RMA or refund question?

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@ Freaksavior - I think you should provide high res pics of the board prior to shipping if you are going to make matrix supply some pics post-receipt of board. You see where I am going with this? There is no way of knowing when and where the board was damaged. There is way too much actual proof stacked up against you by the prior threads you posted and other info conjured by the inspector gadget work of matrix. You already agreed to refund the money and have filed a claim and gotten paid by the shipping company. If you only got $100 back from your claim (probably because you did not purchase additional insurance) consider this a lesson learned for future dealings. You obviously have funds to purchase stuff by the many items you have bought recently. Just man up and do the right thing.
this is cdawall again

first off, we don't need you or anyone to vouch for freaksavior. what we need is for him to finish refunding me lol :p ;) :).
i'm a mod on ramanon btw so that doesn't mean too much that u are a mod cdawall ;).

that trace damage near the nb hole looks like a screw caused that. i only used what came with the board which is the plastic tabs so i know there is no way i caused that. it doesn't matter if u or freak caused it or not to me, thats a moot point, since the ups claim he filed already said it was damaged in transit.

as i stated before i did not want to rma it because freak didn't want to pay for the shipping to dfi and while me and him were working that out i saw his threads on tpu about the board, which if i had seen before i would never have bought it in the first place. i didn't monkey up anything. in fact, i rebuilt my computer with the other x38 dfi i ordered at the same time as the one i got from freak, as well as built my friend's Q9550/4870x2/stacker 830 case with asus p45 no problems, and added some upgrades to my other Q9450 case the other day (4870x2, 4gb ram, areca 24 port raid card). that recent upgrade is here:


i know me building about 50 or so systems isn't alot but i've never had one to break yet besides my mom's, and that was 18 months after i built it and it died due to a thunderstorm. i don't damage systems and have never once during builds/rebuilds done so.

and i have built 18 for myself in the past 3 weeks. i have never seen trace brakes like that before it looks like someone tightened a washer down were the HS mounts. seeing how the only and i repeat ONLY hs used on this mobo prior to shipment for the NB was the stock i do not see how the item could have received that damage with plastic push pins.

now my questions to you.
  1. was the package sealed when you got it?
  2. was the physical damage to the box when it was received?
  3. did you ever remove the NB HS in an attempt to replace it with and aftermarket one or watercooling?

actually, I thought your solution to the problem was very appropriate, but your spending spree in lieu of the man's refund changed my mind, the subsequent childish insult/name calling has only proven my point...

his spending spree followed a 2 week bimonthly paycheck routine. ie he got paid he spent money he worked his ass off to get

another thing i thought of:
(originally posted by me on 1/26/09)

why would he want high res pics? uness that trace damage was there prior to him shipping me the board. i dunno just something else i realized that seems fishy. i mean you don't need high res pics to make sure the board is intact, unless you were out to make someone a scapegoat i think.

again since when did plastic push pins rip up traces? anf if anything would be scapegoating i do not believe it was him.

its because the board left working.

i used the board right before it was boxed up to push a celeron e1200 to 3.8ghz worked fine then?

well, it does not work when it arrives to the buyer. Therefore, refund him the dam money. End of the story.

this is not that simple. freaksavior is following the same protocol DFI would if the mobo was RMA'd is the mobo physically damaged? yes is that covered by an expressed warranties from DFI? no who's fault is it that the mobo was damaged? wasn't freaks, wasn't yours, wasn't the mailman so i guess it was a bloody ass ghost

@ Freaksavior - I think you should provide high res pics of the board prior to shipping if you are going to make matrix supply some pics post-receipt of board. You see where I am going with this? There is no way of knowing when and where the board was damaged. There is way too much actual proof stacked up against you by the prior threads you posted and other info conjured by the inspector gadget work of matrix. You already agreed to refund the money and have filed a claim and gotten paid by the shipping company. If you only got $100 back from your claim (probably because you did not purchase additional insurance) consider this a lesson learned for future dealings. You obviously have funds to purchase stuff by the many items you have bought recently. Just man up and do the right thing.

check his build log on TPU there are several would you like the link?
as i stated before, i only used the stock heatsink that ships with the dfi along with the stock clips. the fact of the matter is that when i put the board together and powered it on it was giving me post code 88, which is the exact same thing freaksavior described in one of his threads on tpu. i think the odds are pretty high for me to put together a board and have it not work in the exact same manner as previously described by the seller.

yes i know he rma'ed it but thats high nigh impossible to build a computer and break the motherboard verbatim as the seller previously described before he rma'ed it. i mean it was exactly as he posted in his thread in october. if i had seen such a thread i never would have bought the board.

and yes he spent the money on his spending spree that he got from his bi monthly check, but that doesn't excuse your obligations for a refund. the things he bought show he is not short on cash so here i am 6 weeks later still waiting on $75 for him to refund.

who is gonna reimburse me for the hours i wasted troubleshooting the board and switching my cpu back and forth with the x38 board in the hope all it needed was a cpu reseat? i didn't ask that but just a refund of the money i sent. he has the board, he got a claim check from ups, he said he got paid on feb. 27th, and i still dont' have my whole refund yet.

also freak had the board on water, who is to say he didn't add a nb block to his board? he very well could have edited his thread to not show one cause i didn't see one but its fairly common for those doing water builds to cool the nb with water as well. the only time i used water cooling was a all in one kit for the cpu only back when i had a 6000+ cpu. never before and never since. its too much hassle i feel when i'm not going ot be pushing for record overclocking (since the board could and does break often from such a thing).

he has till tmw for the rest of my refund till i ask heat23 about leaving feedback and avoiding retalitatory feedback (which i will get undeserved from freaksavior, who has kept me waiting long enough for the whole refund).
I'm not so sure that it was cdawall. Even so, the post above did not thing but lower freaksavior and cdawall credibility, because of 1 sided defenses.
Don't forget the fact is that freaksavior got the insurance claimed from UPS, and the buyer has yet got full refund.
There is not thing else to say, except whether freaksavior refund the remaining or not. I think it's time vertigo_acid put a final say in this threat, before it becomes a flaming back and forth between parties.
@cdawall - Look, its obvious you have a bias here since he is allowing you to post from his account. I imagine someone would only allow a close friend to use any account they have. I am sure Matrix can get his friends to come on here and vouch for him. Of course this is assuming that you are not an alter-ego of freaksavior.

his spending spree followed a 2 week bimonthly paycheck routine. ie he got paid he spent money he worked his ass off to get
I take it this is different that Matrix spending his easy earned money on a faulty board. :rolleyes:

The fact of the matter is that right now there are $75 that were promised to Matrix by a certain date and he doesn't have them. Good luck Matrix in recovering the rest of the funds.
freaksavior posing as cdawall. . . Priceless. :rolleyes:

have a mod check the IP address hell use that stupid sigpic we aren't even on the same internet provider want us both to post speedtest results or how about a pic of me on the lappy typing this up and one of freaksavior at his house pointing out other pointless posts in this thread?

as i stated before, i only used the stock heatsink that ships with the dfi along with the stock clips. the fact of the matter is that when i put the board together and powered it on it was giving me post code 88, which is the exact same thing freaksavior described in one of his threads on tpu. i think the odds are pretty high for me to put together a board and have it not work in the exact same manner as previously described by the seller.

yes i know he rma'ed it but thats high nigh impossible to build a computer and break the motherboard verbatim as the seller previously described before he rma'ed it. i mean it was exactly as he posted in his thread in october. if i had seen such a thread i never would have bought the board.

and yes he spent the money on his spending spree that he got from his bi monthly check, but that doesn't excuse your obligations for a refund. the things he bought show he is not short on cash so here i am 6 weeks later still waiting on $75 for him to refund.

who is gonna reimburse me for the hours i wasted troubleshooting the board and switching my cpu back and forth with the x38 board in the hope all it needed was a cpu reseat? i didn't ask that but just a refund of the money i sent. he has the board, he got a claim check from ups, he said he got paid on feb. 27th, and i still dont' have my whole refund yet.

also freak had the board on water, who is to say he didn't add a nb block to his board? he very well could have edited his thread to not show one cause i didn't see one but its fairly common for those doing water builds to cool the nb with water as well. the only time i used water cooling was a all in one kit for the cpu only back when i had a 6000+ cpu. never before and never since. its too much hassle i feel when i'm not going ot be pushing for record overclocking (since the board could and does break often from such a thing).

i do check all of his build logs not a single one mentions the mobo on water. and i went throught 4 EVGA 780i mobo's they all had the exact same issue i never cried i never called foul i got it second hand post RMA had the same issue as the seller i asked him to start an RMA and shipped it out. next mobo same issue had him send the invoice threw a fit with EVGA and they crosshipped the next 3 when they went bad. all had a common error.

140 results for DFI X48 postcode 88 several on the newegg reviews as well looks like a common trend

oh and just for you i created a new account its under my ATT email so its pretty bloody obvious its me. waiting for a mod to click ok on my account so i can post though
i cant post the link cause im at work now but i did see a pic cda of the dfi with a cpu water block posted by fs. as you said yourself only the nb used the stock cooling. now all of a sudden its never been on water period? ;). heh. i am not trying to flame anyone, i just want the other 75 back refunded to me. excuses and stalling in not sending the refund are just that.
hey this is cdawall off TPU/XS/Ashentech/OCF/B3D/AMDZONE/[H] my login doesn't work so i'm posting this for aaron.

the mobo worked when it left his house we tried setting several WR's with the mobo on water. the mobo was 100% running when it was in aaron's hands the fact that someone else has managed to monkey the thing up is not his fault. i'm a mod on a copule boards and i'm just going to put it out there that aaron has done his part with this guy. it is pretty common knowledge that DFI wont replace a screwed up mobo with the traces forked up which makes me think this guy knowingly refused the offer to RMA cause the traces on the bottom were broken due to him.

if you have any questions as to his rep feel free to drop me an email on yahoo. i have aim/MSN as well under cdawall ask ill tell.

have a mod check the IP address hell use that stupid sigpic we aren't even on the same internet provider want us both to post speedtest results or how about a pic of me on the lappy typing this up and one of freaksavior at his house pointing out other pointless posts in this thread?

i do check all of his build logs not a single one mentions the mobo on water. and i went throught 4 EVGA 780i mobo's they all had the exact same issue i never cried i never called foul i got it second hand post RMA had the same issue as the seller i asked him to start an RMA and shipped it out. next mobo same issue had him send the invoice threw a fit with EVGA and they crosshipped the next 3 when they went bad. all had a common error.

140 results for DFI X48 postcode 88 several on the newegg reviews as well looks like a common trend

oh and just for you i created a new account its under my ATT email so its pretty bloody obvious its me. waiting for a mod to click ok on my account so i can post though

both quoted for truth before cda/freak can edit. one post cda says they tried for several world records with the board on water and a few posts later cda states there are no build logs mentioning the board on water period? amensia much? lol :p :D.

i think this right here says it all and who is telling the truth and who isnt.

just send me the rest of my refund freaksavior so we can call it a day :).
I'm not so sure that it was cdawall. Even so, the post above did not thing but lower freaksavior and cdawall credibility, because of 1 sided defenses.
Don't forget the fact is that freaksavior got the insurance claimed from UPS, and the buyer has yet got full refund.
There is not thing else to say, except whether freaksavior refund the remaining or not. I think it's time vertigo_acid put a final say in this threat, before it becomes a flaming back and forth between parties.

i'm cdawall want me to run a quick benchie on a rig freaksavior physically cant have how about one on a very rare chip like a phenom X4 945ES+an asus crosshair II and some old fatbody's

@cdawall - Look, its obvious you have a bias here since he is allowing you to post from his account. I imagine someone would only allow a close friend to use any account they have. I am sure Matrix can get his friends to come on here and vouch for him. Of course this is assuming that you are not an alter-ego of freaksavior.

I take it this is different that Matrix spending his easy earned money on a faulty board. :rolleyes:

The fact of the matter is that right now there are $75 that were promised to Matrix by a certain date and he doesn't have them. Good luck Matrix in recovering the rest of the funds.

freak is letting me use his account since it seems the entire forums on H have called out foul because one person has more posts than the other. thus aaron is wrong and OP is correct. would you want to be stuck alone in a hole like this?

i cant post the link cause im at work now but i did see a pic cda of the dfi with a cpu water block posted by fs. as you said yourself only the nb used the stock cooling. now all of a sudden its never been on water period? ;). heh. i am not trying to flame anyone, i just want the other 75 back refunded to me. excuses and stalling in not sending the refund are just that.

my bad i misphrased the NORTHBRIDGE chips has never been under water.

i gave you several questions to answer BTW i want them answered was the box this came in messed up and was everything sealed.

also since you seem to ignore my questions i'm going to put this out there to everyone on H why is it that matrix gets to hold all of the cards in his hands? he is going to get a full refund plus he has not sent the mobo back. :confused:

lets do a little scenario for all you boys and girls.
if you walked into bestbuy and told them your lappy was broken when you got it but you didnt have the laptop but you wanted a full refund would you expect a full refund?

why is this any different. send the mobo back get a refund its as simple as that. your other option is no refund. send me your PP ill pay for the damn shipping its not that bloody difficult. i have no idea why you cant just ship the mobo back unless your full of it and dont want to send a working mobo back. Considering the X38 mobo you got looks exactly like the X48 i want to be sure that the mobo that comes back is in fact an X48.

both quoted for truth before cda/freak can edit. one post cda says they tried for several world records with the board on water and a few posts later cda states there are no build logs mentioning the board on water period? amensia much? lol :p :D.

i think this right here says it all and who is telling the truth and who isnt.

just send me the rest of my refund freaksavior so we can call it a day :).

again my bad i meant cpu on water and considering neither of has a NB block at all putting that on water would be a very neat trick.
u have the board already freaksavior. it didnt cost u a dime to have it sent back to u (i am sorry cda if freak did not tell you this or you didnt know he has the board back but he got it back in early february). ups gave a $100 check for the claim you filed. you have refunded me thus for 100 of the 175 you owe me and i am still waiting for the 75 bucks you still owe me.

as ive said once excuses, stalling and now, twisting the truth is just that. send me the $75 you owe me so we can both move on.
his spending spree followed a 2 week bimonthly paycheck routine. ie he got paid he spent money he worked his ass off to get.

wow, you really don't get my point...? seriously...? everyone works hard for their money, that has absolutely nothing to do with what I posted, people (myself included) would be willing to give him more slack if he just simply couldn't afford the refund at the moment, then not refunding all at once could be understood, the spending spree shows that's obviously not the case, what it shows is that he has held off totally refunding him intentionally while having the funds to do so...
hey this is cdawall off TPU/XS/Ashentech/OCF/B3D/AMDZONE/[H] my login doesn't work so i'm posting this for aaron.
Seeing that you're some sort of "mod" at a forum, I figured you of all people would know how to log into a forum if you had a legit account. :rolleyes:
wow, you really don't get my point...? seriously...? everyone works hard for their money, that has absolutely nothing to do with what I posted, people (myself included) would be willing to give him more slack if he just simply couldn't afford the refund at the moment, then not refunding all at once could be understood, the spending spree shows that's obviously not the case, what it shows is that he has held off totally refunding him intentionally while having the funds to do so...

the board was screwed up. if you got a mobo back forked to hell would you want to refund someone?

Seeing that you're some sort of "mod" at a forum, I figured you of all people would know how to log into a forum if you had a legit account. :rolleyes:

happy now? my bad i had to wait like everyone else for my account to get set up.
the board was screwed up. if you got a mobo back forked to hell would you want to refund someone?

so now the only possibility is that the buyer screwed up the board, nevermind that the shipping company issued a check to the seller for damaging the product during shipping, sounds like the seller decided that all he's gonna pay is the $100 he got from the claim and that his responsibility ends there even though the buyer is still out $75 +shipping (which he decided to eat sending the board back to the seller)...

why is it that matrix gets to hold all of the cards in his hands? he is going to get a full refund plus he has not sent the mobo back.

it's hilarious that you seem to imply that you have first hand knowledge of the damage to the board supposedly after the Op had his hands on it and damaged it, yet claim that the freaksavior is out the refund and still doesn't have the board back (which he does), that could lead some to assume that you really haven't actually seen the board and are just taking your friends word for it about the damage...

this thread is doing wonders for your credibility as well as his...
the board was screwed up. if you got a mobo back forked to hell would you want to refund someone?

If you got a mobo from a seller that was hosed would you just laugh it off and not expect to be refunded? Would you be more than a little upset when the seller of the board partially refunded you then made excuses about why they can't or won't refund you yet they spend money on other gear while you're left waiting for your money back?

The fact of the matter is that the OP got a bad board from the seller and the seller was too stingy to put insurance on the package for the full amount so when the board showed up fubared it's not fully covered. Now he needs to suck it up and finish the refund, end of story.
the board was screwed up. if you got a mobo back forked to hell would you want to refund someone?

despite the ups claim succeeding, you still blame me for screwing up the board? at any rate the board was not snafu-ed, mishandled, or physically harmed by me, accidental or otherwise.

the fact that my all the components i had in fs's x48 board still worked after inserting them into the x38 board is proof that i know what i'm doing. i'm just glad the x48 i got from him wasn't as messed up as a faulty power supply cause i know i would be pissed if something i bought took out all my components. despite it not working when i got it, at least all my other parts i had for it are still okay. freak should do as quique55 said, take it as a lesson to fully insure next time, and finish refunding me the other $75 he still owes me.

btw i also have chat logs where freak told me that he was originally trying to claim $229 or so from ups (i'll have to look but it was over $200) as the price of the board. i never once suggested that to him, he shouldn't have tried to claim more than the $175 he sold it for. this fact alone suggests to me he damaged the board and knew dfi would not take it back for an rma, since he wanted to get the whole original amount he paid for the board from ups.

if he was trying to game ups, built a fully tricked out intel i7 system (water cooled to boot) and has me still waiting on the rest of my refund, that says all we need to know about freaksavior.

i will say one final thing. i would not throw away the perfect feedback i have by screwing up a board and asking for a refund cdawall. i have over 8 times the feedback of freaksavior. thats over 200 positive evals and no negatives or neutrals. i have more feedback from purchasing things than things i have sold so it would be apparent if i was out to game someone. all i'm asking is for freaksavior to be a little more mature about this thing and finish refunding me. i am not some bill he can put aside while he spends more than 20 times what he owes me on a spending spree.

i was one more board away hopefully from hopefully soon to start my distributed computing farm of 5 quadcore machines. instead i just have the 2 boards that are working in my sig, unsure how i want to proceed since i have to look for 2 more good full atx boards instead of just 1 (one of the rigs was going to have a microATX that i can get from newegg for a good deal).

just please finish refunding me freaksavior so this thread can be done. 6 weeks going on 7 is long enough. you are not lacking for funds and you have the board back from me at no cost to you, and ups did give you most of the cost in a claim check.
so now the only possibility is that the buyer screwed up the board, nevermind that the shipping company issued a check to the seller for damaging the product during shipping, sounds like the seller decided that all he's gonna pay is the $100 he got from the claim and that his responsibility ends there even though the buyer is still out $75 +shipping (which he decided to eat sending the board back to the seller)...

it's hilarious that you seem to imply that you have first hand knowledge of the damage to the board supposedly after the Op had his hands on it and damaged it, yet claim that the freaksavior is out the refund and still doesn't have the board back (which he does), that could lead some to assume that you really haven't actually seen the board and are just taking your friends word for it about the damage...

this thread is doing wonders for your credibility as well as his...

actually i didn't have to pay anything. believe it or not, ups was only supposed to inspect the package for damage. i packed it back up the way freak sent it, dropped it off for ups to pickup.

unbeknown to me, freaksavior arranged for the board to be stated that it was refused delivery by me (despite it being in my possession for 8 days, see for yourself.


i was kind of pissed about that cause now i was out of a bum board (which at the very least i could have rma'ed,) and no refund. i felt a little better when he sent me 100 of the 175 he owed me (only after a week of receving the check from ups that he got). i'm still not too happy almost 7 weeks later i am still waiting on the remaining $75.
I sent the board straight to DFI hence the reason i showed you the pictures.

I do not have the board in my hands. I have said already that im not giving you a refund of the other $75 till i get it back.
Up to this point, according to tracking, the seller already received the board back almost 1 month ago, but has yet to make a full refund.
Looks like he's not man enough to even talk about his problem, but used his "buddy" cdwall to defend for him.
I think you have to resort to file a claim with paypal, or with your credit card.
If he gives you unjust feedback, you have this thread to show to heatware and ask them to remove it.
I sent the board straight to DFI hence the reason i showed you the pictures.

I do not have the board in my hands. I have said already that im not giving you a refund of the other $75 till i get it back.
you had the board in your hands, why wait till dfi sends it back to you? just another stalling for time/making excuses.

Have you contacted troll hunters? http://www.trollhunters.com/ also contact your police department and file a report about this. Make sure you leave exact heat ware.
i haven't yet but i was just looking at their page.
Up to this point, according to tracking, the seller already received the board back almost 1 month ago, but has yet to make a full refund.
Looks like he's not man enough to even talk about his problem, but used his "buddy" cdwall to defend for him.
I think you have to resort to file a claim with paypal, or with your credit card.
If he gives you unjust feedback, you have this thread to show to heatware and ask them to remove it.

i did try to file a paypal claim but they denied it with one of their usual bs reasons. since it wasn't an ebay auction they wouldn't help me. and i did spend 2 hours on teh phone with them to no avail :( i still have not filed with my bank but i dont' think i should have to ruin my paypal with a bank reversal when freaksavior should just do the right thing. before i leave my feedback i will contact heat23 first to link him to this thread. best to be proactive and not reactive i say
Remind us _how_ the RMA of the motherboard has something to do with the buyer please. Unless the seller can PROVE that the damage was done by the buyer(which he can not) there is no argument that can be made here.

The board arriving to the buyer DOA does not put any obligation on the buyer other than returning the board to the seller. Since the board was sent back and the seller is in control of the process, the buyer is entitled to a full refund. It does not matter how the damage was done.

One thing I know for sure. freaksavior is now on my do not trade with list. This whole thing REEKS of troll.
Im surprised no one has mentioned the fact that he took $100.00 from UPS and now he is sending the board for an RMA...am I missing something here?
Im surprised no one has mentioned the fact that he took $100.00 from UPS and now he is sending the board for an RMA...am I missing something here?

he didn't want to RMA it after i told him i would pay for the shipping. At first i said half but then agreed to it all. he refused the rma, i got him a rma i worked with him as much as i could, yet he refused.

I filed the claim with UPS and get the check for $100 and sent it to him.

It is completely irelevant that i filed it with ups then rma'd the board.

I just really want to know why he was so strong about not wanting to rma the board.

btw, here are some pictures that DFI sent me.



An RMA is specifically for warrantee purposes. Manufacturer defect.

It's clear that the issue here is negligence. You put the blame of negligence on UPS by asking them for an insurance check. You can't say this was damage because of UPS and then send a board back for RMA, it's dishonest and DFI has all rights to refuse RMA on that fact alone.
An RMA is specifically for warrantee purposes. Manufacturer defect.

It's clear that the issue here is negligence. You put the blame of negligence on UPS by asking them for an insurance check. You can't say this was damage because of UPS and then send a board back for RMA, it's dishonest and DFI has all rights to refuse RMA on that fact alone.

100% agreed here, he got the claim from UPS that the board was damaged in transit. OK the buyer received the board damaged ( as proven by the fat check freaksavior received ).

Not the buyer's fault you did not ship the board properly that it got damaged during transit or because UPS mishandled the package.

Buyer sent board back to you.


Get those pictures from DFI off, they are irrelevant.
he didn't want to RMA it after i told him i would pay for the shipping. At first i said half but then agreed to it all. he refused the rma, i got him a rma i worked with him as much as i could, yet he refused.

You need to be the original buyer to qualify for RMA via DFI. Besides, the buyer have the rights to refuse to do an RMA, because the buyer expect the product to be 100% working when making the purchase. Therefore, Refund him the GOD DAM money.
Looking at the close up DFI picture of the damage. And looking at the original pictures Matrix posted. I can't see the damage (although the resolution isn't high enough to be certain) but it seems to me that the metal "Lan Party" piece running parallel to the PCIE slot is running through the damaged hole. Just looking at the same of the wire pattern around the hole, it looks like it matches up with where the Lanparty metal piece would come through. And I can't see anything else in the picture that would go through that hole in the board, can't tell how it attaches either.

But it seems that DFI could just have easily damaged the board taking that metal piece off with what can be seen in the picture, or whomever else may have removed it. Or if that piece was left attached to the board when shipped and not secured from wiggling that it could have wiggled around and scraped those cuts into the trace wires. Seems like pretty poor design to have an attachment point on the board without having it protected like every other attachment point on the board especially with the wires being so close to the hole.

I'd like to see a better picture of the back of it from Matrix to see how that metal piece is attached, but I suspect that's the culprit of the damage and anyone who ever removed could have caused it. Poor design.
And as to this, the board left working (allegedly), UPS said they damaged it in shipping and paid for the damage. If it had been insured for the full selling price no one would be out anything at this point besides shipping costs possibly. So, UPS damaged the board by their own admission and somehow Matrix is eating a 75 dollar loss on the whole deal with nothing to show for it. So UPS damaged it, Matrix received a damage board..and he's supposed to pay for it too? It wasn't insured for enough, and since you didn't want to cover the insurance up front to save some money...and it came back to bite you.
wow. Why are you even trying to argue? There is no point. If this occurred in one of your forums that you mod (which you so admirably represent) I hope this is not how you would handle this.

I had a similar incident recently with someone here on [H]. I sold an HTPC combo and the board arrived in not working condition. It worked when I shipped it out but arrived and would not boot. Did I start blaming the buyer about the issue? No. I politely asked the buyer to ship it back and I will test it if it does not work then I will refund or rma for him. I even offered to cover all shipping costs from the get go. Packaged was sent to me but was either delivered to the wrong house or someone took it off my porch. Did I tell the buyer to take it up with FedEX? No. He had proof that he sent it out and that it was delivered. He also had great heat (like Matrix) so I gave him the benefit of the doubt. I refunded him the money and we both left each other good heat. I chalked it up as a loss and part of doing business online. I have no doubts that the buyer would deal with me again.
the best pics i had are on page 1 of this thread (post 20), i only took 2 photos. maybe this wil help? you can zoom in

http://www.newegg.com/Product/ShowI... LP LT X48-T2R ATX Intel Motherboard - Retail

when he was trying to get $229 out of ups, he said once he got it he would send me that amount and the board back to me from rma once he got it back from dfi. that whole thing reeked of you know what ;). i told him no i just wanted my refund of 175.
the best pics i had are on page 1 of this thread (post 20), i only took 2 photos. maybe this wil help? you can zoom in

http://www.newegg.com/Product/ShowI... LP LT X48-T2R ATX Intel Motherboard - Retail

when he was trying to get $229 out of ups, he said once he got it he would send me that amount and the board back to me from rma once he got it back from dfi. that whole thing reeked of you know what ;). i told him no i just wanted my refund of 175.

The board linked there doesn't seem to have the metal piece (what is it anyway? Eye candy?) And it also doesnt seem to have a heatsink like your board either..right under the metal piece. Although I can see the hole where the damage is caused, newer revision?
The board linked there doesn't seem to have the metal piece (what is it anyway? Eye candy?) And it also doesnt seem to have a heatsink like your board either..right under the metal piece. Although I can see the hole where the damage is caused, newer revision?

same board, the heatsink is is the same, its just not attached when shipped. can you circle what you mean so i know exactly where to look?
wow. Why are you even trying to argue? There is no point. If this occurred in one of your forums that you mod (which you so admirably represent) I hope this is not how you would handle this.

I think we can see exactly how he would handle it...

cdawall -

"hey, freaksavior is my friend and knows what he's doing, you obviously don't because I don't know you, so you're wrong, end of story, one more word from you and you'll be banned"...
This has gotten way out of hand with the flaming, namecalling, and accusations flying both ways.
Involved parties, PM me if there are any developments

My final thoughts:

Seller, you have:
$175 from the Buyer - whatever shipping you paid which is gone either way
The board, currently at RMA

Buyer has:
$100 you have refunded, which was from UPS

It's simply wrong to hold his the rest of his $75 hostage based on the RMA outcome. As many people have noted, getting an insurance check from UPS, and then proceeding to RMA the board is fraudulent. Period. Arguing about who damaged the board is completely irrelevant at this point; UPS accepted liability. It was the sellers responsibility to insure the package to the full amount, he did not, thus, he eats the difference. If he wants to do unethical and likely illegal things like RMA a damaged board, then that's none of our business, but it doesn't involve the buyer, and you certainly won't be permitted to use this forum to discuss it.
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