Revolution Revealed!

bench261 said:
yeah seeing how they have shown shit so far, ur absolutley right

no they havent, they ahve shown more and better than sony or microsoft.

All we have to say is, You can play evey zelda game todate. If you ahve acces to that then it is the best system,. Because zelda is the best game and franchise ever made. Nothing can even compete.
IGNcube: Coming back to power. We apologize, but if we don't get some answers our readers are going to go insane. What are the tech specs for Revolution? Or, to put it another way, is Revolution as powerful as Xbox 360?

Shigeru Miyamoto: You know, in regard to the power of the Nintendo Revolution versus, say, the Xbox 360, we're looking at making a small, quiet, affordable console. If you look at trying to incorporate all that, of course we might not have the horsepower that some other companies have, but if you look at the numbers that they're throwing out, are those numbers going to be used in-game? I mean, those are just numbers that somebody just crunched up on a calculator. We could throw out a bunch of numbers, too, but what we're going to do is wait until our chips are done and we're going to find out how everything in the game is running, what its peak performance is, and those are the numbers that we're going to release because those are the numbers that really count.

I do think it's very irresponsible for people to say, "This is what we're running on. This is the power of our machine," when they're not even running on final boards. I think the professional's job is to not believe those numbers.

Guess that answers the question about why we didn't get specs.... it's not as powerful as the 360 or PS3. He puts a spin on the question but it's obvious from his answer. Tech specs aren't the end all but it does make you think what exactly is under the hood...
sn2op said:
Guess that answers the question about why we didn't get specs.... it's not as powerful as the 360 or PS3. He puts a spin on the question but it's obvious from his answer. Tech specs aren't the end all but it does make you think what exactly is under the hood...
I'm just glad they're not going to make it the size of a midi-tower ;)
"...we're looking at making a small, quiet, affordable console."

Thats the word I'm interested in. Xbox360 and PS3 are going to be expensive; they have to be. The hardware in their boxes is very pricey, and I think even with a higher than normal initial price, they will be taking a hit financially.
oh there's no doubt they'll be taking a hit, but they'll do it anyway to make sure they move consoles

it is interesting that Nintendo wants to take the low cost approach again, but current get gamecube hardware was up to snuff against the rest this time around

i'm hoping Nintendo knows what they are doing, it sounds like the controller will be something special.... it really is the only console i'd want to put next to home theatre components
sn2op said:
Guess that answers the question about why we didn't get specs.... it's not as powerful as the 360 or PS3. He puts a spin on the question but it's obvious from his answer. Tech specs aren't the end all but it does make you think what exactly is under the hood...

yea nintendo has always been hush hush though. Alot of people assumed the gc gonna be underpowered, but when it came out it was well powered and they actually made a profit off of it.Idk, im betting it will compete graphics wise and gameplay wise simply because I bet they are going for the easy to develop for route again.
So we will be able to download the games... do you think this includes Gamecube?
CoolWolf, rumor is that it is going to start at 129.99 .... I don't know what to think about that
it really does make sense for them to distribute games this way, hopefully this means we'll be able to download the real games as well at some point.... i'm guessing the size of the games will hinder this from happening anytime soon
Shakezilla said:
I agree with that, Also I tend to throw controllers and it feels better to throw a wired controller, plus the wireless seem more breakable when thrown.

Especially when drinking and playing Mario Kart for money.
unearth01 said:
no they havent, they ahve shown more and better than sony or microsoft.

All we have to say is, You can play evey zelda game todate. If you ahve acces to that then it is the best system,. Because zelda is the best game and franchise ever made. Nothing can even compete.

Can you back this up ? Because all the reviews I have read say Nintendo had nothing to show. And some versions of Zelda may be very good, but the cell shaded versions were just garbage.
Other than the large amount of sailing, Wind Waker has been one of THE best Zelda games to date. The Cell shading looks MUCH better than most people give it credit for.
Cell shaded versions? There was only one... And it was a quality title all round I think.

Anyway, supposedly the revolution specs here.

I have no idea how reliable the source is.
playajcc said:
CoolWolf, rumor is that it is going to start at 129.99 .... I don't know what to think about that

If true, it will be the only console I have ever bought at launch :D Thats cheaper than the GBA at launch... I seriously doubt that it will be that cheap, but one can always hope!!
Smiffy said:
Cell shaded versions? There was only one... And it was a quality title all round I think.

Anyway, supposedly the revolution specs here.

I have no idea how reliable the source is.

damn, if those specs are true, the revolution will compete VERY nicely IMO
diehard said:
Those are Old specs, and i highly doubt if they are true.

idk they could be. nintendo was conservative before too with the gc and it is pretty powerful Guess we will have to wait. I wouldnt be surprised if it had at least 1x 2.5GHz g5 like proc, 512MB static ram, and a x800 class/performance wise gpu
I think that's TOO conservative, actually. It will most likely be a dual core (either the CPU or the GPU), and have something R5xx-class inside.
sabrewolf732 said:
idk they could be. nintendo was conservative before too with the gc and it is pretty powerful Guess we will have to wait. I wouldnt be surprised if it had at least 1x 2.5GHz g5 like proc, 512MB static ram, and a x800 class/performance wise gpu
pretty much that with 256 ram,or 1.8ghz ppc 512 ram and a r5xx class gpu. remember people they have MUCH less room to cool this one then the compitition and sony is struggleing to cool 3.2ghz in the ps3
Ballz2TheWallz said:
pretty much that with 256 ram,or 1.8ghz ppc 512 ram and a r5xx class gpu. remember people they have MUCH less room to cool this one then the compitition and sony is struggleing to cool 3.2ghz in the ps3

very true, but even a 1.8GHz ppc and 256MB ram and a r5XX class gpu will be several x's more powerful than the gc. only 2 to 3x more powerful is like a 1.5Ghz ppc, 100MB ram, and a 9700 class card IMO
I thought Nintendo was supposed to have 512MB of total system ram? :confused:

Oh well, I'm sure we will find out pretty soon what is in this little beast.

I would rather pay less for adequate, conservative hardware than pay more for a riced out piece of hardware.
retardedchicken said:
I thought Nintendo was supposed to have 512MB of total system ram? :confused:

Oh well, I'm sure we will find out pretty soon what is in this little beast.

I would rather pay less for adequate, conservative hardware than pay more for a riced out piece of hardware.

I HIGHLY doubt "2-3x more powerful" meant literally a 1.2ghz system with a R300 class GPU. They're not dumb. Unlike Sony and MS, who claim 300000000x more powerful, I'm sure Nintendo's idea of "2-3x" is what you see on screen. They're always ultra-conservative, and realistic about specs. Again, let me bring up the last gen.

"X-Box - 100m polygons
PS2 - 70m polygons
GC - 11m polygons"

And we all know how much BS that was.
steviep said:
I HIGHLY doubt "2-3x more powerful" meant literally a 1.2ghz system with a R300 class GPU. They're not dumb. Unlike Sony and MS, who claim 300000000x more powerful, I'm sure Nintendo's idea of "2-3x" is what you see on screen. They're always ultra-conservative, and realistic about specs. Again, let me bring up the last gen.

"X-Box - 100m polygons
PS2 - 70m polygons
GC - 11m polygons"

And we all know how much BS that was.

Totally agree with you there. Since i remember that with this console launch and the last one. They put out fake numbers just to say our numbers are higher and stuff. Nintendo is honest to its customers while sony and microsoft lie. How can you trust what they are saying this console launch if they totally lied in the last one.
steviep said:
I HIGHLY doubt "2-3x more powerful" meant literally a 1.2ghz system with a R300 class GPU. They're not dumb. Unlike Sony and MS, who claim 300000000x more powerful, I'm sure Nintendo's idea of "2-3x" is what you see on screen. They're always ultra-conservative, and realistic about specs. Again, let me bring up the last gen.

"X-Box - 100m polygons
PS2 - 70m polygons
GC - 11m polygons"

And we all know how much BS that was.

yep, thats what I have been saying on other forums. Nintendo actually said 6mil at first, and the gc > ps2 hardware wise. I think the gc is gonna compete nicely hardware wise
Conker said:
Totally agree with you there. Since i remember that with this console launch and the last one. They put out fake numbers just to say our numbers are higher and stuff. Nintendo is honest to its customers while sony and microsoft lie. How can you trust what they are saying this console launch if they totally lied in the last one.

actually ms and sony stated polygons before any effects were applied, such as lighting reflections etc. Nintendo stated real world numbers :D Again, im still betting at least a 2.5GHz g5 class proc, at least x800 class video, and 512MB ram.
I think the core will be R5xx-class, from what I remember hearing somewhere.