its still 30fps, but I get very annoying stuttering every time there is a flash of lightning.
What's the problem? I"ve got VISTA and it runs great, but there are moments of hitching on new areas occassionally with all the setting jacked.

How are you supposed to tell what level of AF or AA you have with those stupid sliders?

Google stalker and vista, and you'll find out ;)
Whenevr someone posts a new thread with problems or everythings is just fine with your video card or system could you please change your sig to include what OS you have or could you please include it in your posts whether it be Vista or XP. This would be very helpful for everybody, Thanks
Stalker has known issues with Vista, patch is supposed to address that

BTW, didn't someone say that Stalker likes lots of videoram? I mean like 512 or more for 1920x1200?

think it's a known XP issue. Vista x64 runs fine with stalker for me and others.
-= v1.0001 March 26, 2007 =-
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Patch Release Notes

-*Important Installation information*-

There are different versions of the patch for the different SKU's released worldwide and for the Digital Distribution version.
After installing the patch, you will still be able to play multiplayer games across the different SKUs, but it is very important that you install the correct patch for your SKU.

If you live in the USA please download and install


If you live in the rest of the world please download and install


If you purchased your copy through the Direct Download service, please download and install


Saved Games

Please note that Saved games from previous versions will NOT work with the patch.
After installing this patch, please go to "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\STALKER-SHOC\savedgames" and make sure any saves that were created prior to installing the patch are deleted.
You will need to make sure that hidden folders are visible on the view tab of the folder options menu.


After installing the patch, please note the version number that has been added to the bottom left corner of the Main Menu screen.
You will only be able to connect to servers hosted on that same version.

The patch fixes the following bugs:

1. Buttons remain "pressed" and value changes on its own in Options
2. Players can kill teammates with the knife when friendly fire is set to 0
3. Game crashed when client player types a server command in console
4. Game crashes when entering a MP game after dying in SP
5. Multiplayer map names will appear in debug text format when voting to change a multiplayer map during gameplay.
6. The game crashes while attempting to purchase an item, after pressing Buy button multiple times from the Buy Menu.
7. The game crashes when the user triggers an anomaly after the anomaly time is set to 0.
8. Purchased affordable weapons fail to be in the inventory when one item purchased exceeds the user's monetary amount.
9. The player will lose the weapon he has stored in his inventory as well as the equipped weapon when the equipped weapon is dropped in MP.
10. The host is able to pause the game during an MP game.
11. Players are able to duplicate other player names by using the "name" command in the console.
12. The user is unable to view a fly-by cutscene if their PDA is open while triggering the cutscene.
13. The user can speed up time with the * key on the numpad in SP
14. Players can damage and kill other teammates while friendly fire is set to 0.0
15. The starting weather in-game does not accurately reflect the starting weather set by the server host in multiplayer match
16. The corpse created by a user switching teams remains in the game when playing multiplayer team deathmatch or artifact hunt.
17. Options "show weapon" and "NPC identification" fail to function
18. The up and down function for the look feature are inverted through out the game.
19. The server will crash when the players vote to change maps, but don't select a map to change to.
20. Players will take no fall damage when friendly fire is set to 0 on the server
21. The player dies when trying to exit out of the skin menu back into gameplay
22. Death by an anomaly is not recorded as a negative frag when playing Team Deathmatch.
23. Game Crash when opening buy menu from certain spot in Artifact Hunt mode
24. The prompt for the buy menu and entry via pressing the spacebar appears when in spectator mode during any network game.
25. Professor Kruglov sometimes can't open the door to the mobile science lab
26. When player stands close to a wall and shoots grenade launcher, the grenade falls out of the map without damaging anyone.
27. Possibility of killing enemies through the roofs and walls
28. When killing Wolf before completing any of additional quests given from him, these quests doesn't change status from "Active Tasks" to "Failed Tasks" in PDA.
29. Problem with quest: "Kill gang leader" when piece of text in PDA is directing user to kill leader in Dark Valley. Quest is completed after kill this bandit on Garbage level.
30. Disappearing piece of scroll belt in Main Menu when the player changes resolution to 800x600
31. Anomalies were not appearing when turned on in server options menu.
32. Game crashed when creating a Team Deathmatch server with spectator on.
33. Problems with ‘Slug’ artifact.
34. Possibility to take the decoder through the Wall
35. Issue with cash in inventory on MP build
36. NPC called Seriy has 3 different names: Seriy, Gray and Grey.
37. Problem with price of weapon in inventory
38. Game crashed when vote for kicking a player ended
39. Rare game crash during multiplayer match, after players choose a team.
40. Exploit with update rate command
41. Wood in barrels is flickering, although there's no fire there.
42. Player can jump between 2 stalkers and table inside the bar and become stuck.
43. Two side quests from Sakharov have wrong description.
44. After playing in multiplayer mode and then starting single player game, Sidorovich has one of multiplayer nicks instead of his name.
45. Game crashed when player fight with pseudodogs on red forest.
46. The game crashes to a non-responsive state (task manager) when attempting to host multiplayer game a second time with an invalid CD-key.
47. On Win 2000 PCs, the Windows Desktop cursor has no functionality when minimizing the game (Alt+Tab).
48. The game will result in a soft crash when a player dies from radioactive poisoning, then immediately falls into the tunnel well that leads out of the Agroprom Underground level.
49. The arrow buttons remain depressed when clicked and dragged off the boxes, thus making the value increase or decrease indefinitely in the options menu of network games.
50. Game crashed during map rotation. This issue occurs several times while playing with maps (Vehicle station, Desolated Village and Deserted Factory)
51. Game crashes when entering an MP game after dying in SP
52. The Host will crash and all Clients will either return to the main menu, crash to the desktop, or the program will shut itself down and return the user to the desktop, when attempting to drop a player while users are In-Game
53. Users are able to pick up an opponent's grenade after it has been thrown and then use it themselves.
54. The players name switches to a random player's name with a _1 after it in multiplayer if no name is entered in the network games menu.
55. Players fail to be kicked, after unanimously voting to remove them, during network gameplay.
56. Player is unable to ban other player, everybody vote for, line "voting succeed" appears and nothing happens. Player that was supposed to be banned still can play and do whatever he wants on the server.
57. The starting weather in-game does not accurately reflect the starting weather set by the server host in multiplayer match
58. Saved game are over written when attempting a second save uses the first saved game's name followed by a "space" and any other word or number during single player campaign.
59. The artifact is unaffected by gravity when dropped during an artifact hunt game.
60. Players take no explosion damage when the friendly fire damage option is set to 0 in the server options of a team deathmatch game.
61. The game will crash, halting progression when transferring from Station to the Sarcophagus.
62. When player wants to reload a weapon, and start fast shooting, he can't do that because weapon continues reloading.
63. The game crashes when a player is killed immediately after they are re-spawned into the game.
64. The weapons fail to scroll when using the mouse wheel after all the grenades have been used during single player gameplay.
65. Minor text bugs.
66. Various balance issues in Singleplayer and Multiplayer.
67. Various known exploits/cheats.
68. Various other issues.
Saved Games

Please note that Saved games from previous versions will NOT work with the patch.
After installing this patch, please go to "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\STALKER-SHOC\savedgames" and make sure any saves that were created prior to installing the patch are deleted.
You will need to make sure that hidden folders are visible on the view tab of the folder options menu.

This part is bullshit. I can't stand it when game patches screw up your save games.
If a Dx9 game runs slow on a 8800, the programming sucks. It's that simple.
That's pretty much the case, yeah. Optimization is still key to performing real-time rendering at a reasonable pace, and if it's not done, or done poorly, the result is lackluster and sometimes absurdly poor performance.

These guys are either excessively cheap, excessively lazy, or some combination of the two. Considering how long the development time was on this title, this game should look and run like a grade-A Carmack-esque champ.

Tsk, tsk, lazy developers! No money for you!
The game runs pretty good on my system with 2 7800GTX 512 cards in SLI. I run at 1680x1050 using the "maximum" setting. Performance isn't really an issue. The game is locking up for me though so I'm screwed more than you people just getting bad performance.
It's not just the graphics chip that makes for performance.

The AMD 64's and X2's just don't cut it with STALKER. Not sure if its bandwidth or bottlenecks but having seen STALKER on my friends X2 5200 and comparing it to my C2D (both pc's have BFG's 8800GTS OC) it runs like crap and it's very smooth and damn pretty on my screen at 1680x1050. Go figure.

I switched from AMD to Intel, the best decision ever.
Getting hard here to determine what's going on. So we have EVIL-SCOTSMAN with an X2 4800+ and an 8800 GTX and having performance issues and belmicah with a Barton AGP system and saying that at 1280x1024 max settings he's getting good performance.

What are your settings EVIL-SCOTSMAN?

I love PC gaming, but this is the part I hate!

Thanks for the info!
I have just realized that my settings were not as reported. I can now run 1680 x 1050 with medium settings, static lighting, full AF. The patch would report a bug before it would even let me enter the game, so I uninstalled it.
Looks like Nvidia is working on new XP drivers for 8800 and Stalker. 5 months without drivers updates, glad that Nvidia has not forgotten XP entirely. Gotta love the article closing comment :D

Stalker 8800 drivers
I get really low FPS in the bar now after the patch. Before patching the bar was smooth now it runs at like 5fps. I get about 50-60 fps outside of concord and notice that if I exit the game and reenter it will be quick again then become incredibly slow again in just a few moments.
Stalker with static lighting, full AA and AF looks just as good with the HDR enabled, and the performance is what you expect it would be. (cough)

I personally play with static lighting because 30 FPS on a 6 year old game, especially with our systems (HardOCP) is downright pathethic.

Image Quality on full sliders AF+AA/Static:

I can run it at 2560x1600 and with the slider almost maxed for AA and everything else maxed out, it looks pretty good and runs fantastic. With full dynamic lighting enabled, it runs ok, but looks great. I'm upset by the fact that when dynamic lighting is enabled, the game crashes so much I can't play it. This problem was actually compounded by the patch. So essentially, I lost about 4 hours of gameplay in my save games for a patch that made things worse for me. Great job developers! :rolleyes:
I can run it at 2560x1600 and with the slider almost maxed for AA and everything else maxed out, it looks pretty good and runs fantastic. With full dynamic lighting enabled, it runs ok, but looks great. I'm upset by the fact that when dynamic lighting is enabled, the game crashes so much I can't play it. This problem was actually compounded by the patch. So essentially, I lost about 4 hours of gameplay in my save games for a patch that made things worse for me. Great job developers! :rolleyes:

The patch was a small messiah for me because I personally had been playing the game as a pack-rat.

I had about 119/120 pounds the entire game, and I was never really able to sprint because of that. It made the game world seem incomprehensibly big. It took about 20 real-time minutes to get from one place of the Zone to the next.

Now, I carry about 40 kg of weight (two assault rifles - fast firing AK74 with scope, and an M4 with a laser dot scope.)

I also have the +35 Endurance artifact, as well as 15 cans of energy drink so I basically never stop sprinting. I just keep on running as if my life was going to end any second, chug down another can of red bull and keep on running. I don't bother shooting military / bandit guys anymore, where as before they were a major problem due to how much I was carrying and my relative inability to sprint.
At first Stalker ran like crap under vista with the nvidia 100.95 drivers. I found out about the patch and installed it. I don't see the artifacting anymore and so far I haven't got a BSOD. I was actually able to play through the first mission to completion.

Came back to the game a couple days ago to play the second mission and it locked up hard. I am so close to ditching this card and getting ATI's next video card when it comes out.
I figured out the reason for my erratic performance. Stalker fried one of my cards. Too bad because I really like this game. The old Tarkovsky movie it's loosely based after if one of my favorites. Maybe I'll have to upgrade to a 8800GTX after all (I was so happy with my 7800GTX 512s I hadn't intended on upgrading for a while)
I'm running STALKER on a 7900gtx (93.71) and it plays fine with all in game settings maxed, vsync on, at 1680x1050 resolution. My pc is 4400+ dual core amd, 4gb ram, XP 32bit.

I like the weather. The first time it lightning'd and the shadows all flashing in the trees I was like "cool!"

I wasnt having trouble before the patch. I've since applied the 1.0001 patch, and I've had one ctd. no error, just dropped out to desktop. Not sure what my FPS are, but it's completely playable. just got back to the underground part, maybe this time I can "find the item" last time I failed, don't know what to look for.
2 words for you -- threaded optimization. Go to the nVidia control panel --> 3d settings, and then turn ON threaded optimization. Fire up the game again. See what happens.
2 words for you -- threaded optimization. Go to the nVidia control panel --> 3d settings, and then turn ON threaded optimization. Fire up the game again. See what happens.

That's set to AUTO by default. Are you saying that if its turned ON that it will make a big performance difference from the default AUTO setting?
2 words for you -- threaded optimization. Go to the nVidia control panel --> 3d settings, and then turn ON threaded optimization. Fire up the game again. See what happens.

Mine was set to "Auto" and the game is fine. Seems to be using both cores.

But I never had a problem though.
I'm trying to figure out why I can't use dynamic lighting at all. As soon as it's enabled I can only see the sky and nothing else. The ground turns into gray empty space.
i just tried stalker on my machine so far it's running ok but i have to set it at 1078 by 748 or something like that I forgot. It seems to help with the FPS and graphics since my rig is E6300 overclocked to 2.8 ghz and I have a Nvidia 7900 GS. I think Vista and the graphics card is part to blame for this game any ideas how to boost it up?
PLEASE LORD!!! Say it aint so!!! Not another bad F*****G optimized game!!!! Son of a B***h!!!!

no, I have a x1900xtx 730/1640 and e6300 @ 2.9ghz 2GB ram and I run this game at 16x12 with 16x AF and all in game settings maxed with almost no slowdowns, only in some scenes where I kill like 20 ppl in the game and the bodies starts stacking up and it starts hitting 27~35fps the lightning and complete dynamic soft shadows performance/qualtiy ratio in this game are simply amazing and better than FEAR and oblivion
For some reason, this game runs horribly on my setup. I think i need more ram, but even at low res i get low frames. sigh
Got it the day it came out and ran flawlessly(Specs below in sig)
I beat it on a 17 in crt and got the 226bw since then an its never looked better (playing it on the highest resolution 16x12) Loading is laggy some times.
that's because u guys have windows xp i got vista and my machine is pretty high end for it's parts. I'm gonna blame vista for this shit FPS:(
that's because u guys have windows xp i got vista and my machine is pretty high end for it's parts. I'm gonna blame vista for this shit FPS:(

Don't blame Microsoft or Windows Vista. The blame falls to the shitty 3rd party drivers and software vendors.
What settings are you using? I get a massive performance boost using static dynamic lighting. The Geforce 8800 GTS 640 doesn't seem to have any problems with this game @ 1920x1200 and everything maxed out in windows xp. I'm getting these kind of framerates at the worst. Mostly runs with much higher fps.

Don't blame Microsoft or Windows Vista. The blame falls to the shitty 3rd party drivers and software vendors.
True. But upgrading to Vista is a bad idea to begin with if you're a gamer.

Unless there's some 'neat' feature you can't live without in Vista, stick with XP until DX10 games (Crysis, etc.) start rolling out.
well the settings i use is lower resolution than the full widescreen version and put the environmental settings at medium to high. I'm gonna try to see if i can tweak the settings to play the resolution on my Monitor which is 20' widescreen
True. But upgrading to Vista is a bad idea to begin with if you're a gamer.

Unless there's some 'neat' feature you can't live without in Vista, stick with XP until DX10 games (Crysis, etc.) start rolling out.

After the first couple of revisions of NVIDIA Forceware drivers came out for Vista, I bit the bullet and loaded Vista. Since then Vista has given me very few problems if any. There are one or two games I've not been able to get installed because of a version check, but those are very old games that this has been the case with.
I've got the gaming running stable and silky smooth! Prior to the patch I had crashes every 10mins or so in Windows Vista 32-bit.

IMO - as old as this game is (development wise) I still think it looks darn good and the atmosphere is great!
I posted a fix, over in the pc gaming forum in the "S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is crashing, anyone else?". I have been playing around with my video options, to determine if i can force a CTD on my comp or what settings may be affecting tearing, glitchy behavior. This 'tweak' seems to mitigate a lot of the results i was previously getting, but more testing is needed. Unfortunately, I don't have an 88 series card, so my tests are done on a 7 series and if needed can be reproduced on a 6 series. Hopefully, I'll be able to get it all compiled this week sometime.

But, this fix does seem to work really well. You can thank the boys over at NVnews for translating and testing this fix.
This game run like shit when I use object or full lighting. From what I can see it seems like it is a resolution problem. Everyone playing at 1280x1024 can run it fine, but I get about 380% drop in frame rate.