Revolution Revealed!

WickedAngel said:
Nintendo isn't doing much to change their image when a major focal-point in their presentation was...Nintendogs. Follow that up with Pokemon XD/Mario DDR and you have the Gamecube 2.
they will sell a shitload of em to girls though. ddr is a great workout. and japan loves pokemon games. its all about making money.
Actually it's much more sophisticated than a Tamagotchi. And will certainly appeal to people far more than the next FPS shooting game (i.e. Killzone 65: Mediocrity). Remember how they said they are going to try to appeal to everyone, including non-gamers? That fits well with their strategy. Like I said, if I owned a portable right now, I would look much more forward to Nintendogs than I would to GTA: Port City
WickedAngel said:
It's Tamagotchi...with dogs.

Which series of colors are you talking about? Red, Green, Blue, Fusia, Yellow, Purple, Shit-Brown, Turd-Green, Orange, Brown, Violet, Diamond, Gold, Silver or the other dozen colors I've forgotten ;)

leaf-green, fire-red, emerald, crystal, sapphire, ruby

the list goes on and on :p
ryanrule said:
they will sell a shitload of em to girls though. ddr is a great workout. and japan loves pokemon games. its all about making money.

True enough.

I wouldn't mind things like this from Nintendo if they would just stop constantly spouting that they're the most original of the three companies.

I've seen more original franchises from Sony/Microsoft this year than I've seen from Nintendo. In fact, I believe they had more original franchises last year as well.

Nintendo does just as many spin-offs and sequels as anyone else. Moreso, in fact.

steviep...come on man, you know that it's been done before. Perhaps not with dogs, but virtual pet simulators have been done to death. We even saw them on the ill-fated Dreamcast with Seaman.

...fortunately, Zelda looks fucking awesome. I just want more from them. Third-party projects. Original first-party projects (I.E. not a new take on an old idea; I want completely new directions from the genius that is Miyamoto-san).
Yassarian said:
Obviously you've never played super mario cart at a drinking party while high before... ;)

Only little kids play "real, gritty, hardcore" games. Ohh look aliens and monsters SCARY!

Gamecube has the best party games, of any consoles, period.

If this thing is backwards compatible, hell yea I'm getting it! Games are meant to be FUN, not pretentiously "serious".



Mario kart high.. hands down...
WickedAngel said:
True enough.

I wouldn't mind things like this from Nintendo if they would just stop constantly spouting that they're the most original of the three companies.

I've seen more original franchises from Sony/Microsoft this year than I've seen from Nintendo. In fact, I believe they had more original franchises last year as well.

Nintendo does just as many spin-offs and sequels as anyone else. Moreso, in fact.
theres a big difference between another mario game and another madden or halo game.
ryanrule said:
theres a big difference between another mario game and another madden or halo game. a water-pack?

To be fair, I'm quite sick of Grand Theft Auto as well. I played San Andreas for about a week before I went on to other things. Overusing the words n-word, "fuck", "bitch", and "asshole" didn't really impress me or make me feel that the series was going in a new direction.

The horrendous pop-in wasn't too appealing either.
For the most part (and I say the most part because there are examples such as the GB Zeldas and Mario Party series as well as Metroid Prime 2), Nintendo creates SEQUELS, while most of the other game companies create re-hashes. Ryanrule said it right. Mario Sunshine, while very good, wasn't the "next Mario innovation" we're used to. I think they're saving that one.
ryanrule said:
did you play it? i thought it was great. especially the cool obstacle course type levels.

I've beaten it several times. I gave up on finding all the Shines at around 102 though (I think that was the number...aren't there 120?)

You're right. The obstacle levels were completely awesome. The rest of the game wasn't very impressive, though (Except for the graphics and load-times).
metroid as well. although i liked super metroid better. i think they shoulda done a game just like super metroid, a 2d side scroller, except they filled the 1.5 gig disc with it. 1000 hour game.
I played the hell out of Prime...I have never touched Echoes.

Like I said though...I want new ideas from them. Sequels only go so far (And this goes for Microsoft/Sony too).
WickedAngel said:
I played the hell out of Prime...I have never touched Echoes.

Like I said though...I want new ideas from them. Sequels only go so far (And this goes for Microsoft/Sony too).
IMO Nintendo games always had the best gameplay, sure it might not be "Uber Realistic" or "Supa gritty" but it was just... fun, which is what games are all about

hikeskool said:
Dear snooty canadians: go fuck yourselves.

Hmm... maybe the N-Rev controller will be really different AFTER all! (considering they refused to show it)

Check out this shot from Nintendo of Japan, showing the side of the console, 4 GC controller ports, and 2 SD card slots... (hmm... 512 flash memory inside, 2 x 2gigs outside... :D )

Damn it, I was just about to post that, I'm pretty sure that is just for backwards compatability for GC controllers and memory cards, since it does play gc games :p AFAIK it still uses wireless controller, hence the reason the ports are hidden
I like pretty much everything about the Revolution so far, especially the fact that you're not forced to use wireless controllers. Sometimes you just want to pick up a controller and play, not worry about whether the battery charge will last long enough to finish the current level in the game you're playing.

Oh, and the size, or rather the lack thereof. I hope they release it in a few more colours (blue?), though.
Elledan said:
I like pretty much everything about the Revolution so far, especially the fact that you're not forced to use wireless controllers. Sometimes you just want to pick up a controller and play, not worry about whether the battery charge will last long enough to finish the current level in the game you're playing.

Oh, and the size, or rather the lack thereof. I hope they release it in a few more colours (blue?), though.
there was a picture of it in several different colors during the press conference. also they stated that they wanted consumer and press input on what the final design should look like.
ryanrule said:
there was a picture of it in several different colors during the press conference. also they stated that they wanted consumer and press input on what the final design should look like.
That's good to hear :)

(I liked the original purple GameCube ^_- )
Those slot's aren't for SD cards, but GC memory cards for the backwards compatibility. Now, in the conference they announced broadcom would be providing the wireless system in the controller... Why? Nintendo perfected wireless controllers with the wavebird, for those who don't know Broadcom are also providing wi-fi for the Revolution. I'm just speculating here but maybe the wi-fi in the controller is a clue to the revolutionary aspect, I'm guessing it will feature all the standard buttons, etc for the backwards compatibity, then the new thing...
I think the Revolution kills the Xbox 360 and the Ps3. I currently ahve all 3 systems, But when the new ones come out. The only one for me will be Revolution,

It is just all around better,
unearth01 said:
I think the Revolution kills the Xbox 360 and the Ps3. I currently ahve all 3 systems, But when the new ones come out. The only one for me will be Revolution,

It is just all around better,

yeah seeing how they have shown shit so far, ur absolutley right
What information gives you that impression? o_O I'm pumped about the revolution, but we know virtually nothing about it. Compared to MS and Sony, we at least know they will be beefy revisions of traditional consoles.
Elledan said:
I like pretty much everything about the Revolution so far, especially the fact that you're not forced to use wireless controllers. Sometimes you just want to pick up a controller and play, not worry about whether the battery charge will last long enough to finish the current level in the game you're playing.

Oh, and the size, or rather the lack thereof. I hope they release it in a few more colours (blue?), though.

If the batteries on their new controllers last as long as Wavebird's batteries, you won't have to worry about that. I have at least spent at least 50 hours worth of battery life in the ones in my Wavebird now. Well worth trading off rumbling for the wireless freedom.

The "obstacle courses" are more than annoying in Super Mario Sunshine though :mad: , although I do love the game.
retardedchicken said:
If the batteries on their new controllers last as long as Wavebird's batteries, you won't have to worry about that. I have at least spent at least 50 hours worth of battery life in the ones in my Wavebird now. Well worth trading off rumbling for the wireless freedom.

The "obstacle courses" are more than annoying in Super Mario Sunshine though :mad: , although I do love the game.
i thought they were fun. and i love the music.
Dissappointed because I saw no video on in game footage for the Revolution. Too bad Revolution will probabbly be released after the PS3. I'm gong to buy Revolution for sure, it sounds like they have some good plans in the making. Next years E3 should be a better showing for Nintendo.
retardedchicken said:
If the batteries on their new controllers last as long as Wavebird's batteries, you won't have to worry about that. I have at least spent at least 50 hours worth of battery life in the ones in my Wavebird now. Well worth trading off rumbling for the wireless freedom.
Call me weird, but I've never been bothered by wired controllers. It's just part of the whole experience, including the untangling of the cables of 4 controllers :p

Now if I were sitting 20 meters from the screen it might be an idea, but even then I'd prefer to just use longer cables to connect the console to the display.
Elledan said:
Call me weird, but I've never been bothered by wired controllers. It's just part of the whole experience, including the untangling of the cables of 4 controllers :p

Now if I were sitting 20 meters from the screen it might be an idea, but even then I'd prefer to just use longer cables to connect the console to the display.

I agree with that, Also I tend to throw controllers and it feels better to throw a wired controller, plus the wireless seem more breakable when thrown.
so where are you guys getting your E3 coverage? what about coverage specific to the Revolution?