ROC anti mowing shed


[H]ard|DCer of the Year 2009
Aug 29, 2001
As the title states:

What are you making your ROC anti mowing shed out of. I need Ideas, He is coming for me.... as many others.

Maybe we can start a support group?

He's a great and dedicated folder.
Perhaps he truely desires to be here.

Let's see what he's made of. ;)
[H]ard is a road, not a destination.
He's a great and dedicated folder.
Perhaps he truely desires to be here.

Let's see what he's made of. ;)
[H]ard is a road, not a destination.

OK but that did help the (insert absurdly large number) of ppl that he is going to mow over this update :p

I think I'll just stay down on the ground mowed over and help keep the grass warm :)
Do I have time to build a anti-mowing shed out of melted IBM AT case and pizza boxens ?

It won't take long, so I'll wait patiently. It won't hurt .... much :)

OK but that did help the (insert absurdly large number) of ppl that he is going to mow over this update :p

I'm not quaking in my shoes yet.
Let's see if he has what it takes. ;)
Knowing the man, he just might live up to his [H].

I'll buy the first round.
Plug my ears and pretend the giant breeze as he passes me is just a normal occurrence. :D
What are you making your ROC anti mowing shed out of. I need Ideas, He is coming for me.... as many others.

Lots of OSB, 2x4, 2x6, 2x8, and three 2x12. Plus about $120 of insulation, so far. Lots of muscle aches and pains as well. It should be up and running by Christmas.
Guys, I'm hopping in the TARDIS and heading for the farthest point in time
How does 16 GTX 280's and 4 or 8 Quads with appropriate supporting hardware sound? Think it'd make a good shed for ya'll?
Anyone got $11,750.35 to donate to the cause? :D

I just checked my wallet, and it seems I'm just $11,745.35 short. Maybe next week. :D

I just checked my wallet, and it seems I'm just $11,745.35 short. Maybe next week. :D

Allrighty then... looking at my funds, we've narrowed it down to $11,740 short.. who else is in? :)

You would need only 8 280GTX's 2 Q6600's, 2 4xPcie slot mobo 300, 2x4Gb Memory 200, 2x750w+PSU 300, 2 cases 150, total $4,550 to ramp about 80k PPD. So I'd say no you don't need 11k, but 4.5k is what you need to totally out run him!

You guys are going to need much more than 16x GTX280:p. I ordered 20x 9800gx2 today..... arrival date = 19th September..... I'm in the process of selling my current parts

You guys are going to need much more than 16x GTX280:p. I ordered 20x 9800gx2 today..... arrival date = 19th September..... I'm in the process of selling my current parts



Please try to be gentle when you mow me down.
You guys are going to need much more than 16x GTX280:p. I ordered 20x 9800gx2 today..... arrival date = 19th September..... I'm in the process of selling my current parts


/puts paper bag over head and sits in the corner

You guys are going to need much more than 16x GTX280:p. I ordered 20x 9800gx2 today..... arrival date = 19th September..... I'm in the process of selling my current parts


WOW :eek:

You want to mow down FLECOM ?!?!
You would need only 8 280GTX's 2 Q6600's, 2 4xPcie slot mobo 300, 2x4Gb Memory 200, 2x750w+PSU 300, 2 cases 150, total $4,550 to ramp about 80k PPD. So I'd say no you don't need 11k, but 4.5k is what you need to totally out run him!

or $15 worth of bandages and mojo and call it day... :D

AssM@N said:
You guys are going to need much more than 16x GTX280. I ordered 20x 9800gx2 today..... arrival date = 19th September..... I'm in the process of selling my current parts

Let me introduce you to a little tradition we've got here where we give other DC members first dibs and REALLY good deals on our "old" hardware. So whatcha sellin? :p

Parja said:
Please try to be gentle when you mow me down.

I didn't see anything gentle in that list. :eek:

Damn, sounds like somebody is going to try to make up for that -10Million point day.

By himself.

Before Halloween.
The GTX280 isn't the best way to combat this. From a cost perspective, the 9800GX2 (@ 10K PpD per card) is MUCH more cost effective method. You can get the eVGA 9800GX2 for $289 per from the 'egg. The 280GTX even at it's cheapest is $400 (or somewhere around there) and is only good for 8K PpD well OC'd.

edit: decent config (can be done slightly cheaper, but this is what I would do)

MoBo: Asus P5Q Pro
RAM: G.Skill 2x2GB DDR2-800
VID: 2 x eVGA 9800GX2
PSU: Corsair 750TX
CPU: Intel Q6600
HSF: Xigmatek HDT-S1283 + Xigmatek Retention Bracket
HDD: Seagate Barracude 7200

Case: Antec 300

This can be had for $1200 per boxen good for probably 22.5K to 25K PpD

You needan OS in that mix cuz you can't run linux with GPUs.

I need to do a hard look at power consumption and points. See if it is worth selling the 3 8800GS (or just 2 of them and add cash) to get a 2nd 9800GX2.
You needan OS in that mix cuz you can't run linux with GPUs.

I need to do a hard look at power consumption and points. See if it is worth selling the 3 8800GS (or just 2 of them and add cash) to get a 2nd 9800GX2.

Agreed, forgot about that because I've got an MS Action Pack and don't need an OS myself.

MS Windows Vista Home Premium x64 for $109.99

You can now run the GPU client from inside Wine.
See Here.
The only downside is you cannot overclock the cards so you may have to set the overclock in the bios.

Luck ............ :D
I need to do a hard look at power consumption and points. See if it is worth selling the 3 8800GS (or just 2 of them and add cash) to get a 2nd 9800GX2.

If you want to run 9800GX2 cards then your PSU has to have 8 pin PCI-E connectors or you need to mod a 6 pin connector by adding 2 earth wires to it.

I'm not sure the Q6600 route is the best way to go with 9800GX2 cards.
You may be better going the low power single/dual core CPU route and running a pure GPU box.
I know 3x GPU clients can run on 1 CPU core and I think 4x GPU clients on one CPU core without a loss of points, even under XP.

So .........
2x 9800GX2's
1x mobo with 2x x16 PCIE slots.
1x 45-65 watt CPU.
1x 700-800 watt PSU with 2x 8 pin & 2x 6 pin PCIE connectors.
1 or 2 Gb ram.

You'd get around 20,000 PpD for under 500 watts used.

Luck .......... :D
Let me introduce you to a little tradition we've got here where we give other DC members first dibs and REALLY good deals on our "old" hardware. So whatcha sellin? :p

My thoughts exactly! I'm so far below being mowed over that my output since joining two months ago is only 20k over his PPD! :mad: I'm interested in anything with more than 32 shaders (damn 8600gt, sounded like a good idea at the time). If the mowing over sounds like a jet plane so far overhead you can't even see it, did it really happen?

And what about lots of empty beer cans for the shelter? Might not help a lot, but I'm sure preping the building materials will lessen the pain! :D
My thoughts exactly! I'm so far below being mowed over that my output since joining two months ago is only 20k over his PPD! :mad: I'm interested in anything with more than 32 shaders (damn 8600gt, sounded like a good idea at the time).

You know... putting up a butt load of PPD is OK and all, but it's the people like you that put up the consistent day after day 100, 1000, 2000 or even 3000ppd that makes this team successful (my first month or two folding here my average ppd is right in line with yours). The more hardware you throw into this, the more it's gonna cost you in power and parts. Unless your lucky enough to have access to free power and parts.

Your contribution here is invaluable. Thanks for sharing it and if you still wanna throw more at it then just save a few bucks and do it a little at a time. You'll climb the ranks before ya know it!

If the mowing over sounds like a jet plane so far overhead you can't even see it, did it really happen?

I think we could make a case for this. ;)

And what about lots of empty beer cans for the shelter? Might not help a lot, but I'm sure preping the building materials will lessen the pain! :D

I'm definitely down with this idea. I'll even volunteer to keep te holes patched up... :D

You know... putting up a butt load of PPD is OK and all, but it's the people like you that put up the consistent day after day 100, 1000, 2000 or even 3000ppd that makes this team successful (my first month or two folding here my average ppd is right in line with yours). The more hardware you throw into this, the more it's gonna cost you in power and parts. Unless your lucky enough to have access to free power and parts.

Your contribution here is invaluable. Thanks for sharing it and if you still wanna throw more at it then just save a few bucks and do it a little at a time. You'll climb the ranks before ya know it!

I think we could make a case for this. ;)

don't forget the toilet in the anti-mowing shed, you'll need it :D

I'm definitely down with this idea. I'll even volunteer to keep te holes patched up... :D

You'll need a toilet in the anti-mowing shed :D
