Rift 2 Cancelled


Supreme [H]ardness
Nov 30, 2017
Evidently, we aren't getting a PC-powered Rift 2. Sucks.
Well..... I just.....

I guess I wait for the Vive's next update?
That there is /a/ Rift 2, does not mean it will be a PC-powered, performance-enhanced Rift 2.
That there is /a/ Rift 2, does not mean it will be a PC-powered, performance-enhanced Rift 2.
My Rift is still going fine so I can wait for either one to come out with their next gen model.
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I'm actually looking to get Rx lenses or the 3d printed inserts to hold lenses for mine. I'd like to get back to using it.
I love my HP mixed reality. Kinda sad to see a big player back down. My buddy told me about an anime called Sword art online and its like 100% immersive. I wish for that day to come in my life time.
Hmm well I felt that the rift was good, but I wanted to wait for something more powerful like the Pimax next year. Soo I dont think I'll look into the rift if this is the end of the hardware road.
It doesn't make sense to me they would cancel PC powered rift units after investing this much money.

I suspect if anything they will make a stand alone unit while they wait for technology to mature enough for the next PC Rift to be a major improvement. None of this Vive pro nonsense. They should have more than enough money to just ride it out rather than having to release units with marginal improvements to keep the lights on.
The Rift 2 wasn't cancelled. That was a very poorly written, clickbaity headline.

The "cancelled Rift 2" the original article was referring to was once of the prototypes being developed internally. We don't know anything about that prototype. So, postulating about what it was or how it compares to the future Rift 2 that gets released, or the current Rift is pointless.
The Rift 2 wasn't cancelled. That was a very poorly written, clickbaity headline.

The "cancelled Rift 2" the original article was referring to was once of the prototypes being developed internally. We don't know anything about that prototype. So, postulating about what it was or how it compares to the future Rift 2 that gets released, or the current Rift is pointless.

I think there is evidence to support a changing roadmap. The general understanding was that Rift 2 was planned to be a PC-tethered, improved performance device.

With departing personnel indicating that's not the chosen path anymore, it's not unreasonable to think that's not the device we are going to get. Probably a stand alone version, which...would be a step in the wrong direction, in my view.
I think there is evidence to support a changing roadmap. The general understanding was that Rift 2 was planned to be a PC-tethered, improved performance device.

With departing personnel indicating that's not the chosen path anymore, it's not unreasonable to think that's not the device we are going to get. Probably a stand alone version, which...would be a step in the wrong direction, in my view.

I'm calling FUD unless you can show me a source. We have no evidence of anything. We don't know what anybody at Oculus is thinking, or who wanted what. We have a Techcrunch article with an "anonymous source" that nobody else has reported on, and a shit ton of postulation by the VR community.
With departing personnel indicating that's not the chosen path anymore, it's not unreasonable to think...
Who else is departing from Oculus? Facebook is a big company, of course people will eventually leave. The WhatsApp or other guy has nothing to do with VR or some sea-change movement within FB. Some just need a change. Maybe Iribe missed tinkering in a garage with his friends and doesn't wanna sit behind a desk shuffling papers all day.
I've been patiently waiting 2.5 years for an updated Oculus Rift product for the PC (isn't it crazy it's been out that long?). I really hope they do release one. That, or I jump on a Pimax 5k+.
I personally don't think it's odd that we're still waiting for a Rift 2. I knew from the get go that Oculus planned the Rift to be a platform, sort of like a console, of sorts. So it always made sense to me that they would give Gen 1 a decent few years run like any console gets.

This constant product cycling of phones, graphics cards, heck even consoles, etc.. leaves us believing that we need better stuff but the existing Rift is great for what games are currently out there. What real improvements do we want other than SDE elimination, higher resolution, and wider FOV? Hopefully whatever is in the works adds more to the immersion factor than just tackling the few issues the existing set has.
I personally don't think it's odd that we're still waiting for a Rift 2. I knew from the get go that Oculus planned the Rift to be a platform, sort of like a console, of sorts. So it always made sense to me that they would give Gen 1 a decent few years run like any console gets.

This constant product cycling of phones, graphics cards, heck even consoles, etc.. leaves us believing that we need better stuff but the existing Rift is great for what games are currently out there. What real improvements do we want other than SDE elimination, higher resolution, and wider FOV? Hopefully whatever is in the works adds more to the immersion factor than just tackling the few issues the existing set has.
I want it to project into my eyes. Full body haptics. I want lag to be an ancient concept. Something that happened in the long, long ago.
What a bunch of sensationalist BS.

FaceBook is flat denying TechCrunch's article and TechCrunch has had to update their article with
[T]he company reiterated to us in a comment that they are continuing to invest in PC.

“While we can’t comment on our product roadmap specifics, we do have future plans, and can confirm that we are planning for a future version of Rift,” a Facebook spokesperson told TechCrunch.

Then you have the Head of Rift, Nate Mitchell, on Twitter:
A lot of questions today about the future of Rift — we're still driving forward on the Rift/PC platform with new hardware, software, and content. Lots of great stuff in the works. More to share in the months ahead.

Now if TechCrunch would update the headline for that majority of people that only read headlines.
I personally don't think it's odd that we're still waiting for a Rift 2. I knew from the get go that Oculus planned the Rift to be a platform, sort of like a console, of sorts. So it always made sense to me that they would give Gen 1 a decent few years run like any console gets.

This constant product cycling of phones, graphics cards, heck even consoles, etc.. leaves us believing that we need better stuff but the existing Rift is great for what games are currently out there. What real improvements do we want other than SDE elimination, higher resolution, and wider FOV? Hopefully whatever is in the works adds more to the immersion factor than just tackling the few issues the existing set has.
I hope the wait is worth it.
I went the route of the 3d printed bracket with the lenses from Zenni. I think I paid around $20 total and they work great.
I'd like to investigate this. Are there any known makers here that might be willing to make one? I see they are available on eBay, but I'd like to give a forum member a chance. I cannot believe they would be expensive or difficult to make / print.
That article made me sad too. I think it works as clickbait because it is absolutely believable. I can totally see Facebook going that route. You don't need a great high-end experience to turn a profit off ads and tie VR into social media.

That Pimax 5k+ though is looking pretty sweet, but the one thing that Oculus really has going for it IMHO is the Touch Controllers. I don't particularly want to switch to a Vive-style set-up. I guess I will still hope and pray for a real Oculus CV2. On a long enough time line though...
I'd like to investigate this. Are there any known makers here that might be willing to make one? I see they are available on eBay, but I'd like to give a forum member a chance. I cannot believe they would be expensive or difficult to make / print.

I bought my bracket from an online 3D print service - they were $3-$5 each. I'm sure there are folks here who could make them.
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Facebook is garbage, happy to have that company wander off to do something else.
Facebook is garbage, happy to have that company wander off to do something else.

It would be a really bad sign for the future of consumer VR if 50% of the market vanished overnight. Not to mention the R&D they're putting into hardware and the hundreds of millions they're pumping into content.
It would be a really bad sign for the future of consumer VR if 50% of the market vanished overnight. Not to mention the R&D they're putting into hardware and the hundreds of millions they're pumping into content.

All Facebook did was try to lock down the ecosystem they bought into a proprietary model.

Other and better companies have already jumped in, not at all concerned if Facebook dumps out. Edit: Full consumer VR is still a ways off anyway, and FB isn't a leader in anything other than social media cancer.
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It would be a really bad sign for the future of consumer VR if 50% of the market vanished overnight. Not to mention the R&D they're putting into hardware and the hundreds of millions they're pumping into content.

I generally agree with this. Like them or not, they've been a major contributor to the ecosystem.
All Facebook did was try to lock down the ecosystem they bought into a proprietary model.

Other and better companies have already jumped in, not at all concerned if Facebook dumps out. Edit: Full consumer VR is still a ways off anyway, and FB isn't a leader in anything other than social media cancer.

Those other "better" companies aren't large enough to keep the VR market running at a loss while simultaneously funding game development. The VR market isn't large enough to support itself without at least one multi-billion dollar company to dump money into it. I don't like Facebook's main product either, but you'd have to be in serious denial in order to not see what good they've done with the VR space.
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I generally agree with this. Like them or not, they've been a major contributor to the ecosystem.
This. Just because it's Facebook, people have to hate. I don't give a crap if Betty Crocker came out with a VR system. If it was competitive and priced right, who cares.
I am hoping they are making the next Vr system a good 2.0 and not a little increase like the Vive did at a huge price.
This. Just because it's Facebook, people have to hate. I don't give a crap if Betty Crocker came out with a VR system. If it was competitive and priced right, who cares.
I am hoping they are making the next Vr system a good 2.0 and not a little increase like the Vive did at a huge price.

Lol @ Betty Crocker. Anyone here old enough to remember when Quaker Oats opened a gaming division to try to cash in on the video game craze in the early 80s, just in time to see the 1983 video game crash?
Lol @ Betty Crocker. Anyone here old enough to remember when Quaker Oats opened a gaming division to try to cash in on the video game craze in the early 80s, just in time to see the 1983 video game crash?
That's a big nope from me.
This. Just because it's Facebook, people have to hate. I don't give a crap if Betty Crocker came out with a VR system. If it was competitive and priced right, who cares.
I am hoping they are making the next Vr system a good 2.0 and not a little increase like the Vive did at a huge price.

I don't believe that facebook has the ability to do this. So far all they did was buy Oculus post DK2, throw some controllers at it that likely where already in development and launch it with a restricted ecosystem.

I get that anyone innovating is good, but instead of lowering others to just hating Facebook, maybe realize so far they have added little to the VR world that Oculus wasn't already bringing, and now seem to be pulling out. If that's the case, it's a net positive as it frees up market for others that are more capable.
I don't believe that facebook has the ability to do this. So far all they did was buy Oculus post DK2, throw some controllers at it that likely where already in development and launch it with a restricted ecosystem.

I get that anyone innovating is good, but instead of lowering others to just hating Facebook, maybe realize so far they have added little to the VR world that Oculus wasn't already bringing, and now seem to be pulling out. If that's the case, it's a net positive as it frees up market for others that are more capable.
We shall see if/when they come out with the next version. Personally I do not like that they have Rift only games but do hope they can keep the competition up. They have the money to do some good R&D.
We shall see if/when they come out with the next version. Personally I do not like that they have Rift only games but do hope they can keep the competition up. They have the money to do some good R&D.

We will see, they have the money, but given their wider track record, I do not think they have the capability.
Damn. I was 10. No. I don't remember it but I did see it in a documentary?

So, you're just a couple of years younger than I am. You probably did see it in a documentary - it may have been mentioned in the documentary a couple of years ago where some guys went to the desert to see if the legend of Atari burying ET cartridges in a mass video game grave was true. One of the oft-cited causes of the crash of 1983 was the sheer number of bad games - ET often gets the blame for the crash, but it was much more complex and US Games (the Quaker Oats division) is often named and ridiculed as an example of companies who had no tech involvement trying to cash in.

Here's the Wikipedia article on US Games, the Quaker Oats-owned video game division:


I remember the crash well though at the time, I didn't realize it was a crash - I just couldn't understand why the video game market was obviously in a tailspin and game releases were almost non-existent compared to 1980-1982.
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Who else is departing from Oculus? Facebook is a big company, of course people will eventually leave. The WhatsApp or other guy has nothing to do with VR or some sea-change movement within FB. Some just need a change. Maybe Iribe missed tinkering in a garage with his friends and doesn't wanna sit behind a desk shuffling papers all day.

That might be one of the reasons. As a tinkerer myself I would hate being behind a desk and not being able to build things with my own hands.

I sold my Rift but only because I don't have enough space for it. It was a lot of fun though and appreciated with family members.
Anyone here old enough to remember when Quaker Oats opened a gaming division to try to cash in on the video game craze in the early 80s, just in time to see the 1983 video game crash?
They were competing with General Mills, but really just published a handful of games...



so far they have added little to the VR world that Oculus wasn't already bringing
I think FB has added a lot. If Oculus didn't have extra cash funneling into them products like Go and the upcoming Quest might very well be much more expensive or lacking some features or refinement. Of course we don't anything for sure, maybe in an alternate universe where FB wasn't involved Oculus Quest and Rift 2 would be out by now and cheaper and better quality... I just somehow doubt that looking at how the competition is still behind overall