RGB Fans


Apr 22, 2002
Who can recommend me some decent RGB fans that don't cost $20 each?
Who can recommend me some decent RGB fans that don't cost $20 each?
What is your intended purpose for the fans?
Are they for case ventilation?
Are they for a cpu cooler?
Are they for a WC Radiator?
What size do you need?
Do you need a pwm fan?
Do you need quiet fans?
How much CFM do you need?

If you can answer these questions we can point you in the right direction. The link that I posted in the above reply will take care of a case ventilation scenario.
If you are going to need more cfm or a higher static pressure you will be paying a little more. The old saying you get what you pay for comes into play here. Your mileage may vary.
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That's where I landed, too. I wanted RGB but was surprised how expensive they were, and Noctua doesn't make any so I'd be taking a double hit. It's hard to justify more money for an objectively inferior product. Not to mention the whole "how does all this stuff get controlled" side of the equation is still pretty messy.
That's where I landed, too. I wanted RGB but was surprised how expensive they were, and Noctua doesn't make any so I'd be taking a double hit. It's hard to justify more money for an objectively inferior product. Not to mention the whole "how does all this stuff get controlled" side of the equation is still pretty messy.
It's really not that bad. Mostly, you set it and forget it.
I ended up going with the Antec RGB fans.. was able to 10 for about $100.

Fan Speed (RPM) 2000 max
Airflow (CFM) 45.03 max
Air Pressure (mmH2O) 2.56 max