Revolution Revealed!

Super Smash Brothers Online at launch, plus an online Final Fantasy title along side. This should be good...

Then there's the 25 companies working on online DS titles. The 2 levels of online sounds very nice...
Hate_Bot said:
"This event has not yet started, please cheack back later"

when? WHEN?!!!!!!!!

It's been and gone... Someone should be uploading a movie shortly.
No demos or anything yet, just a few nice tidbits. I can't wait to rid of my snes from the "entertainment centre", this thing can do it all. Backwards compatible all the way to the NES. I think Nintendo will be holding a Spaceworld this year, if not, there'll be lots of info in the coming months.

You can now stream the conference, here.
figgie said:
? in what relation to the Revolution being REVEALED does it make a connection?? This thread is about the revolution being revealed. Where do you guys get the backwards compatability is the same as the revolution being reveleaed.. Do you guys read what the damn topic says or you post blindly without a train of thought??? :confused:

recently it was just REVEALED to me that the Revolution will be backward compatible, and I did post something earlier about the actual Revolution being REVEALED .... calm down man, i never said it was the same but it does relate to details about the Revolution being REVEALED
figgie said:
? in what relation to the Revolution being REVEALED does it make a connection?? This thread is about the revolution being revealed. Where do you guys get the backwards compatability is the same as the revolution being reveleaed.. Do you guys read what the damn topic says or you post blindly without a train of thought??? :confused:

You have to be fucking kidding me. Are you that simple? Can you only follow one extremly simple, very narrowly-defined topic at once? Do you need a blatant topic title to discuss something that is closely related to an ongoing discussion?

People were commenting on how the new Nintendo console looks.

I commented that while the XBox is the best of the three current consoles, it is the most aesthetically displeasing, showing that looks in a console don't mean anything.

Can you follow that?
hikeskool said:
You have to be fucking kidding me. Are you that simple? Can you only follow one extremly simple, very narrowly-defined topic at once? Do you need a blatant topic title to discuss something that is closely related to an ongoing discussion?

People were commenting on how the new Nintendo console looks.

I commented that while the XBox is the best of the three current consoles, it is the most aesthetically displeasing, showing that looks in a console don't mean anything.

Can you follow that?

you can not be this dense... no wait you are. enjoy.
hikeskool said:
You have to be fucking kidding me. Are you that simple? Can you only follow one extremly simple, very narrowly-defined topic at once? Do you need a blatant topic title to discuss something that is closely related to an ongoing discussion?

People were commenting on how the new Nintendo console looks.

I commented that while the XBox is the best of the three current consoles, it is the most aesthetically displeasing, showing that looks in a console don't mean anything.

Can you follow that?
thats your opinion, isnt it?
Sigh...opinion or not this fig newton guy is going off on me because I made a very structured, very relevant, very on-topic statement that the looks of the console are not representative of what it can do.

Fucking shoot me, I fucked up.
Hate_Bot said:
Hopefully this one is easier to dev for (the main problem with the cube, it was reported to be rather difficult to develop games for it, as well the small didsks were proprietory, so devs stepped away from it) it looks like they went to normal sized disks, which means DVD playback, which is nice, and ya, teh lighted up slot looks nice.

no actually, gamecube is supposed to be the easiest of the current consoles to dev with, where do you get your info??? :confused:
sabrewolf732 said:
no actually, gamecube is supposed to be the easiest of the current consoles to dev with, where do you get your info??? :confused:
he makes it up
Man i am so excited, just watched the e3 conference :)

Can play all the games that were ever made on nintendo console on revolution. The look is awesome compared to the other 2 and more third party suppost this time around. I think nintendo got it right this time around. :cool:
figgie said:
All for cube

Battalion wars.
Killer 7
Batman Begins
Pokemon KD.
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Spartan: Total Warriors
Mario Party 7
WWE Day of reckoning 2
Super Mario Strikers (soccer)
Shawdow The Hedge Hog

Sounds like it's already heading into the kiddy direction. I'm sure glad they aren't marketing this at all for the people who have supported them since the begining. :rolleyes: I say keep the gamecube cheap and for the kids, and actually make some games for those of us to see Nintendo last another console.
Glow said:
Sounds like it's already heading into the kiddy direction. I'm sure glad they aren't marketing this at all for the people who have supported them since the begining. :rolleyes: I say keep the gamecube cheap and for the kids, and actually make some games for those of us to see Nintendo last another console.

I dont know about the games but from the titles it looks half and hafl (half kiddy and half adultish). I dont know why everyone hates on kiddy games so much, I like mario and stuff :confused: My pc is for my fps...
sabrewolf732 said:
I dont know about the games but from the titles it looks half and hafl (half kiddy and half adultish). I dont know why everyone hates on kiddy games so much, I like mario and stuff :confused: My pc is for my fps...
If they did an updated mario I would be all for it most of us grew up with him not this mariopartymonkeyballpokemon shit.
Glow said:
If they did an updated mario I would be all for it most of us grew up with him not this mariopartymonkeyballpokemon shit.
so you are against fun games?? pokemon for gb is teh shit. and pario party is great, specially if ya add alc or smoke sumthin. so you not watch cartoons either, since they are too kiddy??
Revolution News:

Full backwards compatibillity (NES, SNES, N64, Gamecube) via downloads.

That's fucking awesome.
WickedAngel said:
Revolution News:

Full backwards compatibillity (NES, SNES, N64, Gamecube) via downloads.

That's fucking awesome.

yep that alone gonna make me buy it I think.
WickedAngel said:
Revolution News:

Full backwards compatibillity (NES, SNES, N64, Gamecube) via downloads.

That's fucking awesome.
Mega Man 1 - 6 X - X3
Metroid and Super Metroid
All the Zelda's Oh my...
Super Mario Galore.....
Battle Toads
Bubble Boble.....
Mike Tysons Punch out....

I think im gonna faint....

This is soley the best thing ever and reason I will buy it... I could care less about new games...

Anyone know when this is comming out? by Christmas????
USMC2Hard4U said:
Mega Man 1 - 6 X - X3
Metroid and Super Metroid
All the Zelda's Oh my...
Super Mario Galore.....
Battle Toads
Bubble Boble.....
Mike Tysons Punch out....

I think im gonna faint....

This is soley the best thing ever and reason I will buy it... I could care less about new games...

Anyone know when this is comming out? by Christmas????

Mid 2006 I think is the current date.
I was actually a little disappointed. I guess I was expecting that Nintendo would unveil a little more about their console.... kinda makes you think there isn't much to show yet and/or it's not as impressive as what we've seen from the other 2. No specs, on controller, no games..... no excitement.
sn2op said:
I was actually a little disappointed. I guess I was expecting that Nintendo would unveil a little more about their console.... kinda makes you think there isn't much to show yet and/or it's not as impressive as what we've seen from the other 2. No specs, on controller, no games..... no excitement.

Well, in Japan E3 isnt really that big a thing.

Im waiting for the controller, It seems interesting
USMC2Hard4U said:
Mega Man 1 - 6 X - X3
Metroid and Super Metroid
All the Zelda's Oh my...
Super Mario Galore.....
Battle Toads
Bubble Boble.....
Mike Tysons Punch out....

I think im gonna faint....

This is soley the best thing ever and reason I will buy it... I could care less about new games...

Anyone know when this is comming out? by Christmas????

You forgot the best of the bunch...Contra 3: The Alien Wars. Best.Contra.Ever.
sn2op said:
I was actually a little disappointed. I guess I was expecting that Nintendo would unveil a little more about their console.... kinda makes you think there isn't much to show yet and/or it's not as impressive as what we've seen from the other 2. No specs, on controller, no games..... no excitement.

Quite the opposite, really. They really seem to be into the mystery and suspense method of advertising. Kinda like when Apple announces new stuff: "Here's our new neural-optical-entertainment pod. Oh, and did I mention that it is available to buy now?"

There will be more video and information about games and stuff, but if the "revolution" is in the controller as people are saying, they won't show anything revealing about the gameplay until after they reveal what the controller is, and that won't be until they are "ready" to. Nintendo isn't in any hurry to compete on MS and Sony's terms...

We still have Thursday the 19th to wait and see if they truly reveal anything. Although I'll be disappointed if they don't, considering the BS hype surrounding the other 2 systems... It's still their way. They like their mystery, even if no one else does. Personally, I enjoy it.

That said, I don't think their controller is all of the revolution. Keep in mind it has to be able to play NES, SNES, GC, etc... so it can't be incredibly different. Man I can't wait to see what they have up their sleeves.

nintendo has NEVER been big about revealing things. im surprized they actually showed the console in a prototype form. they might of only done THAT because ms and sony already revealed their final forms.
The American market never likes it when people keep secret about things. Except their government, it seems.
So do I. But their government is even worsely tainted in corruption and secrecy than ours up in Canada, and is possibly the worst bunch of 'leaders' I've ever seen. But this isn't the political soapbox. Let's keep this discussion about the Revolution, which has a lot of potential it seems, but we're gonna have to wait to see it :(
Nintendo isn't doing much to change their image when a major focal-point in their presentation was...Nintendogs. Follow that up with Pokemon XD/Mario DDR and you have the Gamecube 2.
I think Nintendogs looks like a shitload of fun, actually. I will look forward to that one much more than yet another GTA port or killing game on the PSP.
It's Tamagotchi...with dogs.

odoe said:
the gb pokemon games were surprsingly fun

Which series of colors are you talking about? Red, Green, Blue, Fusia, Yellow, Purple, Shit-Brown, Turd-Green, Orange, Brown, Violet, Diamond, Gold, Silver or the other dozen colors I've forgotten ;)